Chapter 27

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Sams POV

I got to leave a few days later, and I hadn't seen brennen since he brought Colby to see me. I also knew he wasn't going after Colby because Colby was here with me for the whole 72 hours and none of us had gotten any text from the roommates telling us that he had showed up or broken in. When I was finally released, the doctors told me I would be completely fine, though they suggested I see a therapist about my suicidal thoughts. Colby thanked them for everything before we walked out of the room, his arms wrapped around me as he held me close.

"Angel will be excited to see you" Colby said making me smile as I nodded. The guys had brought angel over a few times to see me which was nice. She was already about a week old and I couldn't believe it. So was so small and precious and she loved to laugh and giggle when Colby and I made corny faces. Her laugh was so cute, it sounded like little angel bells, which was quite fitting considering her name. "She won't laugh as much when your not around, she'll give me a small giggle for a few seconds but it'll stop quickly. I think she likes us better together.

"Well that's because she could probably tell something was off with me not being there but her being able to visit me."

"Yea maybe, she's smart like her dada."

"You mean you" I said and he shook his head with a soft blush. He opened his mouth to protest but I kissed him softly cutting him off "I'm right and that's the end of it" I said with a smile as we walked out. People in the lobby were giving us weird looks but I didnt care, they could judge us all they wanted but they were never ever gonna keep us from each other. As we were walking by the door I heard a family whisper.

"So they help gays too? They better bath that whole room in holy water." That made Colby stop and turn, facing the high end Christian woman that had spoken in the first place.

"I'm sorry do you have a problem or something?" He hissed as he kept me behind him.

"Is it talking to me?" She asked her friend and I glared at her, tightening the grip I had on Colby's arm.

"Yea I'm talking to you. Now answer the damn question." He hissed taking a step forward. She scoffed at him and glared at him.

"Well obviously I have a problem. The fact that your talking to me at all is an insult" she hissed as she held her cross. I could see Colby tensing up and I dug my nails into his arm, telling him to cool it. He took a deep breath and looked at her as he spoke calmly.

"I would like to inform you that it is now 2018 and people have become more excepting of the LGBTQ community, even those of a Christian or Catholic background. I apologize that you have not kept up with the times quite yet, but if you could try to understand that my husband and I are just as human as you are it would be greatly appreciated. Have a blessed day." Then he dragged me out of the building very quickly while the woman stood there, in shock and fuming. He didn't stop until we got to the car. When we did he pinned me against the car and kissed me hard on the mouth. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him back with a soft sigh. After a few minutes he pulled away with a shy smile. "Sorry I was just-"

"She worked you up and you wanted to calm down a little." I said with a smile as I ran my fingers through his hair. He sighed and nodded before pulling me close and hugging me tightly.

"God why don't people understand?" He asked softly as he ran his hands along my back.

"Because understanding would mean changing everything they had learned growing up." I responded and I nuzzled into his shoulder with a sigh. As he was holding me I could hear that stupid lady's voice again and I slowly ran my fingers through his hair as I hoped he wouldn't flip out.

"Oh my goodness" I heard her say from a distance. She must have seen us again. "Why are they everywhere?"

"Maybe gods trying to tell you something dear" I heard an older voice say before another scoff, then a few minutes later I heard an older woman speak as she placed her hand on my arm. "Are you alright dear?" I looked up and smiled when I saw this older woman in a wheelchair looking at me.

"Yes I'm alright, now that we get to go back home to our daughter."

"Oh that's wonderful. How old is she?"

"She's about two months old now."

"Well she is a very lucky child" then the woman saw my wrists and gently took one in her hands. "She also has a very strong father" Colby has pulled away from me a little so that we were both facing this very kind woman and she smiled as I blushed.

"Thank you." I said softly.

"Of course dear, just remember that you are loved, no matter what a few batty people say" she then wheeled off as we said our goodbyes to her. She was quite sweet, and she had clearly baffled the younger woman Colby had gotten in a small fight with earlier. Colby smiled at me and kissed my forehead before picking me up and carrying me to the other side of the car. I squealed and giggled as I clung to him with a smile as I wrapped my legs around him. He stopped halfway to the passenger side and smiled.

"You don't want me to let go do you?" I shook my head no and he laughed before walking to the drivers side and keeping me in his lap while he sat down and fastened the seatbelt over both of us. "Alright Sammy, it's time to go home."

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