Chapter 24

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Colby's POV

Angel and I went home a few days later, and everyone was super excited. The instant we walked in the door the dogs trotted over and sniffed her gently while the roommates hugged me.

"Welcome back Colby." Elton said as he hugged me before gently nudging circa out of the way and knelt in front of the carrier and gently running his fingers over her feet. "Your going to have very defensive aunts and uncles. So just know each boy you bring in the house will be throughly questioned, and every girl you bring will be watched very carefully."

"Yea if the boy isn't shot on sight first" sam said with a laugh as he put his hand on my shoulder and I looked back at him with a smile.

"That's true, my shotgun's upstairs" I teased with a laugh. "And we know Elton has a gun in the garage."

"that's right I do" Elton looked up at us with a smirk and stood up hugging Sam.

"Well we know this little one will be very well protected." I said before kissing Sam and walking upstairs to set her carrier in the room and bring her back downstairs. Once I picked her up I carried her around the room so she could look at everything. As we were walking around she made the smallest smile and waved her arms around as if she was trying to point when I walked her past a picture of Cinderella. I stopped and let her look at the picture, and she continued to make small movements as if trying to reach for it, making me laugh.

"Maybe you have more of our genes then I thought" I said with a laugh, knowing I would keep that thought to myself before I carried her downstairs to the roommates who were instantly all cooing about the pretty little baby I had in my arms. I smiled as I gently bounced her while everyone took pictures of her and Sam was gently kissing her forehead in a few of them. Sam posted them on our joint account and showed the photos to me with the caption.

'Little angel is finally home with her trap house fam, ready to become the next biggest YouTube star ♥️'

"Awwww" I smiled and kissed him softly. "That's adorable and very accurate. Isn't it angel? Your gonna be a little star aren't you, just like your aunties and uncles and your daddies?" She reached up making me smile as I gently kissed her forehead. Devyn walked over and smiled as she gently pet her head. Angel smiled and wiggles slightly so she was looking at Devyn. She then looked over and saw Corey and made wiggly sort of grabby hands in his direction.

"I think she wants her aunt Corey to hold her" Sam said with a smile. Corey laughed lightly and walked over, and when he reached us I gently handed her to him.

"Hi little angel. Your so pretty aren't you baby?" She squealed and smiled as she flailed her arms slightly making Corey laugh. Before any of us could continue the conversion there was a knock on the door. Sam looked at me curiously and I shrugged walking toward the door. He grabbed my shoulder and made me wait for a second as he reached over and grabbed his pocket knife off of the table and put it in his pocket. I looked at him in surprise and he looked at me with soft eyes.

"Just incase" He said softly and I nodded as we walked to the door and Sam looked through the peephole. Then he growled darkly "oh for fucks sake." Then he looked back at me. "Go back to Corey and angel okay?" I nodded, instantly knowing who was at the door, as I walked back to everyone.

Sams POV

Once Colby was out of sight I opened the door and glared at Brennen who was on the other side.

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed as I was holding my knife behind my back as I looked at him with dark eyes.

"I wanna talk to Colby" he said calmly, trying to look around me. I kept the door closed enough that he had to look at me or the door, not in the house.

"I think you've done enough to my boyfriend" I growled darkly as I glared at him. He rolled his eyes and started to try and push me away. "You don't want to test that Brennen" I hissed, flipping out the blade so he could here it click. His eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"You keep a knife on you now?"

"After what you did to him yes"

"Look I just want to talk to him. I won't hurt him or anything." I shook my head again but I heard the knife click close and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Colby and I looked at him with soft eyes.

"What did I tell you?" I asked softly. He took the knife out of my hand and I watched him put it in his back pocket.

"It's okay, just let him say what he wants to. He can't do anything to me I promise." I glared back at Brennen before looking at Colby and nodding, kissing him softly.

"I'll be in the living room, just yell if you need me." He nodded and I walked off to go look after angel.

Colby's POV

"What do you want Brennen?" I asked with a sigh as I crossed my arms looking at him.

"I want to talk." He said. "About us, about you, about why your even still here. You guys aren't even engaged and you just had his baby. He can up and leave whenever he wants and it won't take cause legal issues." I looked at him I shock and got why Sam didn't want him to talk to me.

"How dare you?" I hissed as I glared at Brennen. "How dare you come to my house and tell me such awful things about the person I love when all of it is bullshit?!"

"Because" he reached out and grabbed my hands tightly so I couldn't pull away. Shit. "I want you to come with me. We can run, go anywhere, Florida or New Zealand, wherever. You can leave Sam with that child and forget it all. It can be you and I, against the world forever" I felt anger boil up inside me the more he talked. I put on a fake smile and leaned in like I was gonna kiss him and when we were inches apart I slammed my foot down on his, making him drop my hands and I backed away.

"Fuck off brennen! I would never leave MY family behind, just like they would never leave me. So once you get that through your thick skull, you'll be able to live happier, and live at all."

"Your so gonna regret that Colby" he hissed

"You can't do anything to me, not when I have so many people looking out for me. Goodbye Brennen, I hope you find some way to dig yourself out of this" I then slammed the door in his face and locked it. I sighed and turned leaning against the door, and when I looked up I saw Sam looking back at me. He looked like he was trying to get over some pain, how long has he been standing there? I instantly pushed off the door and walked toward him. The instant I reached out to touch him he turned away a little and I felt my heart break. "Sam..."

"Don't..." but he didn't lean away when I reached out again and gently placed my hand against his cheek.

"Sammy, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" I said softly and he finally looked at me with tear filled eyes.

"But you should. God he's right I haven't done shit for you. God I'm a terrible boyfriend" I grabbed his jaw lightly so he couldn't look away.

"You take care of me, your my daddy for crying out loud. And I love you, I love how you've acted around angel and I know you love her. So I'm not worried about you leaving, I'm not thinking about the fact that we aren't engaged because that doesn't matter. We could never be engaged and we will still always be a family. So don't let anything brennen says change what you know is true." When I said that he kissed me sweetly and I smiled. He had one hand on my cheek and the other pulling me closer as it was pressed against my back. We kissed for a few minutes before he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I don't know what I would do without you" I blushed and smiled as I closed my eyes.

"You wouldn't be without me. I need you, and so does angel." He sighed and hugged me tightly. This is why I needed him, he was my rock even when I had to remind him of it. And I loved him for it

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