Chapter 28

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Colbys POV

When we got home I carried him inside and the house smiled and greeted us at the door with angel. I put Sam down, who reluctantly let go, but relaxed when Corey handed angel to him.

"Awww hi baby" he said softly as he held her close to him and she rested her head on his shoulder letting out a soft yawn and a light smile. The entire house awwwwwed and I took a picture of the two of them and posted it on Instagram.

'These two are the most precious things in my life💕'

"I'm sorry I left like that. It wasn't right, I should have asked daddy for help huh?" He spoke softly to her and she clung to him tighter. All of the roommates smiled at them and took pictures before we all started talking. We talked about YouTube, we talked about life we talked about Angel. We talked about anything that wasn't related to his suicide attempt and Brennen. Sam eventually walked over to the couch and sat down as he gently held a sleeping angel in his arms while he rubbed her back. She looked so happy and pretty resting up against his shoulder like that. I sat next to him and gently kissed his forehead as I sighed. I felt so exhausted from everything that had been going on, I just wanted to curl up in a ball with a stuffie and sleep. Sam glanced over at me and must have read my mind because he passed angel to Corey and asked him to put her to bed since she was out. Once Corey took her upstairs, he picked me up and pulled me into his arms after he stood up and he carried me upstairs so he could grab me a stuffie and a paci. I giggled softly as I stayed close to him, not remembering how long it had been since I had been little. He grabbed a small stuffed lamb and a princess paci, he put the paci in my mouth, before carrying me to a small play room we kept hidden from others. He sat in a plush rocking chair as he held me in his arms and slowly started to rock me as he started humming a tune I recognized. I closed my eyes and smiled as I listened to him him, slowly tilting my head to the beat, then he sang the last words

"And I, cant, help, falling in love with you"

(Shoutout to @testtubebaby that's who I got the humming idea from)

I blushed and smiled when he sang the words and I curled up closer to him.

"I wuv woo daddy" I whispered softly as I closed my eyes, feeling sleepy.

"I love you more baby" he said as he rubbed my back and continued to rock me slowly. I lazily reached my hand out and ran my thumb over the scars on his wrist whispering.

"The scars of a worrier, the scars of a hero, the scars of a fighter, the scars of an angel, the scar of my perfect boyfriend." I smiled sleepily as he hugged me to him tightly before I slowly slipped off into a blissful sleep

The next few days went by like nothing. The roommates had told us they were taking care of angel and wouldn't let us argue the matter, so most of our time was spent cuddling and watching movies and playing games. Today was one of those days again and I was holding Sam in my arms as we were watching a movie, it was just starting and he wouldn't tell me what it was, but I knew the instant it started. I bit his ear playfully and whispered softly,

"Is someone feeling a little kinky?"

(Watch video up top if confused)

Colby giggled and shifted his hips slightly on my lap as he looked at me innocently.

"I don't know what your talking about?"

"Oh so you don't want me to tie you up like a little slut....and tease you.... and play with you.....and fuck you senseless until you can't walk for days...... and make you scream out my name so the whole world know that you belong to me?" I growled into his ear playfully after letting out the softest moan and I could tell this nasty talk was turning him on.

"N-no baby that's not what I wanted at all. I just thought we could watch another movie." I slowly ran my hand along his inner thigh and I could feel his hard on through his jeans which made me smirk.

"Really, because the bulge in your pants says differently" I taunted as I let my fingers ever do lightly skim over his hard dick making him twitch and bite his lip hard. "Are you sure that's not what you want baby? Because I could easily do all of that to you in so so many ways" he moaned softly while I whispered those words in his ear and he turned so that he caught my lips in a sweet, hot kiss. I smirked and grabbed the back of his head, deepening the kiss. He quickly climbed out of my lap but never disconnected our kiss as he pulled me to my feet. I quickly picked him up and carried him upstairs to our room, locking the door behind me before I dropped him on the bed and climbed on top of him and started kissing him with more passion as I rested my hands on either side of his head. He tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me closer to him as he kissed me hotly and I smirked, and then o slowly started to kiss along his neck. He started letting our sweet soft moans and I smiled while he yanked my shirt off, and I felt his nails along my chest he was leaving visible scratch marks making me moan softly as I smiled, leaving a few hickeys along his neck. I was slowly running my hands down his chest and just as I was about to pull his shirt off there was a loud knock at the front door. I groaned and climbed off of him as I walked downstairs and answered  the door. My eyes widened but before I could react they grabbed my arms and pulled me close to him

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