Chapter 10

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Sams POV

I was kicking and struggling against the person that was holding me as I watched a girl put a cloth around Colby's mouth. She had a mask so I couldn't see who it was but her black hair was down and visible. The person holding me dragged me out of the room and all the way down the steps to a black car. They flipped me over and tied me up before throwing me in the backseat. I screamed and called out for help but no one could here me. A few minutes later and the girl brought Colby downstairs and he was out cold. Struggled against the rope to try and get to him but the girl walked right past the door and put him in the trunk of the car. I was crying and screaming and struggling as the the masked figure and the girl climbed into the car. The driver turned and injected something into my arm causing me to feel sleepy as I started to pass out. The girl took off her mask and I could see her, she looked familiar I wondered where I had seen her. Then the other figure took their mask off and I froze which let the chemicals take over my body faster. It was.....before I could finish my thought I blacked out.

When I woke up again my head was spinning and I was in a dimly lit room. My head was pounding and I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked slowly and realized I was probably in a basement of some sort. I heard muffled whimpers and tensed up as I looked around for him but couldn't find him.


No answer

"Colby?!!" A few minutes later the door to the basement opened and Colby was thrown into the room with a scream and a grunt. I pushed myself and off of the wall and ran to him as I looked at him with worried eyes. He was bruised and bloodied and was coughing up blood.

"Oh my god Colby" I held him close to me and he looked at me with pained eyes.

"Sam....." he reached up and placed his hand on my cheek but before he could say anything I was violently ripped away from him and I screamed reaching for him.

"SAM!" He tried to get up and run after me but his ankle twisted and he fell. He was able to get back up and he ran after me and right when he got to us the door slammed right in his face.

"Sam I love you!" He shouted right before the door closed and I started to claw at the persons hands as I was kicking and screaming. The person dragged me up the stairs and down a hall until I was in a wide room and forced into a metal chair as cuffs clamped onto my wrists. I struggled and looked up to see who had abducted me. I growled when I saw who it was

"You?! Why you?!"

"Because you're with him and I'm trying to change that" Katrina hissed as she looked at me then slapped me hard across the face. I yelped and tried to lean away from her but I hit the back of the chair and I whimpered softly.

"You can get out of this so easy. All you have to do is break up with Colby and become my boyfriend again." She smirked and held my chin tightly.

"Never" I growled as I glared at her and pulled at the cuffs on the chair. She sighed and frowned at me as she held a switchblade.

"That's too bad. I guess I'll have to change that" she slowly ran the knife over my jawline and down the side of my neck causing me to scream out in pain as I tried to pull away from her but I had no where to go. I heard a quite sob coming from below the floor boards. We were right above the basement and I could here Colby sobbing and the sound of banging. He must have been banging on the door downstairs, I struggled hard wanting to get to him wanting to comfort and protect him. Katrina laughed and ran the knife over my hips and down my chest causing me to gasp and then scream out in pain. I started to cry and I could feel my body on fire. Within a few minutes I was covered in blood and bruises and I was sobbing hard. Katrina grabbed me by my hair and forced my head back against the chair

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