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Colbys POV

The problem was... I couldn't get over it, even after the wedding and even after getting pregnant again, with twins. Actually I think I would have been fine, had we not lost the twins. We don't know why I had a miscarriage, even the doctors couldn't figure it out, but we lost the two boys and it tore me to pieces. I would only come out of the room when little 6 year old Angel wanted to play a game or two, and when I needed to go to the bathroom. That was it, the rest of the time I was locked up in our room, holding one of the small blue blankets that we had bought for the twins and I would usually cry. They universe just didn't want me to be happy did it? It didn't want me to be reminded of what it was like to feel joy, instead it wanted to reopen the wound over and over again, the one Sam had fixed in high school, the one that held all of my dark thoughts. He couldn't fix me this time, no matter how hard he tried he wouldn't be able to fix me. I was such a burden and a waist of space, I shouldn't be here, I was bad for Angel and Sam. So I grabbed one of the blankets and wrapped it around a bear before writing Sam a note, telling him how much I loved him and Angel, and how me leaving was good for him, and that he would always be the only person to fix me but no one could fix me now. Then I folded the piece of paper and left it in the bears arms after setting the bear on my side of the bed. Then I climbed out of the window and got in my car and drove off. 

Sams POV 

I knew that the miscarriage had been really hard on Colby but I didn't know how to fix him. I had tried everything, but nothing would make him smile anymore, not a genuine one at least, and he spent most of his time in his room. He would barely eat and he wouldn't sleep and Angel was the only one able to get him to come out of the room. I thought he would be okay, I thought it would get better and I would be able to fix him, but I was wrong. I walked upstairs to try and get him to eat again,  but when I opened the door he wasn't there. Instead there was one of Angel's bears wrapped in a blue blanket, with a note in the bears arms. I grabbed the note curiously and opened it, and really wish I hadn't. I dropped to the floor crying as i held the note to my chest and my head was against the bed. He was gone, it was my fault and he was gone. He just left us here, even through he promised he wouldn't. He wasn't the only one suffering from the loss of the twins but he didn't really seem to care, did he even care about me in the beginning? Probably not, but who knows at this point. I didn't even have the energy to go after him, I mean what was the point? He wouldn't come back even if I tried, and I had to look after Angel, sh needed at least one of her fathers in her life. I only cried for a few minutes before I sighed and glanced at the ring on my finger. I couldn't wear the wedding ring anymore, it would hurt me too much to wear it, so i gently took it off and placed it in his box and put a post it on it, if he ever came back 

'When you come back I'll put this on.' I kept our promise ring though, the one I've been wearing since we were 15 because I still loved him, with all of my heart , but if he didn't love me, or couldn't stand to be around me then I was going to have to deal with it and keep moving. I sighed and glanced at my phone and got the notification that the agency wanted to meet Colby and I next week, so I decided to finally test how much he really loved me. I took a picture of the email, which had a picture of the two twins in it, and sent it to Colby. 

Colbys POV

I drove out to a beach just to relax and breath before finding a place to crash at for however long I needed to. While I was sitting there on the sand my phone binged, it was a text from Sam. I sighed and prepared myself to tell him to give up, to move on, to be happy, but I stopped when I saw the photo and almost couldn't believe it.

'I don't know if you're going to care and this was going to be a surprise for you, but I found two twin boys that need a home and the agency wants to meet next week so you have until then to make your decision.' I instantly broke down in tears and just sat there. I didn't know what to do or what to think. How was this going to effect our relationship, I had screwed up really bad this time. I picked up my phone and texted him. 

'Do you even want me there? After i basically just broke your heart and ran away?'

'Of course I want you there. I know you're hurting...we both are and this is going to help with that, I just need you to come home.' I smiled softly as I looked at his message and drove home. And you know what? We did adopt the twins, we named them Micheal and Gabriel and Angel helped us take care of them, well the best she could anyway. Sam and I worked through our pain with the help of our friends and family, and everything got better. And right now it's Christmas and we are at Sam and I's house in Kansas with our three kids and six grand children. So maybe life has been hard, and maybe there was a lot of struggle and a lot of drama but we made it through. So I know we said we wouldn't post again but we thought that you guys should know how we're doing, since all of our happiness is because of you. Merry Christmas for the last time from us to you, Peace!

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