Chapter 7

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Sams POV
Will you be my.......caregiver?
I was sitting there in fear praying to god that he wouldn't reject me. I had been so closed off when it comes to being a little. It was the most terrifying thing that I have asked anyone, ever. I was looking at Colby trying to figure with big eyes trying to read his thoughts, trying to understand what he was feeling. He had been quiet for a long time and it was making me really nervous. He gently reached out and brushed my hair out of my eyes and he was smiling.
"Of course I'll be your caregiver Sam." He gently kissed the top of my head and I smiled snuggling close to him.
"Gwood, I wove you swo mwuch" I squeaked softly.
"I love you too baby boy." He whispered to me softly with a smile. I giggled and nuzzled his chest softly as I heard Brennen awww softy. Then he got up and said he had to go home so his girlfriend wouldn't start freaking out. We said our goodbyes and then Colby and I started to play together. It was the greatest thing that had happened to me since he became my boyfriend.
"Hey Sammy?"
"You said you got kicked out of the house when you came out as a little. Do you live here all by yourself?" I stopped what I was doing and looked at my hands with a soft sigh as I nodded slowly. This was part of the reason I didn't like people coming over which was why I didn't have many friends even with my popularity. Many started to think I was intense or cold which was how I wanted it, until it came to everyone's attention who I loved.
"Awwww Sammy" He has reached out and gently caressed my cheek. I looked up at him with soft helpless eyes, I didn't like that he knew I was this vulnerable. I was going to have to learn to trust him, he cares for me and I have to remember that.
"It's okway cwolbwear I've bween wiving wike thwis for a whiwle nwow." I squeaked softly as I leaned my cheek against his hand with a soft smile. "I've wearned how to kweep mwyswelf stwable whiwle bweing awone." I closed my eyes enjoying the warm feeling of his hand against my cheek and I heard him speak softly.
"What if you weren't alone anymore?"
"What do ywou mwean?"
"What if I lived with you? If I was always here to take care of you so you could be who you truly wanted to be." I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him, examining his face, to see if he was kidding or just messing with me. There was no sign of any of that, he was completely serious. I smiled and jumped into his lap wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in the crook of his neck as I mumbled out.
"Thwat would bwe pwerfwect."

Colby's POV

I held him close to me as I smiled, hiding my face in his hair.
"Good because I was considering telling my mom and Dad about us." He froze for a second, most likely remembering something. Then he mumbled out.
"Awre you swure you want to dwo thwat?"
"Yes I'm sure. If they kick me out for who I am then I already have a place to stay and if they don't I will explain the situation....sort of and come live with you ok?"  He nodded and sighed relaxing back into my arms and I smiled softly. I loved this blond boy more than he would ever know and I would and always will do anything for him. He nuzzled the side of my neck softly and I purred in his ear softly in response. Then something came to my mind.
"We have to set rules for you eventually don't we?" I looked down at him and saw him blushing which made me smirk slightly.
"How dwo you knwow abwout thwose?"
"Brennen had told me about them when I had texted him, asking him to bring you toys and everything that you needed." I could just barely see the smile on his face since he was still buried in the crook of my neck.
"Cwan we dwo it awfter we twalk to youwr pwarents?" He asked softly and I nodded.
"Of course we can princess" I could here him giggle at the nickname and I held him close to me. He then pulled away just enough to grab a small stuffed bunny in a pink dress and the red pacifier. I don't know how Brennen knew that Sam would probably want some girl toys but he did and Sam seemed very pleased by it. We sat there for a good half hour with Sam making the bunny spin and dance as I watched him occasionally kissing his forehead earning soft giggles every time. Then Sam finally looked up at me and squeaked softly.
"If you help mwe gwet weady we cwan go twell yowr pwarents" I nodded and carried him up to our room and sat him on the bed. I pulled out his favorite twenty one pilots tee shirt and his blue ripped jeans. I walked over to him laying the clothes next to him and pulled off his shirt gently kissing over his heart and leaving a few hickeys on his chest. He let out soft sweet moans which made me smile and I gently ran my hands along his chest. He whimpered softly, his voice full of longing.
"Not now princess, you'll have to learn patient" I smirked at him lightly and he pouted but he nodded. I pulled his new shirt over his head and slowly started to pull off his sweatpants. He whimpered again but quieter this time and I softly kissed down each of his inner thighs being granted with more soft sweet moans. He looked at me with pleading eyes and I simply shook my head gently rubbing circles on his inner thighs.
"Maybe if you behave I'll reward you later tonight"  He nodded and bit his lip with longing in his eyes as he looked at me. I reached up and gently caressed his cheek before pulling on his jeans. He smiled and kissed me lightly before hopping off the bed standing in front of me. I stood slowly as I looked at him with bright eyes. I could tell that he had a grip on his little space again as he grabbed my jaw and and kissed the side of my neck softly and whispered in my ear.
"Just don't forget who's stronger." then he pulled away and walked out of our room leaving me there a little stunned as I bit my lip. Oh how interesting my life was going to be.

1149 words

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