Chapter 23

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Colby's POV

I was curled up onto the couch but I had heard everything. I heard the thumps and the groans and could just barely make out what they were saying. Then I heard brennen being thrown down the stairs and dragged out of the house. I was shaking and sniffing as I was curled up in Devyns arms as I tried to block out what had just happened as I wrapped my arms around my stomach protectively. He had wanted me to kill my own baby, he had wanted to kill Sam. The Godfather of our child tried to kill the two things I love in this world. I heard the door shut and a soft sigh before Sam appeared in front of me. I instantly reached out to him and he pulled me into his arms.

"It's okay it's okay" he whispered as I burst into a new round of tears. "He won't touch you, I promise he's gone." He gently rubbed my back as I nodded and stayed curled up in his lap trying to calm down. I still couldn't believe brennen had tried to take them away from me. He tried to hurt me, to touch me even when I'm not his. God I couldn't believe he had done that to us, but Sam had protected me, he had beat brennen up for me. Just like he had protected me in high school. I slowly started to calm down as I sighed and smiled softly.

"T-Tank you daddy" I whispered as I looked up at him and he smiled back at me.

"Of course princess. I would do anything for you." I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder as he gently rubbed my back. We sat there for a few minutes before I realized something was off. Oh my god. "What is it Colby what's wrong?"

"W-We need to go. Now" he looked at me confused but Amanda and Devyn were already up and helping me to my feet. Then Sam got it and everyone was up helping me to the car. We had to get to the hospital now, angel was coming.

The drive was a very long and painful twenty minutes before I was rushed inside. We finally got to meet Angel. I finally got to see me baby.

Devyns POV

We had to wait outside in the waiting room since we weren't immediate family, or the other father. Elton was pacing while Amanda was drumming the new Twenty One Pilots song Jumpsuit (an amazing song btw. Thank god Frank let them out of the closet.) on her legs while Corey held me in his arms. I couldn't believe that they were finally having their baby. She was finally gonna be apart of the house and exposed to her crazy uncles and her amazing aunts. Corey nudged me and smiled.

"We aren't that crazy you know"

"Um your crazier than us."

"Yea that's true, but uncle Elton will be able to take her on all kinds of crazy adventures so he makes up for it." I laughed and saw Corey roll his eyes playfully.

"Uhhuh and force her to do terrifying things."

"Sam and Colby wouldn't have her a scaredy cat like you Corey" Elton teased and we all laughed. It was the least we could do to keep from worrying at looking at the clock every three seconds. We all wanted to see the baby girl and we all wanted to make sure that both Colby and the baby girl were okay. So we talked about what we would do when the baby's here and joked and imagined all the fun things we could do in videos with her. We sat there for maybe six hours before Sam came out with the biggest grin on his face.

"You guys wanna see her?" He asked and we jumped up instantly, making him laugh. "Come on" we followed him down the hall and when he opened a door toward the back we couldn't help but awww at the sight in front of us. Colby was holding a beautiful baby girl wrapped up in a pink blanket, and I had never seen him look this happy. He looked up when he heard us and his smile only widened.

"Come meet angel guys." He said softly and we walked in, standing in a line next to his bed so we could all look at her. "These are your aunties and uncles." He said to angel as he angled her so that she was looking at us and I felt my heart melt. She looked so precious and innocent, she was in good hands and was going to have an amazing life.

"Hi little angel" I spoke in a baby voice as I waved at her and her eyes slowly opened as she stretched slightly, making me smile. "Your precious I hope you know that." Colby laughed softly and gently kissed her head.

"If she doesn't, so will know it soon"

"Around the same time she learns that she has a of us around her finger" Elton said with a smile and we laughed.

"I think she knew that the instant she saw all of us" Amanda said and we all agreed. It was very true, we would all spoil her silly and she would easily get what she wanted from any of us. As we were talking Colby looked over at me as he gently pet her head.

"Do you want to hold her Devyn?" I looked at him in slight surprise but I smiled and nodded as he gently handed her to me. I held her in my arms as I looked at her and she looked back at me with sharp blue eyes.

"Hi pretty baby" I said softly and she smiled at me which only made me smile more. "God your so pretty. Do you know that? Your really really pretty. You might actually make me jealous." Sam and Colby laughed and Sam walked up behind me and gently put his hand on my shoulder.

"She's gonna make everyone jealous once her Godmother teaches her makeup." I looked back at him in shock.

"Wait really? You want me to be her godmother?" They both smiled and nodded

"Yes really." I smiled and looked back at angel.

"Your daddies are being really nice to me. They're giving me a beautiful thing that I'm going to gratefully take. Do you like that angel?" She looked up at me and the smallest smile appeared on her face as she grabbed my hand and pulled it closer to her. I awwwd and looked at her with loving eyes. She defiantly was going to be a very spoiled girl.

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