Chapter 20

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Sams POV

"And I think I know what I want to name our baby girl." I watched as Colby's eyes lit up and he curled up closer to me and rested his hand on my stomach.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded. "What do you want to name her?"

"Angelina, but we'd call her angel more often than not"  He squealed and nodded happily as he rubbed his stomach.

"What do you think? Do you like it angel?" He waited a second then giggled and smiled. "She definitely likes it." I laughed and nodded kissing the side of his head as I placed my hand on his stomach.

"Good. I want our princess to like it as much as you do." He rested his head on my shoulder and gently rubbed his bump slowly as I sighed. My two little princesses in my lap and it made me happy and warm, and no one could ever take them away from me. Well that's what I thought.

Five months later

Our child was due to be born in about a month and everyone was excited. Roommates were buying pacis and play pens and swings and more toys and bottles, while I was trying to keep Colby from freaking out over every little thing. His emotions were through the roof and there were a lot of times where I would have to take him upstairs and coax him into little space so that he would calm down. As the month went on he would freak out less and less and just sort of worry about what would happen if angel didn't like him. At this time it was 10 at night and I was holding Colby who was holding his stomach as he was going on one of his rants again.

"What if she doesn't like me?" He said nervously as he looked at her. "What if I'm not good enough for her and I fail her?"

"baby you won't fail her, she'll be just fine and she'll love you very very much. Angel will know that you carried her for nine whole months, and raised her to be the sweet beautiful girl she'll become." He didn't look like he really believed me but he didn't argue. He slowly started to drift to sleep when there was a knock at the door. He shot up and his eyes got all big as he whines softly.

"Shhh princess it's okay." I said gently setting him on the couch as I stood up. Just sit right here and I'll be back." He nodded and I handed him a stuffie that he curled up with as he watched me nervously. I walked to the door and the instant I opened it something hard hit my head and I stepped back, letting a girl and two guys run into the house. The two guys ran at Colby and tried to grab him as he tried to kick them away while holding back tears. Then the girl was standing over me and smirking at me.

"You faggs have ruined YouTube. And I will not let you poison it more with that tiny thing that will support this" she hissed as she kicked me hard in the side and I groaned, glancing up to see the guys start to carry Colby out the back door as he screamed and cried.  The roommates came storming down the stairs, and when all of them realized what was going on Devyn jumped on top of the girl that was trying to kick me again and I sighed sitting up and trying to stand. Amanda rushed to my side to make sure I was okay, while Elton and Corey ran at the guys holding my babies.

"Hold him" one guy growled while the other nodded. He pulled out a metal crowbar and lined up to his Colby in the stomach. I growled and tried to get up but Amanda held me back and Elton tackled the guy to the ground. The guy holding Colby was getting annoyed as he pulled out a gun and aiming it at Colby's stomach. Time seemed to slow down. Amanda let go of me and Corey was running hard as I stood up, watching in horror. The guy looked up just as he was about to pulled the trigger and kinda jumped, surprised to see this strong man barreling at him. I watched as he pulled the trigger still against his stomach I could hear Colby's scream, ringing in my ears. He shot my boyfriend, and killed my angel. How could he?! I started to feel dizzy and I felt arms around me and I was to weak to fight them. Amanda was holding me in her arms as time came back into focus. Devyn was now on the phone, and and had knocked out the girl who had hit me.

"Just below the belly button," I could hear her say, but is sounded like we were underwater. "Really?! Then someone better get here now because I swear to god if my friend loses this baby-!" But that was all I heard her yell into the phone before I blacked out.

When I came to again, I was in Devyns arms in a white room. I groaned as I slowly sat up as I looked at Devyn who was smiling softly at me

"Hey Sammy, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts" I mumbled and the night came crashing back and I gasped and tears shot to my eyes. Devyn pulled me close knowing exactly what my reaction was to and she gently rubbed my back.

"Their okay, sam their okay."

"W-what?" I stammered trying to hold back my tears.

"Colby and the baby are okay" she said and I looked at her with wide eyes full of hope and relief. "When Corey scared the guy the gun moved to just under the baby and went clean through without damaging any organs. So their both just fine." I melted into her arms as tears slid down my cheeks in relief. God I thought I was gonna lose both of them. But both of them were alive. I still had both of my babies. She held me close and rubbed my back as I took a few deep breaths as I tried to calm down.

"Amanda and the guys are with him now if you wanna go see him" she spoke softly and I nodded my head vigorously causing Devyn to laugh softly. "Kinda a dump questions huh?" I laughed lightly and nodded before she gently placed me on the ground and led me to their room.

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