Chapter 21

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Colby's POV

I don't think I had ever been more scared in my entire life. Not only had someone tried to kill me, but someone tried to kill angel. I couldn't have imagine what sam is feeling right now, just the thought of watching something like that broke my heart. Corey and Elton and Amanda were standing near me making sure I was okay and pretty much watching over me. I loved them all to death but they weren't the ones I cared about, I wanted to see Sam. I was sitting there playing with my rings as I looked at my hands before gently resting my hand on the upper part of my stomach. As I sat there and thought and hoped that Sam was okay, the door was gently pushed open, revealing Devyn and then my precious blond baby. I watched as relief flooded over his face and he rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I pulled him close to me as I sighed and I buried my face in his neck as I heard him taking deep breaths.

"It's okay" I whispered softly. "I'm okay I'm right here and I'm not leaving" he nodded and sighed.

"I know. Thank god." He mumbled into my hair and I heard our roommates awww softly. He then pulled away just a little and kissed me softly with a smile and I kissed him back, placing my hand on his cheek, realizing he had been crying. I slowly wiped his tears away as I kissed him and then rested my forehead against his.

"Don't worry love, we aren't going anywhere I promise." He nodded and sighed as he looked at me with bright shining eyes.

"Good. If you did I would be right behind you."

"Don't ever talk like that, that is the last thing I want for you"

"I can't live without you or angel"  He whispered softly "and it's not like either of you would have been around to stop me. But both of you are alive and okay and that's what matters." I nodded and gently pet his hair as I looked at him.

"The doctor said I have to be here for a few days." I pouted and my voice was getting slightly higher. Crap really? Right now?

"Okay, don't worry about it baby it's gonna be okay I promise. I come see you every day, sleep here even if you want me to. It'll be fine" I nodded but I could feel my eyes getting big. He gently kissed my forehead and shushed me softly as he looked at me with soft eyes. "I'm right here baby. I won't leave you, ever" I smiled and nodded and I curled close to him, well as close as I could considering I was in the bed and he was kneeling next to it. I whined softly, causing him to laugh before he climbed into bed next to me and pulled me into his arms gently. I sighed and smiled and I nuzzled closer and I heard soft awwws from outside, seeing the people walking by who were smiling at us. I giggled softly and snuggled closer to him and he gently ran his fingers through my hair. I started to instantly feel sleepy and I slowly closed my eyes as I drifted off to sleep, but I wish I hadn't.

Colby's dream

I woke up in our house lying in bed, alone. I groaned as I slowly got up, and suddenly realized I wasn't pregnant anymore, but I didn't seem fazed by it. The room, and entire house for that matter, was relatively dark as I started to walk downstairs, to the sound of whimpering. When I peaked around the corner, I saw a guy holding sam up against the wall, and he had his hands over his stomach protectively. I realized in that moment that Sam was pregnant with our little angel and this guy was trying to hurt both of them. I growled protectively as I started to walk toward them. The guy turned around when he saw me, and I froze. It was the same guy from the night I was shot, it was brennen. He was looking at me with apologetic eyes that were full of tears.

"I'm sorry." He whispered just like last time. "She's making me." Then he turned and forced Sams hands away and pressed the gun to the center of his stomach and I started to run. I had to save them, I couldn't let brennen hurt them. Before I could get there brennen pulled the trigger and Sam let out an agonizing scream as he dropped to the ground. He instantly started sobbing and Brennen was gone, like he had never been there in the first place. As Sam was sobbing I could here the faint screaming cries of a dying baby.

"No," I mumbled as I cried and crawled over to him. "No! No! NO!" Sam looked at me and I could see life slipping from his eyes as he grabbed my hand, his blood, and angels blood covering my arm.

"Why didn't you save us?" He whispered before he died. I sobbed as I clung to Sam. I hated that I dreamt what I thought other people went through. This is how I knew Sam felt about all of this and I was now living it in the horrific nightmare it was.

Sam shook my awake and my eyes flew open and were full of tears as I sat up, well as far as I could with my baby bump.

"Hey it's okay it's okay. It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real." He said softly as he rubbed my stomach. I nodded but couldn't help but cry. Everyone else had left and I glanced at the clock, realizing it was five in the morning.

"It happened again" I mumbled sheepishly.

"Oh baby, you dreamed what you think I felt that night didn't you?" I nodded and he pulled me close. "I'm so sorry you had to see something like that. I can only imagine how active and creative your mind got." He held me close as I cried silently, but I couldn't get one thought out of my head and I knew I wouldn't have answer until I got out of here. Why the fuck had Brennen tried to kill me and my baby?!

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