Chapter 26

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Colby's POV

I wasn't aloud to see Sam for four days. It was tearing me apart and I was at home taking care of angel with the help of the roommates while my heart felt torn up and long gone. He could be dead for all I knew. I couldn't live with the thought of him being dead. If he was dead....well let's just say Angel wouldn't really remember either of her parents. Most of the time Corey and Devyn were watching her while I cried in our room. Brennen didn't come to see me, which was in his best interest at the moment, but he was keeping me updated on Sam. Though from what I was hearing he could pretty much be dead. He was in a coma, and to make sure nothing goes horribly wrong I'm not aloud to see him until tomorrow. I wonder if this is how he felt when I was in that coma? Broken lifeless empty....dead? Probably not, he might have been worried but I don't think he felt like this. He probably didn't feel this gut renching pain, knowing the love of his life had tried to kill himself and you had no idea. It took someone you hate to save his life....if he lives, and that was just by luck. Brennen was pissed so he felt like fucking with Sam, but the instant that same was showing those very obvious signs of attempted suicide he texted me and drove over. I was shaking at this point, curled up on the bed crying. I hadn't eaten much, but the roommates made me eat. They would bring me small bowls of fruit or cereal or a sandwich or something like that and wouldn't leave until I ate. They knew I wanted to be alone so they knew that was how I would eat. At the moment though I was quivering and shaking in bed in a small ball and Elton was leaning on a bookshelf across from me.

"You really should eat Colby" he said looking at me with soft eyes and I simply shook my head in refusal. Why should I? Sam didn't eat much and I was gone for a week. It's been four days and all the roommates are trying to get me to eat. It'll probably be easier when I can be with Sam m, then they won't bother me and I can eat when I feel like it's really necessary. Eventually he gave up and walked downstairs with a soft sigh. I lay there for a good half hour before my phone was buzzing. I grudgly picked it up and answered.

"What?" I mumbled into the phone. It was brennen.

"Get someone to drive you here in the next five minutes."

"What why?" I asked sitting up.

"Your being requested." I didn't know what that meant but I told him I was on my way and Elton drove me. When we got there brennen took my arm because he could tell I was weak, and he deliberately avoided grabbing my hand, which surprised me. He lead me to a room and let go of my arm and pushed the door open.

"Oh thank fuck tour here" Sam sighed and closed his eyes when he saw me. I walked over to him and I had new tears in my eyes as I was next to him and he instantly pulled him into his chest and held my close "God I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have scared you like that." Tears of relief slid down my cheeks.

"It's okay....your alive and that's what matters."

"Angels okay?"

"She's sleeping in devyns arms" I said as I looked up at him.

"Are YOU okay?" He asked me as tears filled his eyes when he looked at me. I nodded and ran my fingers through his hair as I sighed.

"I am now. I'm here with you and your okay so that's all that matters"

"No it's not" he looked at me with soft eyes and I could see the guilt that filled them. "I told you that you were lying to me, that neither you or Angel loved me. I tried to leave my little kitten, and that wasn't right at all" he looked ashamed with himself as he sighed and looked away from me. I gently turned his chin so he had to look at me and he had tears in his eyes.

"Sammy" I said softly "it's not like you came up with those thoughts on your own. Brennen put them in your head when you overheard him talking to me. This isn't your fault and I forgive you, so please don't blame yourself for this."

"How did I get someone as trusting and forgiving as you?"

"How did I get someone so beautiful and kind as you?" He blushed hard and tried to look away but I was still holding his jaw.

"Oh please" he mumbled with a smile. "I'm the lucky one."

"And I'm lucky because of you" he groaned with a smile.

"How are you able to take every compliment I give you and make it better and turn it on me?"

"Well because I'm magical of course. Just like angel will be. And because I love you so you make it easy." I heard brennen laugh and I looked back at him as he flashed me a smile.

"You really must be magical geez" he said and I rolled my eyes looking back at sam who held my face in his hands.

"He did save my life."

"He also almost ended it" I said bitterly. Sam sighed and gently caressed my cheek as he looked at me with soft eyes.

"Just let it go. Being angry about it for the rest of your life won't change the scars I have." I sighed and took a deep breath before I gently kissed each of his wrists as I looked at him with bright eyes.

"These scars tell a story, these scars show the world the brave beautiful man that I get to be with." Sam blushed and closed his eyes with a soft smile as he sighed.  I smiled gently rubbing circles on the back of his hand. He was okay, he's alive and here with me. He loves me and cares for me and isn't going to leave me, ever.

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