Chapter 5

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Colby's POV

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes but everything was still dark and my head was pounding.
"Ugh What the hell?" I groaned out as I blinked slowly trying to clear my vision. As I was looking around some light started to finger through a few windows and then I heard a dirt being thrown open which made me jump and whimper. My eyes widened when I saw Sam Pepper walk into the light spinning a switch blade in his hand.
"Long time no see emo fag." I squeaked and pulled at the ropes that had me tied to the chair. Sam Pepper pinned me to the chair and started to run the knife down my cheek breaking the skin there causing me to scream in pain and I started to cry.
"You just need a bit of a makeover then we can call your pretty boyfriend." He laughed and continued to punch and cut me as I sobbed.

Sam's POV

It had been animated an hour and a half since Colby had gone downstairs and I was super scared and I eventually got up to go look for him. As I started to walk downstairs I screamed because my phone started to ring. I grabbed it and saw a FaceTime from an unknown number and so I cocked my head to the side as I answered the call and almost fell backwards when I saw Colby's face. He was bruised and bleeding and he was crying hard. He looked up at the camera and his eyes widened as he tried to talk to me but it came out muffled from the cloth wrapped around his mouth. Then there was laughing in the background and another figure came into view.
"Well would you look at that to did answer the phone. It's good to see you again cutie"
"What the hell did you to him Pepper?" I growled as I looked at him.
"Only what he deserved. You were always meant to be mine and to be at the top of the school pyramid so why don't you come down here and break up with this poor thing and become what your destined to be" He smirked laughing softly and walked behind Colby and he grabbed him by his bangs tilting his head back and running his knife along Colby's jawline. Colby squirmed and screamed out as he started to sob again.
"Leave him alone Sam" I growled as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door
"I really don't think I will. But I'll see you soon pretty boy." He winked and ran his knife down Colby's chest before ending the call.
"No!" I screamed in anger before I started my car and tracked their location and sped as fast as I could to Sam Pepper and Colby. Once I got there I kicked the door open and was greeted by Colby's screams. I ran as fast as I could in the warehouse before I found a brightly lit spot in the center where Colby was sitting in the chair bleeding horribly and just barely awake. Sam Pepper was behind him laughing and he growled.
"For every minute that he doesn't show up I cut you deeper than before."
"There's no need for that Pepper I'm
Right here" I growled as I stepped into the light gripping my hands into fists as I glared at him. Sam smirked at me and started to walk toward me spinning his knife.
"Well hey baby did you miss me?" I growled as I shoved him hard.
"Don't you ever call me that when I don't belong to you. Do you understand me?"
"oh but you do and you've always been dating me and been in love with me. Why do have to keep lying to this poor boy?" He smirked and pinned me against the wall and was inches from my face.
"You deserve to be truly happy and he deserves the truth don't you think?" He purred before kissing me passionately. I screamed against his lips and shoved him hard off of me before slapping him across the face.
"I don't love you and I never have and I sure as hell never will" I growled pulling out my switchblade and I shoved past Sam. He seemed pleased at first and I saw Colby cowering in fear as I looked at me with wide eyes. I first untied the cloth from around his mouth then I cut the ropes from around his wrists and legs.
"You will not hurt my boyfriend anymore you got it?" I looked back at Sam who's eyes were dark and he growled.
"That's Fine I don't have to hurt him anymore" He walked toward us and before I could react he grabbed me by the hem of my shirt and dragged me over to the wall and chained me there.
"But I'm getting what I want, whether you like it or not." He smirked as he pinned me to the wall and started to kiss and bite on my neck as I struggled and tried to push him off of me. It wasn't working well though.

He pulled out his switchblade and ran it straight down the center of my shirt and ripped it off of my shirt and started leaving hickeys down my chest and I continued to try and push him off of me as tears started to fill my eyes. All he did was laugh and he started to yank off my jeans and boxers as he smirked at me. I started crying as I glared at him.
"Fucking Get off of me Pepper!" I sobbed as I tried kicking him but he quickly chained my ankles to the ground.
"But you know you like this" he purred before he slowly started to lick up my staff and I could help but moan before I sobbed again.

Sam Peppers POV
I laughed and slowly started to take his length in my mouth as I watched him sob and squirm and struggle. I went a little faster as I dug my nails into his inner thighs causing him to yelp. I looked up at him when he started letting out soft moans in between his sobs and I heard Colby whispering behind me but I knew he was too weak to actually be able to save Sam anyway. I went a little faster and after I few minutes I bit down on him hard causing him to scream out in pain and I smiled as I whispered in his ear.
"I know how much you love it."
"No  I don't get the fuck off of me!" He screamed as he tried to pull away from me but I pinned him to the wall.
"Oh you don't have to lie baby" I giggled as I left a few hickeys on his neck which caused him to try and pull away which didn't work that well. I laughed lightly and started to grind into him hard with caused in to whimper and sob louder as he was struggling hard against me. I smirked and was about to shove deep into him but I gasped as something was wrapped around my throat and yanked me off of Sam.

COLBYS POV (end of rape)
I was watching what Pepper was doing him and anger was filling my body as I tried to slowly gain my strength back. Sam's screams and sobs were ringing through my ears and eventually I was able to stand up so I grabbed the cloth that had been wrapped around my mouth and I slowly walked over to Pepper and wrapped the cloth around his throat and yanked hard pulling him away from Sam. I growled and grabbed him by his shoulders and threw him against the other wall his head crashing against the wall. He screamed out in pain and backed up against the wall as he looked at me with wide eyes. I slowly walked over to him and was standing over him glaring down at him as I spoke in a dark voice.
"It sucks to be on the ground doesn't it?" Before I turned away and walked back over to Sam and freed him from the wall as I pulled him into my arms and put him back in his boxers and shorts. Sam was sobbing hard in my arms as I held him close to me and he looked up at me with absolute fear in his eyes.
"I won't let anything happen to you love. I'm not gonna hurt you I promise." I spoke  softly as I pet his head. He was still sobbing and he just buried his face in my chest and I sighed.
"C-Can we j-just go h-home pl-please?"
"Sure we can baby" I slowly stood up and carried him out of the warehouse and Sam Pepper had screamed something at us but I didn't hear it really care about what he said.

Sam didn't stop shaking and sobbing until we got home. Once we walked into the house and I locked and bolted the door he sighed happily and curled up in my arms. I carried him up to his room and laid him down on his bed and turned to walk out and go home, but he reached up and grabbed my hand.
"Really? After what happened to you because of me I though......"
"After what happened to me I need you here to keep me safe." He spoke in a childlike voice and pulled me closer to him. I smiled softly and climbed into bed next to him and he instantly curled up in my arms with a soft giggle. Then, realizing what he did he looked up at me with wide eyes and spoke softly still in his child like voice.
"There's something I forgot to tell you. It's the reason I always act so tough at school and sometimes come across a little cold"
"You can tell me anything Sam" I looked at him with a soft smile as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Ok" He took a deep breath. "I'm—"

Hey guys what do you think of this new chapter? It's 1700 words yay! I really hope you guys like it. What do you guys think Sam is gonna tell Colby? And will Pepper come back or will someone else get in the way?

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