Chapter 29

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Colby's POV

Brennen wrapped my arms around his neck as he pressed me against the door frame and smirked.

"Hey there pretty boy. God I miss those soft lips of yours. How about a quick kiss for me hm?"

"Brennen what the fuck?" I gasped as I tried to get away from him but he was too strong. "Don't you remember what you did to sam?"

"He did that to himself." He said before he started leaving soft kisses along my neck making me moan, then he saw my chest. "Where did those come from?"

"Sam gave them to me, just now asshole. BABE!" I yelled toward the stairs and heard the door to our room open then close but before I could say or do anything brennen forced my legs up around his waist and slowly grinded up between my legs as he kissed me hotly. I couldn't pull away I couldn't move all I could do was moan and let out muffled whines, and he was digging my nails into my hips to keep me where I was and every time I would try to call out for help he would grind into me so I would moan and then whine, and my whines would be basically silent. Then he heard Sam on the stairs and I started struggling and crying, not wanting him to think I was all into Brennen, and when I did that brennen shoved his tongue down my throat to shut me up. Any noise I was making instantly disappeared because he made it almost completely impossible to make any noise. The only possible sign of me not being into this was the tears sliding down my face, though I doubted Sam would see them.

"Wow" I heard Sam hiss and I could feel my heart breaking into a million pieces. "You really didn't think me trying to kill myself was enough? What did you want? Round two?" Brennen pulled away from me a little so that I could now breath but every time I would try to speak he would ever do slightly role his hips in between my legs making me have to hold back moans as tears spilled down my face.

"Look just because he doesn't love you it doesn't mean-" Brennen started but Sam cut him off

"I wasn't talking to my boyfriend, the boy your sexually assaulting. I was talking to you" I sighed with relief and struggled harder against Brennen, just barely able to get out of his arms and run to sam as I sobbed. Sam looked at me with soft eyes and ran his fingers through my hair as he reaches his other hand in his pocket the same time brennen does. I look at brennen terrified when he pulls out a gun and I thought he would have pointed it at sam but he pointed it at my head making me freeze.

"Oh, don't like guns to your head anymore Colby? Well then maybe your boyfriend will just hand you over and-" there was gunfire and I closed my eyes, expecting to feel pain, but I felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes, and saw brennen laying on his back, and I quickly looked up at sam to see him holding a gun without a scratch on him. I sighed and relaxed as I closed my eyes, relived we were both okay now.

"I-is he.....?"

"Dead? I don't know. But we should move him Incase he is." I nodded and we moved brennen outside, a few blocks down the street from our house then checked to see if he was breathing. Then Sam called 911 to report it as if we had just found it and the ambulance showed up five minutes later. As far as they could tell he was dead, but there was always a chance that he wasn't. Sam carefully wrapped an arm around me and we walked back to the house. When we got inside the guns were already gone and the floor was clean.

"Thanks Corey" called Sam as he walked me over to the couch and pulled me into his lap. "Are you okay?" I nodded slowly and closed my eyes as tears slid down my face again. I hoped he was dead, he tried to rape me twice, then force me to make out with him, and tried to take me away from Sam while also making sam almost kill himself. How could my best friend be like this? He was never like this, it was almost like he had become a completely different person and it hurt me. Sam whispered to me softly as he rubbed my back, know I had to be going through a lot right now. And as I was just starting to drift off to sleep my phone went off and I picked it up and almost screamed when I saw who texted me, this couldn't be possible

Brennen: hey I'm sorry about what happened to sam a few weeks ago. I had just been texting him to screw with him, I didn't know he was already in a dark place.

Colby: what do you mean you were texting him to screw with him?! How are you even texting me now?! Sam just shot you at point blank range for trying to rape me for the second time!

Brennen: What?! I haven't even left my house! I'm at home with koby and I've never ever once touched you in that way! So what the hell are you talking about.

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