Chapter 12

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Sams POV

I held Colby in my arms and I pushed the door open smiling wide when everyone came to greet us. Corey and Elton reached us first asking if we were ok and if anything was severe, while Devyn and Amanda were just fawning over Colby like mothers. It was great to finally be home and once everyone had calmed down after multiple reassurances that Colby and I were both ok. They backed up a little. I told them we would be back in a little bit and I carried Colby upstairs to the bathroom with snickers from our roommates following us.

"I'm guessing you never left my room once did you?" He asked me with a slight smirk.

"Of course not, especially when there was a bathroom in your room there was no reason to leave. I wanted to be there when you woke up." I said the last part softly as I rested him on the counter.

"Well you were and that meant the world to me. But that also means you and I need a shower" he flashed me a crooked grin biting the corner of his lip.

"Oh is that so?" I teased as I gently kissed the side of his neck. He moaned tangling his fingers in my hair and I heard him giggle. "Is the little princess coming out to play?"

"I've always been here daddy" he giggled softly in my ear. "And I want you badly"

"Oh you want your daddy? After so long you just need your daddy don't you?" I teased and he nodded his head vigorously. I laughed softly in his ear and turned on the water to the shower before walking back to him.

"Maybe I'll give you what you want" My voice was dark and full of lust as I pulled up his shirt and kissed him passionately. Colby quickly latched his legs around my waist and moaned into the kiss. He was clawing at my shirt and whimpering longingly causing me to smirk. I helped him pull off my shirt and I slipped him out of his shorts and boxers before standing him in the tub. He reached out and quickly yanked my shorts and boxers down and pulled me in with him pinning me against the wall and pressing his lips against mine. I moaned in surprise but wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him deeply, biting his bottom lip hard. Colby moaned deeply and held my hands above my head and started to kiss along my neck leaving hickeys as I moaned deeply.

"You have no idea how much I've missed this" he purred softly in my ear and I smirked,wrapping my leg around his and flipping us. He let go of my wrists and almost fell but I caught him by the hips and pinned him to the wall.

"Oh trust me I think I do" I growled playfully as I held him to the wall and he looked up at me with big eyes. I smirked and held him with one hand and gently caressed his cheek with the other. He leaned his cheek into my hand and closed his eyes with a smile.

"I've missed having my little princess around." I whispered softly and kissed along his neck, holding him close to me. He moaned and tangling his fingers in my hair.

"I've missed being in your arms" he breathed out softly as the water ran over our body. I pulled away just a little and smiled at him as I reached for his shampoo and I put some of it in my hand slowly running my fingers through his hair as I looked at him with bright eyes. He giggled softly and closed his eyes letting me do as I please. I soon finished lathering his hair and I spun him so that he was under the water and I slowly rinsed his hair out, earning more soft giggles. After a few minutes I had conditioned and washed his hair and body, so that he was now sitting on the toilet lid wrapped in his little princess towel watching me shower. After I had finished showering I climbed out and dried off throwing on clean boxers and I picked Colby up and held him like a little child with his legs wrapped around my waist. I carried him into our room and sat him down on the bed and walked over to the closet.

"So, princess, what do you wanna wear? Your pretty clothes or your "emo" clothes?" I asked looking back at him with a smile. He seemed deep in thought thinking hard about this decision. He soon hopped up and skipped over to the closet and looked in it pointing to the simple black short skirt and the blue pastel top that read 'diva' across it. I nodded and pulled it out of the closet while he skipped over to the drawers and pulled out his stocking and underwear. He slipped into the stockings and underwear then sat back on the bed and waited for me. I walked over to him with a smile and put on his top first and I kissed the top of his head as I put the skirt on him. He closed his eyes and giggled throwing his arms around me.

"Thanks daddy" he whispered softly

"Any time princess" I kissed the side of his head and held him close to me. He would always be my beautiful little princess and I was just happy that he was home safe with us now.

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