Chapter 33

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Colby's POV

I was crying silently as I was lead out the back door to a black SUV parked at the end of the alleyway. I was took scared to struggle as he pushed me into the back, and I heard a faint voice call my name. When I turned my head I saw Sam looking at me with fear filled eyes and I only cried more as jack shoved me harder and climbed in after me.

"Drive" he growled as the door was slammed shut and he held me in his lap, slowly rubbing circles on my stomach. "I'm so glad I get to hold you again baby, I'm so sorry I left you" He whispered and kissed along my neck slowly. I whined softly but was too scared to lean away. Tears were running down my face fast and I was shaking with fear.

"P-Please.....j-just let me go back to him. I-I just wa-want my daddy" I whimpered as I closed my eyes. He laughed and tightened his grip on my hips as he pulled me closer to him.

"Babyboy you are with your daddy. You know I've always taken good care of you." he reached up and wiped away my tears before making me look at him. "Hey, don't cry. I didn't mean to scare you back then like that I was wrong. I'm sorry baby I really am." I looked into his purplish blue eyes and I could feel his spell working again. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"You used me. I'm not your babyboy, and you aren't sorry. You meant to hurt me. You wanted me to suffer because you couldn't have me" he growled and lightly slapped me, not enough to hurt but enough to make me open my eyes. I knew what he was doing, he did it to me the first time and he wanted to do it again.

"Don't ever think that colbear I love you so so much and I would never do anything to hurt you" He gently caressed my cheek and looked at me with soft eyes. I whimpered and tried to not fall under his spell

Sam. Daddy, Sam is my daddy. Blond hair, blue eyes, soft lips perfect body. Sam.

I thought to myself over and over as I looked at him. He glared at me and he gripped my chin tightly.

"Stop it! Stop filling your head with lies!"

"What? Mad your spell isn't working?" I hissed as I yanked his hand off of me. "You DONT control me. And you never will, I'm not letting you ruin my life again" He looked at me in shock and the car stopped. He tied my wrists together and yanked me out of the car, dragging me down a dirt path toward an abandoned house. I struggled hard but he had a tight grip on me as he dragged me into the house and threw me against the wall and slammed the door shut.

"You're going to regret saying that Brock. You know you can't escape me" He growled as he grabbed the rope and hung me on a hook hanging from the ceiling. I whimpered as
I looked at my hands hanging off of the hook and I looked at him with fearful eyes. He smiled and ran his hand along his chest as I tired to pull him away from him. He gripped my belt loops and kissed me sweetly so I couldn't pull away. I whined and struggled but I couldn't fight him, couldn't get away, couldn't stop him. He smirked and forced his tongue down my throat and would roam my mouth, and for whatever reason my body was slowly melting into him, kissing him back and smiling. He was winning, I was falling back into his trap and it made me want to cry.

Sam.....daddy....he loves me. Blue eyes. Blonde hair. Soft lips. Perfect body.

I thought to myself but I could feel the thoughts lagging and that made sob hard and kick him off of me.

"Stop it! Stay the fuck away from me!" I screamed as I pulled at the rope and it started to fray. He growled and slapped me hard across the face

"You need to stop it. You belong to me you little brat and you know who your daddy really is." He hissed and he started yanking my jeans off.

"Please don't! Don't touch me! I'm not yours you can't have me!" 

"But you are mine, and I can have you princess" He whispered as he kissed my cheek and started to tug off my boxers. I whined but it was less resistant. he's not your daddy. Where the fuck was Sam? At that exact moment the door was thrown open while I let out a choked back moan when he started to touch me. Sam was standing in the doorway and he had a gun in his hand and his leather jacket on. His gang jacket on. Jake was in so much trouble.

"Step away from him, otherwise you're gonna deeply regret it" Sam spoke in a cold calm voice as he started walking toward Jack. Jack simply smirked and knelt in front of me and started to suck on me as he looked up at Sam with a smirk. He sighed and kicked his side hard, making him grunt and fall to his side. He grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged him to the wall, slamming him against it before tying him there. "I'll deal with you in a second." Then he walked back over to me and untied me. Then he opened a small bag that was on his back and pulled out a pink sleeper and girls boyshorts underwear. He slipped me into the clothes and I crawled into his lap and cried.

"I-i's sorry daddy. I-I didn't mwean to. I-i's so so sowwy and I dweserves pwunishmwent"

"No you don't princess. You didn't do anything wrong. He took advantage of you. I will never punish you for something that you cousins control. Are you gonna be okay while I deal with him baby?" I nodded and he smiled, handing me my stuffed owl and gently pushing the paci in my mouth. I leaned against the wall and I watched him walk back over to Jack

Sams POV

I was beyond livid at this point and this dick was lucky I didn't shoot him and make sure he died. No I thought he truly needed to suffer for what he had done. One punch to the stomach

"Don't you ever touch him again" another punch to the hip "don't ever look at him again" A punch to the face "don't ever think about him again" I punched him over and over and over until he was black and blue, groaning and begging me to stop. And I only stopped because Colby whimpered softly. I turned back to him and he was holding the gun out to me. I quickly ran over to him nervous he would hurt himself with my gun.

"J-jwust end it daddy"

"I will princess" I said taking the gun. "But don't touch daddy's guns, you could hurt yourself and we don't want that." He nodded and curled back up against the wall with the paci in his mouth and I turned, loading my gun as I pointed it at Jack. "Any last words freak?"

"He will always have given me the best head-" I shot him in the head not caring what else he had to say as I sighed. He slumped over and put my gun away and scooped Colby into my arms. He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck and nuzzled into the crook of my neck as he smiled.

"Come on princess, let's go home"

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