Chapter 41

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Colby's POV

Sam had just uploaded the video and we were waiting to see everyone's response to it while I was playing with his hair to try and keep my mind off of what the fans might say. I don't think Sam noticed how nervous I was until he looked back at me. He sighed softly and climbed on my lap as he held my face in his hands

"Hey, everything is gonna be fine. I promise." He said softly and I sighed

"We don't know that" I mumbled "what if they think its a stunt or give us crap for this?" I asked and my nerves got worse. He gently kissed me as he held me close and he wrapped his legs around my waist. I sighed and kissed him back with a smile as I nodded.

"Thank you baby" I whispered softly and smiled. He nodded and snuggled close to me as I rested my forehead against his.

"Anytime beautiful" I sighed smiling as I kept him close to me. We cuddled for a little while and then he hopped up and giggled running upstairs. I looked at him curiously and got up to follow him but he quickly came down with angel and I smiled. She name grabby hands at me and I gently took her from Sam and spun her around.

"Well hello there princess angel. Are you excited to be apart of a wedding?" She giggled which made me smile and I kissed her head before sitting with her on the ground and she giggled while I bounced her and she started playing with some of the blocks still on the ground. I smiled and watched her and she started crawling around and playing with the blocks and stuffed animals Sam had brought out. I smiled as I watched her and she crawled over to me and in my lap while playing with one of her stuffed llamas that Sam and I got her awhile ago and I smiled watching her.

"D-duh-gahu" I watched her curiously with a smile and Sam cane and sat next to me.

"What is it princess? What are you trying to say?"

"D-Dugh- Dada!" My eyes brightened and so did sams as we smiled brightly

"Oh my god she said her first word. She said her first word" Sam said excitedly. I nodded and lifted her up in the sky and she giggled

"Dada Dada!" She squeaked and I laughed smiling happily.

"That's right baby girl"

"Im so glad we got that on camera" I heard someone say and I turned to see Corey walking over to us.  "You two are so cute with her I love it." He handed me the camera and I smiled as I looked at him with bright eyes.

"Thank you so much."

"Any time brother" he said before walking off and I smiled as I looked through the video and smiled before kissing the top of angels head.

"You said your first word. And it was so cute. Yes it was." I cooed and she giggled as stuck her arms out like she was flying which made me laugh as I gently tossed her and caught her again. I saw Sam flinch a little which made me smile and I got up and walked over to him, handing her to him.

"D-D-Da-Daddy" She squeaked as he held her close and Sam smiled and kissed the side of her head.

"That's it baby girl. That's my name." She giggled and Sam held her close as in awwwwed. She snuggled close to him and hugged the llama close to her while chewing on the llamas head. I giggled as I watched them and kissed Sam softly who smiled. "I love you so much" he whispered softly with a smile.

"I love you too beautiful" I said smiling. "Im gonna go get some food do we need anything else?"

"Teething rings and more diapers" I nodded and smiled as I kissed his cheek and grabbed my keys and walked outside. Then I got in the car and drove to the store.

While I was shopping I got some stuff for a surprise dinner tonight, toys and diapers for angel, along with teething stuff for her, and a little extra surprise for Sam. I paid for everything and the girl at the register smiled at me.

"He's really lucky to have you."

"Huh?" I asked surprised.

"'re Colby right? Sams really lucky to have you"

"Oh" I said smiling. "Thank you. But honestly I'm the lucky one" she laughed and smiled.

"You're both lucky to have each other then" she said as I paid and she handed me the bags before before saying goodbye and I walked out.

When I loaded everything into the car I texted Sam to tell him I was heading home, and just as I did this girl with blue hair came up to me with tears in her eyes.

"Can you help me? My dog, he's locked in my car and I can't get to him. Please help me" I nodded and followed her to her car where her dog was curled up on the passenger seat panting. I knelt in front of the drivers side and started to pick the lock when something hard and cold smashed against my head and I fell foreword, my vision blurring and my head pounding.

"What-What the hell?"

"You are way to easy to get to Colby Brock. Sam made such a terrible terrible mistake" I was being picked up and thrown into the passenger seat of the car as I tried to figure out where I was but my vision was too clouded and my head hurt to much. Then I saw the girls face as she smiled at me and I realized who she was but before I could say or do anything I blacked out

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