Chapter 6

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You can tell me anything Sam" I looked at him with a soft smile as I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Ok" He took a deep breath. "I'm—"
He looks down at his hands as he starts to mess with his fingers and I look at him curiously. What his he so afraid of telling me?
"I-I'm a little" he spoke softly and he wouldn't look at me. I smiled lightly and caressed his cheek before lifting his chin so he had to look at me.
"You were scared of telling me your a little? Why?"
"Because.....I got kicked out of the house because of what I was." He looked at me with tears in his eyes and I held him close to me.
"I tried to block it out. I always acted so cold and tough because I didn't want anyone to know what I was. I was afraid of what they would do to me or how they would treat me because of what I was" I kissed him lightly and I sighed.
"It's gonna be ok I won't let anyone bully you for what you are. You are beautiful and honestly our entire school loves you."  He must have been faking into his little space because he giggled as his eyes got all big.
"Do you need things love" He nodded and smiled as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I smiled and pulled out my phone and opened my texts with my best friend Brennen, who was also a little. Sam looked at me with wide eyes, he looked absolutely terrified.
"Baby don't worry I'm just gonna text someone else that's a little and ask for things. I don't have to tell them who it's for he knows how hard it is to come out about this." He looked at me with wide eyes for another second before he slowly started to calm down and he nodded curling into my arms again. I texted Brennen.
C-Colby B-Brennen
C-Hey bren you busy?
B-no Clarissas our shopping what's up?
C-Do you have any extra little space stuff around?
B-I have some but I will most likely have to go out and get the rest. For a boy?
C-Yea, could you do that for me it would mean a lot.
B-Sure dude I'll be there in half an hour with everything.
C-Thank you bren.
I put my phone down and smiled as I looked at Sam who was batting at the dog tag he gave me which made a clinking noise every time he swatted at it. He was giggling and it was the cutest thing so I watched him. His eyes were bigger than normal but they were also brighter and that made them look really pretty. I knew a lot about little space because I had to help Brennen through it until he met Clarissa who is now his caregiver. Little space is usually created by a tragic event or unfulfilling childhood such as a death of a parent, or abuse, or even being full on ignored by parents. Whenever a child feels like they didn't grow up with their parents then they develop little space in hopes of fulfilling that lost time with someone else. I knew how to take care of a little but I didn't know if sam wanted someone to take care of him. Sam seemed pretty scared about anyone knowing about his little space. Like he was afraid of something happening. I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock at the door and I smiled.
"Do you wanna come meet Brennen Sammy?" He looked up at me and thought for a second and then smiled
"Only if you cwarry mwe" He spike in a childish voice and made grabby hands at me. I laughed lightly and picked him up and carried him downstairs and to the front door and opened it. Brennen was standing there with a Baby's R Us bag and a smile, and I watched his eyes light up when he saw Sam.
"Sammy this is brennen and he went out and got you everything you need. Brennen this is Sam the boy I was telling you about."
"Well hi there Sam it's very nice to meet you" Brennen spoke in a soft voice and waved at Sam who was resting his head on my shoulder looking nervous but he smiled and waved back.
"Can I come in and show you what I got for you?" Sam nodded and I stepped out of the doorway to let Brennen in. He closed the door and walked over to the living room and sat on the floor with the bag next to him. Sam reached for him so I set Sam on the ground.

Once Colby set me on the floor I slowly started to crawl toward Brennen and then I sat in front of him as I looked at him nervously.
"I promise there is nothing to be afraid of Sam. I won't hurt you I'm just here to help you" I nodded slowly even though something was tugging at the back of my head. I had heard those words before, those words had been a lie. Brennen must have seen it in my face because he gently put his hand in front of me. He didn't touch me at all but the gesture was more comforting.
"It was the same way for me too. He was the same way. Every time I did something wrong he would say that to me and those words never meant a thing to me afterward. I stopped trusting people, I stopped letting them in, but I had learned that you had to let them in to get better." I smiled at him softly and nodded then I looked at the bag curiously. Brennen smiled and pulled his hand away and opened the bag. "Close your eyes Sam" I looked at him nervously.  "I won't do anything to you I promise" I nodded and closed my eyes and heard the crinkling of the bag as he dug around in it. After about maybe five minutes the sound stopped and it was quiet.
"Open your eyes" Brennen said softly. I opened my eyes and I gasped as my eyes lit up like Christmas lights. There were so many things in front of me I almost didn't know what to do. There was a bear with a blue bow, a blue bunny, two sets of blue green and red pacifiers with different designs on them. There were race cars and LEGO's and a fuzzy blue blanket. Then there a race car sippy cup, a zoo sippy cup and a koala sippy cup. I looked back at Brennen and crawled over to him carefully crawling over everything and gave him a hug.
"Thwank you so mwuch bwennen. Thwis means a wot to me."
"Your welcome Sam, I know this will make things easier for you" I nodded and smiled before I crawled over to Colby and hugged him tightly.
"Thwank you for twexting him so I cwould have what I nweeded. I wuv you."
"Of course baby I'd do anything for you." I smiled and stayed curled up close to him as I thought. Maybe he really would do anything for me, maybe he wouldn't run away or abandon me.
"Yea Sammy?"
"Um will you be my....... caregiver?"

ANNNNNDDDDD that's the end of this chapter you guys 1253 words yay. I always try and keep the chapters long for you guys. Thank you so much for all of you that support this book I love all of you

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