Chapter 3

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Sams POV:

I turned and faced Colby with a shy smile on my face. Everyone around us was cheering since I had just beaten Sam Pepper. I looked at Colby as he walked up to me and I was expecting him to just hug me but instead he grabs me by the jaw and  kisses me. I'm stunned at first and don't know how to react but I quickly regain myself and kiss him back and wrap my hands around his hips. I can hear everyone around us awwww and take video and photos but I don't care. He didn't hate me for being gay or loving him, he felt the same way he did. Colby pulled away just enough to look into my eyes.

"Samuel Golbach, will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?" He half whispered.

"Of course Colbear" I purred as I kissed the top of his head. He smiled and blushed at the nickname. I smiled back and then looked around us. Two of the football players came up to us and asked me what I wanted them to do with Pepper. I thought for a minute
"What's the highest punishment for losing a ring fight?"

"Being tied to the flag poll butt naked in front of the cheer squad" the taller one said smiling. I looked at Colby who smiled and nodded, we hadn't had one of those punishments in a few months.

"I sentence.  Sam Pepper to the highest punishment for losing a ring fight, being tied to the flag poll in front of the cheer squad butt naked." The crowd cheered as the two football players started to drag Pepper away. He woke up and saw my arm around Colby's waist and started to scream.
"Let go of me this isn't right that is so wrong and disgusting" the two football players stopped and tightened their grip on Pepper and turned to look at us. Pepper was glaring at us as he continued to struggle
"This is wrong and you know it's wrong. You can't deny that"
"They can and they do" Colby said simply. The two boys holding Pepper smiled as Colby grabbed my jaw again and kissed me which made me smile as I kissed him back. Sam Pepper screamed in rage as everyone laughed then cheered as he was dragged away kicking and screaming. This was the happiest day of my life.

Colby's POV:
Throughout the day there were soft looks smiled aww and cheers as we walked through the halls. Teachers weren't giving homework instead they had the classes discussing the fight. Everyone seemed to think the fight showed that anyone could get through anything as long as they had something- or someone, to motivate them. 

After the last bell rang everyone darted outside to take video of Sam Pepper getting humiliated by the cheerleaders. They had created a cheer about how cute we were and how weak Pepper was and he was there tied to the top of the flag pole stripped naked. Everyone was laughing and taking videos and pictures. There was even a donate  to the cheer squad bucket which was halfway full. Sam and I each put five dollars in the bin and our hands were laced together when Pepper saw us.
"God why? Why do all of you support these.....these faggots?" Everyone
stopped. The cheerleaders and the crowd and the cars, everyone just stood there and stared at Pepper.  The lead cheerleader snapped her fingers and the girls lifted her in the air as she held a megaphone.
"Originally we were going to have you pay to do this but you guys have all given such a huge amount of donations already so everyone is going to line up and we are going to hand you ammunition to throw at Pepper the weak. So everyone is going to make three lines and you will all be able to target Pepper. Ready? GO!" Everyone quickly gets into three lines and we smile. The lead cheerleader hops down and walks over to us.
"We filled up balloons with paint if you guys want to take the first shots?" She asked with a sweet smile. I looked as Sam who nodded as we followed her to the front of the lines as she handed us each a balloon. Everyone was clapping and cheering and older siblings had their phones out.

"So faggots huh? That's how you view us? Well I hope you know it's your opinion against the entire schools" I smirked as a lightly tossed the balloon in the air before catching it. "And unfortunately the school doesn't seem to be a fan of that word so welcome to your punishment. Ready Sam?" I looked at him with a smirk.
"On the count of three" he said with a smile.
"Three!" Sam and I both chuck our balloons and nail him right in the chest. Blue and red paint splattered across his chest as he yelped and the crowd cheered. We stepped to the side and let other people chuck their balloons making him a rainbow of color, just like the pride flag. Sam put his arm around me and I smiled as I snuggled close to him as we watched in utter amusement
"I warned him," Sam said simply. "I warned him about messing with you and look what happened when he didn't listen." I nodded a kissed his cheek softly. It was nice to know that the entire school had our back and I smiled as I thought of all the positive things that would come out of this

(940 words)

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