Chapter 8

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Colby's POV

We had just pulled up to my parents house and I looked at the door nervously.
"Are you sure your ok love?" Sam asked me softly as he placed his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and nodded before gently kissing him.
"Yea I'm just scared of how they'll react."
"I'll be right here to keep you safe I promise." He smiled at me softly and ran his fingers through my hair as I sighed and relaxed a little and nodded.
"Come on lets go" I climbed out of the car and grabbed his hand once he was next to me. We walked up to the door and I knocked on the door. Gage my brother answered the door and smiled at the two of us.
"They're gonna kill you, you know that right?"
"Good to see you too bro. And yes I'm very aware that they will kill me. I'm kinda hoping for it. How's Luke doing"
"He's been great since last night" he responded flashing a smile at me. I rolled my eyes and laughed, then he stepped aside and let me yelling into the house that we were here. My Mom and Dad walked in and Sam instantly dropped my hand knowing it was probably better it I told them instead of them figuring it out themselves.
"Hey Mom,Dad can you guys sit there's something I want to tell you." They looked at me curiously and nodded sitting on the couch in front of us with Gage standing next to me.
"What is it sweetie?" My Mom asked softly.
"Well There's been a lot going on at school like the fight and the kid that saved me from Sam Pepper. Well there's also a reason I haven't been around a whole lot. And it's because...." I looked over at Sam with bright eyes and he nodded encouragingly. I sighed and turned back to my parents.
"The kid who saved me from Sam Pepper is my boyfriend" I said lacing my fingers with Sams. My brother smiled proudly at me whereas my  parents looked like they had been kicked in the stomach.
"Wh-what?" My mother stuttered out. My dad stood up and looked at me with dark eyes. He started to walk toward me but both Gage and Sam stood in front of me protectively and spoke in unison
"Your not going to hurt him" my dad looked at them stunned but regained himself quickly and pushed both of them to the side. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me to his room slamming the door.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! You're gay? And dating a guy" he slapped me hard across the face. "I WILL NOT tolerate a gay in my house!"
"That's fine. I figured that you wouldn't. I'll just get my things and leave." I started to walk to the door but he grabbed me, spun me around and slammed me against the wall with a loud thud.
"You think it's just that easy?" He growled darkly. "I'm most defiantly going to try and beat the gayness out of you first." He raised his hand to slap me when there was a banging on the door.
"Let him go damn it!" It was Sam banging on the door and I could here Gage coming behind him. My father only grinned and slapped me hard across the face causing me to yelp in pain.
"If he wants to protect you he's actually going to have to try harder than that" he sneered and punches me hard in the face. I groaned in pain and whimpered my vision blurring. He punched and kicked me making me scream yelp and groan until I fell to the ground. He looked at me with a sneer and continued to kick me in the stomach and the banging on the door and stopped. He left me, left me here to die. He didn't love me I mean how could he I didn't deserve to be loved anyway but it was nice while it lasted. I closed my eyes and curled up into a small ball bracing myself for more pain when I heard something crash to the ground and a yell. I tried to look up but I was took weak and I slowly blacked out with the sound of Sams voice ringing in my ears.


I saw Colby on the ground and I growled darkly at his dad and tried to lunge at him but he had grabbed something and smashed it against my head causing me to instantly black out. Most of the time when I black out there is only darkness but this time was different. I had dreams, beautiful and painful dreams. Colby and I move to LA, we met a bunch of cool guys named Corey, Elton, Devyn, and Amanda. We all moved into a mansion together and were all amazing youtubers. We went to New Zealand and Australia and Egypt, we had three dogs in our house named Circa, Navi and Buddy. We did all kinds of over night videos and exploration videos and we all had the best merch. Our fans loved us and everything was beautiful. But these were only dreams. I groaned and slowly started to open my eyes and was curled up on my side in bed. My head was throbbing and I shifted slightly and saw Colby kneeling in front of my with a soft smile.
"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" He asked me in a soft voice. I looked at him with a smile.
"I feel alright" I say in a groggy voice. "How long have I been out?"
"Oh about 3 days" He said looking at his phone. My eyes widened.
"Three days?"
"Yea....I guess my dad hit you pretty hard" he sighed looking at me with soft eyes. I groaned as my head was pounding again and I laid back on the bed. Colby sighed gently running his fingers through my hair before he reached over to the bed side table and handed me some pills.
"This should help you with your headache" he handed me a cup of water when I sat up and I took the pills.
"Thanks" I sigh trying to relax. Then I looked at Colby and saw the bruises and a few scars. And my eyes widened remembering why his dad had hit me.
"Are you ok?" I asked him as I sit up reaching out gently placing my hand on his cheek. He laughed and smiled at me softly.
"Yes baby I'm fine don't worry. My brother took care of my while you were recovering. He took care of you too." He leaned into my hand and I relaxed and nodded.
"Good" he gave me a kiss and then moved closer to me so that he was now curled close to me. I slowly ran my fingers through his hair and started to slowly and softly kiss his neck. He moaned softly and smirked at me and started to climb onto my lap but then he stopped. There was a knock at our front door

Word count 1199

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