Chapter 4

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Few months later

Colby's POV
Sam and I have been really close since the fight I mean besides the fact that we are dating. Sam Pepper hasn't come near us since he was nationally humiliated so everyone's been free to express themselves and happy. I haven't seen him in class either though which is really weird but it didn't really bother me. I'm laying across Sams bed as he went to go get something, his room was always so interesting. Most of his room was grey or blue and he had posters of different YouTubers and Twenty One Pilots on his wall. I always liked to look around his room because it was like a special window into his life. A few minutes later Sam walks in with a box and he sits in front of me.
"This is for you" he said smiling as he handed me the box. I looked at him a little confused in why he got me something but I took the box anyway.
"Remember I promised all throughout the rest of this year I would give you a present on the same day of every month that you defended me."
"I thought you were kidding." I laugh lightly as I open the box and gasped. It was a limited addition three cheers for sweet revenge dog tag. It was blood splattered and had some of the lyrics on it
"Sammy I love it thank you" I hug him tight.
"Your welcome colbs" he purrs in my ear before kissing behind it. I moan softly and I smile as Sam hooks the dog tag around my neck, then he pulled away just enough to look at me with a smirk. I bit my lip slightly as I looked back at him, he was so beautiful in every way and I didn't understand how I was so lucky to have someone like him. I leaned closer to him and kissed him softly with my hands resting on his hips. I could feel Sam smile as he kissed me back, locking his hands around my neck as he pulled me closer. I slowly started to kiss him more passionately as I tightened my grip on his hips and I heard him moan slightly, then the next thing I knew I was on my back looking up at a smirking Sam who was hovering over me. He had my wrists pinned to the bed and his knees were on either side of my hips. I looked up at him with innocent eyes as I smiled.

"Do you want this?" Sam purred softly as he brushed my bangs out of my face. I looked up at him and smiled as I nodded slightly. Sam smirked and started to kiss my neck leavening a few marks as he did so, and in response I bit my lip and moaned with a smile. Sam kissed down my neck to my collarbone and tugged at my shirt slightly as he looked back at me. He looked a little hesitant like he wasn't sure how I would react. I ran my fingers through his hair and nodded again as I smiled.

"I want you Sam, sooo bad. Don't be nervous if this is something you want" I purred before kissing him sweetly. Sam smirked and growled playfully as he pulled my shirt off. His fingers lightly ran across my chest as I slowly started to pull his shirt off with shivers shooting through my spine. He slowly started to kiss down my chest which causes me to moan and tangle my fingers in his hair and I smiled. He kissed down my chest until he reached my waist, he smirked and didn't waste any time yanking my shorts and boxers off. I smirked as I watched him with excitement.

I looked up at Sam and smiled innocently flipping him overs as I licked his inner thigh slowly. He sighed softly and I could feel him tighten his grip in my hair as I licked up his inner thigh. I slowly licked his tip before I started to suck on him. He moaned loudly and I slowly went faster as I looked at him innocently.
"G-god baby please. F-faster" I heard him moan as he pulled at my hair. I did as he asked and he moaned louder as he arched his back. I lightly rubbed circles into his inner thighs as he moaned deeply his eyes rolling to the back of his head. I licked his tip again before I started to kiss back up his chest all the way to his neck, and without warning I entered him slowly. I heard him gasp softly before he moaned loudly. I went slow at first but started to speed up when he looked at me his eyes full of lust and want.

"Yes......right there baby......please don't stop." He panted between moans as I went faster.

"Don't worry I won't love" I purred softly. I continued to go faster as I sucked on his neck and dug my nails into his inner thighs. This honestly felt so good and I knew I was making him feel good too and I left a few marks on his neck. I heard him moan really loudly as he arched his back, I must have hit his prostate. I hit it again harder and he moaned even louder tangling his fingers in my hair and pulling hard which caused me to moan softly.

" I'm close" he moaned his eyes stuck in the back of his head.

"Almost Sammy almost." I thrusted a few more times before cumming inside of him. "Ok baby boy your good." Sam arched his back as he screamed out my name cumming all over his chest before flopping on his back on the bed. I slowly licked the cum off of his chest before I kissed him lightly and Kaye's next to him with a smile.
"God that was amazing." Sam panted as he looked at me curled up against my chest as I held him close.
"Yea it was." I purred to him softly as I ran my fingers through his hair. We cuddled for a few minutes before I heard the front door open. I could feel Sam tense and I lightly rubbed his back. "I'll go see what that is I'll be back." He nodded and I kissed him again before putting on shorts and walked downstairs. It was dark in the living room but the front door was wide open. I crept toward the door and glanced around but there was no one there. Maybe we didn't close the door all the way way and so the wind blew it open or something. I sighed and such the door and turned around but was slammed hard against the door and everything went black.

1150 words


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