Chapter 39

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Colby's POV

I looked at him in shock and there were tears in my eyes as I smiled.

"Yes. Oh my god yes" I pulled him to his feet and held his face in my hands as I kissed him sweetly. He smiled and kissed me back as he wrapped his arms around me and sighed happily. As he pulled away slowly there was the sound of someone clapping and I turned and pushed Sam behind me as a figure started walking through the shadows. I growled darkly and Brennen came out of the shadows and giggled. I relaxed and shook my head as I sighed.

"Jesus brennen, Seriously"

"Hey Sam asked me to help him" he said laughing. I shook my head and looked over at Sam.

"Thanks for that, Jesus I thought you were going to die." Sam wrapped his arms around me from behind and slowly slipped the ring on my finger.

"Well I didn't and now you have a pretty ring to show off." He said as he kissed my cheek as I leaned into him and looked at my ring with a sigh.

"God it's so pretty. I love this so so much. Thank you baby" I whispered and I realized brennen was holding a camera which made me smile.

"of course baby. I had to get something that was close to your beauty" I blushed hard and smiled as he kissed the side of my neck softly. After we watched the sunrise I picked him up and carried him back through the woods and to the car with Brennen leading us because I didn't know where to go. He was nuzzling the side of my neck and slowly playing with the hair on the back of my head as I sighed.

"Never do that again. I thought he was gonna rape you or some shit"

"I'm sorry baby I promise I won't put you through that again" he whispered softly as he kissed behind my ear making me bite my lip a little. When we got back to the car I gently set Sam down in front of the camera which was sitting on the hood of the car. "Alright well that wraps up today's video. I know it totally wasn't a normal video but I really wanted to share this with you guys, especially since you guys have been so involved in our relationship." I smiled and kissed the side of his head

"And I hope none of you get ideas from Sam, since he loves to make people worry extensively" I teased and laughed.

"Well it was revenge for the best friend prank you pulled" he said sarcastically and we laughed

"If you can't tell by how we joke about it, it was fake" I said and Sam shook his head. We did the outro and he turned off the camera and kissed me softly.

"I love you so much" he whispered softly and I smiled and caresses his cheek.

"I love you more. Forever and always" he blushed hard and giggled.

"You are such a dork"

"But you love it" he shook his head and smiled as we got in the car and he drove us back home while I observed my new ring. It caught the sun beautifully and I could not stop looking at it.

"You really likeI it that much?" He asked as he glanced at me and I nodded.

"I love it so much. It's perfect like you." He blushed and shook his head laughing.

"I'm just glad you like it. It's kinda feminine compared to your other rings."

"So it stands out so everyone knows that I'm yours." I said smiling as I kissed his cheek softly as he pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car and before I could even climb out of the car he was picking me up and carrying me inside. I giggled and he kissed along my neck slowly and I moaned softly. He smirked and instantly carried me upstairs. We were the only ones home so no one would be around to bother us. He closed and locked the door before pushing me against the wall and kissing along my neck as I moaned loudly, tangling my fingers in his hair. "I've missed this, we haven't done this in forever." I breathed as I tilted my head to the side to make it easier.

"Me too. I'm so glad that the roommates chose to take angel out for the day." He breathed against my neck as he pulled off my shirt. I yanked his shirt off and ran my hands down his back leaving scratch marks as I smirked and he left multiple hickeys against my neck and shoulder while he started to grind into me causing me to moan. However before we could go any farther we heard the front door open and all of the roommates walk inside. I sighed and Sam groaned a little.

"Well, so much for that idea" I whispered as I laughed a little.

"The one struggle of having a kid. But we have to figure out a way to surprise the roommates"

"What if we did it through a prank?"

"What do you have in mind?" He asked with a s smirk. I explained my plan to him as I smiled and I watched as his eyes lit up. "How long have you been planning this?"

"For a few weeks now. I've been trying to find a good time to use it. And I think this is perfect."

"And I have a great way to set it up" We got dressed after quickly finishing each other off and I went downstairs to see angel while Sam crawled out our window to get ready for the prank. I reluctantly took the ring off and had given it to him and he kissed me softly with a smile. "This is going to be perfect just wait and see"

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