Chapter 9

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Colby's POV

I sighed and slowly climbed off of Sam.
"I'll be back" I walk out of his room and walk to the door and opened it. I was a little surprised to see Brennen standing at the door. He looked nervous.
"Hey bro what's up? You ok?"
"Well caregiver was cheating on me and Well um.....I have a friend in LA that offered me a place and.....I was wondering if you and Sam wanted to move to LA with me?"
I looked at him with a smile and stepped back.
"Why don't you come in and sit down and I'll go get Sam and then we can talk about it." He nodded relaxing a little and walked inside sitting on the couch. I walked to our room and looked into the room.
"Hey Sam, how are you feeling?"
"I feel better, who was at the door?"
" it's Brennen and he wants to talk to us about something" he looked at me curiously but nodded as he stood up out of bed slowly and leaned on my for support as his head was spinning. We walked out of the living room and he sat on the couch looking at Brennen.
"Hey dude what's up?"
" Well my caregiver....... she left me a few weekend ago. I have a few friends in LA that offered me a place to stay and I was wondering if you guys wanted to move with me next week since you guys graduate next week." I looked over at sam who was smiling happily. He looked excited and I had a feeling I knew his answer.
"That would be so cool, can we Colby? Please please please?" He looked at me with big eyes and I laughed lightly.
"Sure Sammy we can go" I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair as he squeaked happily. Brennen sighed with relief and smiled.
"Thank god I was afraid I was gonna have to move by myself. I'm so glad you guys are coming with me."
"I am too brennen" I flashed him a smile and watched as Sam jumped up and ran to our room, probably to start packing everything. "I think Sam is too" I laughed lightly. Brennen smiled then said his goodbye since he had to go pack. Once he left I walked into our room and found Sam on the bed putting some of the clothes into a box. I smirked and climbed onto the bed behind him and kissed the back of his neck softly.
"Your really excited aren't you baby?" Sam moaned softly and nodded in response. I continued to gently kiss along his neck all the way up to his ear.
"We've been apart for so long Sammy, don't you think it's time to reconnect?" I purred in his ear and in that moment he turned over and smashed his lips against mine. I smiled and kissed him back as I pinned him to the bed which earned a soft moan from Sam. He had his arms wrapped around my waist as I smirked. I was resting my hips in between his legs as he whimpered softly into our kiss my fingers gently slipped under his shirt causing him to gasp and I smiled slipping my tongue into his mouth. He pulled me closer to him greedily as his fingers tangled in my hair and his legs around his waist. He bit my tongue playfully and I moaned pressing my hands into the bed and then he pulled away and I saw something in his eyes like something clicked and he quickly flipped me over pinning me to the bed. He gently kissed the side of my neck with a smirk as I continued to moan softly.
"Now do you remember who's stronger?" He purred softly in my ear before nibbling on it playfully. I nodded and felt him pressing on top of me so I started squirming trying to get friction. He laughed softly and shook his head using one of his hands to keep my wrists pinned to the bed and his other hand to pin my hips to the bed. I whined softly as I tried to squirm.
"Sometimes I question you being a little. Especially when you act so dominant" I looked up at him with big eyes and I tried to squirm again but he was a lot stronger than I was.
"Maybe your right. Maybe your the little and you've just imagined me being a little to symbolize what you are" he pulled my shirt over my head before I could ask him what he meant. I moaned loudly as he sucked on my nipple and I completely forgot about anything else. I clenched my hands into fists and tried to squirm again, my need growing stronger as I moaned and whined. Sam slowly sucked on both of my nipples and then slowly started to leave a trail of hickeys down my chest as I moaned loudly my entire body tensing with pleasure. He looked up at me with lustful eyed as he started to pull my shorts down with a smirk. I stopped moving as I looked at him with hopeful eyes. He started to palm me through my boxers causing me to moan and tangle my fingers in his hair.
"Please Sammy....." I moaned out arching my back. He smirked and slipped my boxers off after pulling off his clothes. He started to tease my entrance causing me to moan and whine as I looked at him with pleading eyes. Without warning he slammed inside of me hard. I gasped which soon melted into a groan of pure pleaser. He started thrusting deeper inside of me as I moaned and groaned, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Fu-fuck sam...faster please." He did as I asked instantly picking up speed, and as he did so he nailed my prostate hard causing me to scream out in pleasure.
"Oh is that where you like it Colby?" He teased as he kept hitting the same spot with more speed.
"Ngh...right there.....FUCK!" I tightened my grip on his hair as I arched my back coming closer to my climax. "I'"
"Just a little longer baby" he said thrusting harder. After a few more thrust and screams he looked at me with bright eyes as he said. "Now." In that moment I came all over my chest as I screamed out his name while he came inside of me. He slowly licked the  semen off of my tip and chest with a smile.
"D-damn" I panted as I looked at him with soft eyes. He laughed lightly and gently ran his fingers through my hair.
"See, I told you I was stronger." He teased before he got up to shower leaving me there in stunned pleasure.

*Few hours later*

Sam and I were curled up on his bed and he was fast asleep in my arms. I looked at him with soft eyes, he was like a little angel with his blonde hair forming a little halo on his head as he slept. I closed my eyes and was about to fall asleep when I heard our bedroom door burst open. Sam was ripped out of my arms with a shout and when I tried to reach for him someone pulled a cloth over my mouth and I felt light headed. The last thing I saw was Sam being dragged out kicking and screaming calling my name as he looked at me with fear filled eyes before everything went black


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