Chapter 22

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Sams POV

Colby was brought home a week after the accident, but I wouldn't let him leave the bed. And in a way it worked in my favor because he wouldn't let me get up either. He told me it was a "punishment" for keeping him bed ridden, but it was an excuse to be lazy which I was very grateful for. However I could tell he wasn't telling me something, there was something that was bugging him and he was choosing not to tell me what it was. I would get him to tell me though, I didn't like when something was bothering him and he felt the need to keep it to himself. So while we were curled up in bed in the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday, I looked over at him with soft eyes and gently ran my fingers through his hair.

"Babe what's bugging you?"

"Nothing, everything's fine. Why would you think something's wrong?"

"Because you just asked me why I would think something is wrong and you've been deep in thought for the good portion of the past three days." He sighed and wouldn't look at me "So what is it?" He gently placed his hands on his very large bump, angel was supposed to come in two weeks now. Then he sighed and finally looked over at me.

"Before I say anything, don't do anything drastic based on what I tell you. I have to get all the answers first." I looked at him nervously, not really know what to expect.


"So.....there's something I haven't told you about the night I got shot. I know who shot me" I stiffened instantly and sat up, and my voice was colder than I meant it to be when I spoke.

"What....?" Colby wouldn't look at me again and he looked at the ground instead.

"I-I know who shot me." I was about to say something but he cut me off very quickly. "Before I tell you who it was you have to truly swear not to do anything drastic. I need to find out why first, because I know they would never want angel or I dead, which is why they changed the angle so that it wouldn't kill me.....and they visibly sighed when they saw it had missed"

"Colby I won't do anything until you tell me I can I promise." I spoke softly now as I looked at him with soft eyes "I just need to know who tried to hurt my babies." I watched him take another deep breath but he still wouldn't look at me. He was most likely afraid to see how I would react and I didn't blame him once he spoke again.

"I-It was brennen." I sat there for a second, frozen with a blank look on my fast. Then I got up and Colby tried to reach for me. "Sam you promised—"

"I won't do anything drastic, I won't go banging on his door or call the police or go on social media, but I also don't want to be near you or Angel when I explode from this. Just stay here alright? I'll be back in a little bit." I then walked downstairs and locked Colby in the room. I went downstairs, told Elton what happened and the promise I had made for all of us. I also gave him the key to our room before I grabbed my keys and walked out to the car. I took a deep breath and then screamed in frustration as I slammed my hands against the steering wheel. The fucking GODFATHER of my child tried to KILL MY CHILD! How the fuck is that okay?!  I just needed to go to my happy place, then go shopping before I went back home. I quickly drove out of the driveway and went to my secret spot to calm down.

Half an hour later

I had finally come home from shopping and calming down, and I felt fine until I saw his Tacoma in my driveway. I sat there and closed my eyes, picturing my happy place before I got out, leaving the bag in the car, and walked inside.

"Where is he?" I asked Devyn calmly as she greeted me when I walked in.

"Oh brennen? I think he's upstairs with Colby." I nodded and started walking upstairs to the sounds of whimpering and a gruff voice I could identify as Brennen's. What the fuck was going on? I walked to the now unlocked door of our room but stopped to listen to the conversation.

"You know I didn't want to shoot you! Honestly I tried to convince her to just let me shoot Sam! She didn't believe me when I told her you would have killed yourself anyway or at least killed the baby first. Then again that might have been because she knew I would have stopped you baby boy, because I love you."

"I-I d-don't belong to you!" He shrieked. Shit he was in little space. The fucker was messing with him in little space.

"He doesn't love you like I do. I can take care of you, I will protect you, I would raise a child if yours better than he could." I heard the sound of the bed moving and I heard Colby squeak.

"G-Get off of me!" I heard him struggling. "Get the fuck off of me!"

"Little boys don't curse." Brennen growled and he must have slapped him because there was a soft yelp

"D-daddy!" He sobbed out "Daddy p-please help me!"

"Your daddy isn't here to help you" brennen hissed and I threw the door open when he said that and I threw Brennen off of Colby and pinned him to the ground.

"I think his daddy is gonna beat the fucking crap out of you." I hissed and Colby was sobbing on the bed behind us. Brennen looked at me stunned and I heard footsteps running up the stairs. Elton was the first one at the door and I held Brennen's hands to the ground as I looked back at Elton.

"Get Colby the fuck out of this room, now" I hissed, and Elton nodded as he and Corey carried a whimpering Colby out of the room and Devyn closed the door to the room. I turned back to brennen and punched him hard in the face. "That's for trying to kill my baby" then I punched him again "that's for trying to kill my boyfriend." And then again "that's for trying to rape my boyfriend" I was about to punch him again but he reached up and grabbed my fist and threw me off of him.

"You want to play the 'I'm giving you what you deserve game?' Okay sure let's play that game." He growled when he stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He slammed me hard against the wall hard causing me to groan. "That's for taking Colby from me." Then again "that's for getting him pregnant" he slammed me against the wall harder. "That's for lying to him" he lifted me off the wall but I kicked him hard in the chest and he dropped me. I punched him in the stomach then upside the head. Then I grabbed his shoulders and kneed him in the balls dropping him to the ground. I kicked him hard in the face.

"I don't care if you hate me, I don't even fucking care about why, but the instant, the instant you threaten, lay a hand on or hurt my precious angel and our baby then I get fucking pissed. So I am going to drag you out of my house and you are going to drive away and never come near us again because if you do, you will regret ever laying eyes on my boyfriend." And with that I grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him to the edge of the stairs and pushed him down them. Once he reached the bottom I followed him and could hear Colby's faint sniffs. It broke my heart honestly, which gave me just enough anger to drag Brennen's ass outside and chuck him out the front door before slamming it behind him and locking it. I sighed and leaning against the door, the adrenaline finally wearing off as I could feel the pounding in the back of my head. He probably cracked my head open but I didn't care. I pushed off the door and walked into the living room having to make sure my poor baby was okay.

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