Chapter 19

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*few days later*

Colby's POV

When I woke up a few hours later from another nap I was still curled up in his arms and he was gently rubbing my back. It was warm and and cozy so I sighed and curled into him more. I could here whispering and he groaned laughing softly.

"Alright alright." He mumbled. "Colby baby, I need to wake up. The roommates want to show us something." I whined and slowly shifted before nodded.

"Fine.....cwarry me," he laughed and picked me up, carrying me down the hall. We were outside a room and the roommates were all standing outside of it giggling and smiling.

"Okay okay." Devyn said with a grin. "Close your eyes." Sam sighed and closed his eyes and I did the same as I giggled softly. I heard Devyn giggle and opened the door, carefully guiding Sam inside while he held onto me tightly. Once we were where they wanted us I heard Devyn backing up as she giggled more.

"Okay you guys can open up your eyes." I opened my eyes and gasped as my eyes widened.

"Oh my god" Sam and I said in unison as we looked around the nursery. There was a beautiful white crib, filled with soft blankets and a pink bunny and a small bear with and xplr hoodie on it. The walls were a very light pink and on the wall across from the crib and just above the changing table was a beautiful rainbow with a few clouds around it. There was a small princess chest of toys and pretty dolls. Then in the closet there was dresses and tiaras and bows and pretty shirts and skirts and shorts.

"This is beautiful" Sam breathed as we looked around.

"Yea it is, she's gonna be so spoiled in here" I said smiling as I placed my hand on my stomach with a smile. Sam nodded and and gently kissed the side of my head.

"Thank you you guys, you really didn't have to do this for us"

"Pffff yes we did" Amanda said as she smiled at us. "Besides it was so much fun being able to decorate this room. And shop for the toys as clothes. The boys were able to put everything together" I couldn't stop looking around the room and Sam noticed, so he put me down so I could look around. Luckily I wasn't in a onesie today, I was in a large shirt and baggy shorts so I looked somewhat normal. I slowly walked walked around the room as I slowly rubbed my hand over my baby bump as I smiled.

"See this is your room baby girl. Your aunties and uncles put this together for you. Isn't it so pretty?" I said to her as I walked around and sam awwwwd as he watched me. I smiled and could feel her kicking softly which made me smile more as I stopped and kept my hand on my stomach to feel her kick again.

"Babe you okay?" Sam asked not able to see my face and I nodded.

"Here Sammy come here" I said holding out my hand to him and he walked over to me and took my hand. I gently guided his hand to where she was kicking and watched his face as I smiled. I watched his face light up as I felt her kick again and he looked at me with bright eyes.

"She likes her room too" sam says smiling before kissing my stomach as I smiled, nodding as I ran my fingers through his hair as I watched him.

"Awwww good." Devyn cooed as she looked at us and I smiled. Sam then stood and gently ran his and along my back before pulling me close to him and he kissed my head softly.

"Seriously though thank you guys. This really means a lot to us"

"Of course you guys" Corey said before hugging us both. "You guys deserve something special like this." I smiled lightly and hugged him tightly and sighed.

We all decided to go downstairs and watch TV and order pizza, since I was super hungry, thanks to our little angel. I was leaning up against Sam while we watched the hunger games series for the fifth time this month. They were letting me pick what movies we watched so we've been watching a lot of repeats. We've watched Harry Potter, the divergent series, all the marvel movies, and the hunger games. Luckily we all like the same movies so it doesn't really affect or bore anyone. However, today I couldn't seem to be able to focus on the movie. The voices, my voices, that I had buried over six years ago were slowly creeping back into my head. And that could have something to do with the flashbacks I had in the coma, or because I was having a baby, but either way they had found a way to dig themselves out of the dark corner of my mind.

Your parents are gonna hate you for this! Your not even married to him and your a boy! Your mother will be ashamed and you know what your father will do. How are you even going to raise a child?! Your depressed and an emo weak baby! Your nothing and this kid will die because of you!

"Colby?" Sam asked me softly as he gently shook me out of my thoughts, bringing the voices to a soft whisper. "Hey are you okay?" I simply shook my head no, after I realized the roommates had gone out to get food, leaving Sam and I alone.

"T-there back" I whispered softly and I could tell he almost couldn't hear me.

"The voices?" He asked in a soft voice and I nodded, tears filling my eyes.

"And I think their right"

"Hey, those negative voices in your head are never right" he said softly as he pulled me onto his lap.

"Really? Because I know my parents are gonna kill me for this. It's one thing to them that were not married and it's another thing that I'm a guy. And how am I even good enough to raise a child?! I'm such an awful weak mess, I'm going to ruin this beautiful baby girls life!" Tears were rolling down my face and I sobbed silently. Sam held me close to him as I sobbed gently shushing me as he rubbed my back.

"Baby, this beautiful girl is going to be so lucky to have you as a father. You are going to teach her so much. Your going to teach her to be kind and loving and and strong and funny and athletic. This beautiful angel will be so happy to have you as a father. She will love you so much and will want to do as  as she can to make you happy like I do. And you know what? If your family can't support you then their crazy and don't deserve you anyway" he spoke softly as he wiped some of my tears away. I shook my head slowly.

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Because I know you, and this child is half me and half you. So she'll love you like I do because she understands you, and she'll see you like I do" I looked at him with transparent eyes as I sniffed softly and he kissed my nose softly.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course I mean that! We both love you to the moon and back. And both of us are lucky enough to have someone like you in our lives" I blushed hard and hugged him tightly as he smiled and hugged me back. "It's gonna be okay. And I'll be right here by your side through all of this" I nodded and took a few deep breaths as I calmed down slowly with a smile.

"Thank you baby"

"Of course princess." It was quiet for a moment before he spoke again "and I think I know what I want to name our baby girl"

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