Chapter 36

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Colby's POV

I was sitting in the passenger seat of the truck with Sam in the back and I was so nervous, hugging myself in the sweatshirt Sam grabbed for me when we left the house. I looked back at him and he looked at me with soft eyes.

'You'll be okay' I nodded slowly but I didn't believe it.

"Why do you think I took her Brennen?" I asked as I looked at him with soft eyes.

"Because" he growled darkly "you said I deserved it. You said I didn't deserve to be happy that she deserved someone better." He had tears in his eyes and I could feel my heart break.

"Brennen...." *I touched his arm and he reached in the consul and pulled out a gun pointing it at me.

"Don't" he growled. "Don't even start. Your not who I thought you were." I had enough and Sam was looking at me with wide eyes. I reached up and threw the visor with the mirror down so he could see the color of his eyes.

"Really?" I asked with soft eyes "because she put you under a spell so you would think I took her." He put the gun down slowly and looked in the mirror as he pulled over and I could see him realizing what had happened. Then his eyes flashed a deep purple and he unbuckled his seatbelt and cuffed Sam in the back seat. I looked at Brennen with wide eyes "what are you doing?!"

"I'm preventing him from interfering" he said simply as Sam struggled against him with rage but it was no use. Once he was stuck in the back brennen slowly crawled toward me until he was on top of me and had me pressed against the door. "I've been talking about Clarissa so much and I realized all I really wanted was you." I realized what was happening and I glanced at Sam who was looking at me in panic. I looked back at Brennen and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I knew what I had to do. I didn't want to but I knew I had to. I reached up and tangled my fingers in his hair as I put on a fake smile and glanced over at Sam one more time who looked hurt and I tried to tell him how I felt about him and what I was doing through my eyes but I wasn't sure if he got all of it because I had to look back at Brennen who started kissing me hotly. I kissed him back and hoped that it would break the spell because that was the only way to break it. A dose of reality. And at first it didn't work and I started to get nervous because he was starting to grind into me as he kissed me and I honestly feared that he was going to rape me in front of Sam but he started to kiss me less aggressively and then he pushed himself off of me and crawled to the other side of the car as he wiped his mouth and I sighed.

"What-What the-?"

"She put you under a spell and I had to break it." I said simply as I turned toward Sam and uncuffed him before kissing him aggressively.

"Mine" he growled softly as he kissed behind my ear and I smiled


"God you guys I'm so so sorry. I don't-I don't know what got into me....god and with everything you guys have been through-"

"Brennen it's not your fault. Ashley put you under her stupid spell and you couldn't control it. That's why I broke it so you wouldn't do something you'd really regret." I said as I looked at him with soft eyes.

"Trust me. Neither of us blame you" Sam said as he held me close to him and I smiled. Brennen nodded but I watched as realization crossed his face.

"She took her. She took Clarissa and she hurt her, then used that to make me attack you like that."

"I know. But we're gonna get her back and we'll get your revenge." He nodded and Sam kissed me passionately once more before letting go of me and I climbed into the drivers seat when Brennen slid into the seat next to me. I put the peddle to the medal as I zoomed off toward their hideout as I explained the plan to them.

Brennen dragged Sam in by the arm as I followed and he started shouting once he was in earshot.

"Where is she Colby?! You told me she was here!"

"She's here I promise. I know she's here" I said as I walked through the doorway and there Ashely was, sitting in her brothers chair.

"Well well well look who it is. I hope you're alright Brennen you seem quite worked up." She cooed and Brennen growled as he held Sam tightly and pulled out his knife.

"Where is she Colby. Don't make me do something I'm gonna regret."

"Like what?" I hissed "rape me?" Sam smiled as Brennen dropped him and Brennen started to walk toward me until I was up against the wall.

"Now it wouldn't really be rape would it Colby?" I smiled and Sam stood up and walked over to me, kissing me sweetly before he walked to the other wall

"He's all yours Brennen." Brennen smirked and walked toward me as he tangled his fingers in my hair. Now we weren't really going to kiss, instead we were going to use a really realistic stage kiss where you kiss the corner of the persons mouth. I smirked as I wrapped my arms around his waist and we started stage kissing. Ashley started laughing but she seemed kind of nervous. I lifted my leg up and wrapped it around Brennen's waist and Sam let out a soft whimper that caught both of our attention.

"What I don't get any attention?" He whined and Brennen smirked as he kissed under my jawline softly before walking over to Sam and stage kissing him aggressively.

"What the hell is this?!" Ashely asked in shock as I bit my lip while watching them.

"Oh you didn't know? He never told you?" I asked with a smirk. "We love getting involved with other people. Your brother was the one that got me into it really"

"My brother would never-"

"Oh your brother" Brennen purred and he slowly grinded into his hand but it looked like he was grinding into Sam and Sam let out a soft moan as Brennen bit his lip. "Was such a naughty little slut. There were so many nights I'd have him tied up in bed or in my truck on on the wall and I would just be pounding into him with Colby watching. God the way he would whine and beg and scream out my name. Just like he did when Colby would fuck him after. Such a needy cockslut"

"No..." Ashley said as she backed up and pressed a button that opened a wall that Clarissa came out of thankfully safe and with few scratches. "My brother was never like that."

"What you mean a kinky slut? Of course he was. Just like Sam is I can tell since it's one of those nights." She said before she walked over to me and started to stage kiss me as I flipped her around so she was against the wall. Ashly watched in horror as I started kissing down her neck, though I was barely kissing her neck and Brennen was supposedly giving Sam a handjob from his pants but really sam was just pretending to jack himself off, at least I think he was pretending. Ashley screamed in anger and ran out not wanting to believe it. When she was gone we all started laughing hard

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