Chapter 13

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Colby's POV

A few months after coming home from my coma most things have gone back to normal. The roommates have stopped fanning over me like I might break at any second. The fans have sent pictures and stories and ideas along with stuffed animals which made all of us smile and Sam has gone back to being happy relaxed boyfriend he is. The only thing that hasn't gone back to normal is brennen, he won't talk to me and I don't know why. Everyone seems to be avoiding the question when I ask and Sam looks at me with soft eyes but won't ever answer the question either. It's starting to make me worried, what on earth happened that everyone is so scared to tell me?

One night when Sam and I were home alone curled up on the couch I looked at him and asked in the cutest little voice I could muster.

"Why won't brennen talk to me daddy?" Sam looked at me and I watched as they softened and he sighed pulling me closer to him.

"Brennen didn't know you were in a coma and that you were super in and out of it, so one day when he came over to see you he asked you why you looked so embarrassed and blushy. You told him it was because you loved him and that he looked beautiful. He smiled at you and ruffled your hair and looked like the happiest person in the world and the next day when he came to see you you told him that you loved me and only me so he stormed out and hasn't talked to anyone since" I sat there staring at him stunned. How the hell could I have done something like that? I put my face in my hands as I sighed.

"God I wish I could fix this somehow but I don't know how to" I mumbled into my hands as I curled into Sams lap. He rubbed my back gently and sighed. I looked up at him slowly and he looked deep in thought, almost like he was remembering something.

"Sam....what else happened?" He looked down at me and I could tell he was debating on telling me what he was keeping from me. He bit his lip and looked away for a minute as he thought, and that made me nervous.

"Colby.....when we had gotten in the car crash you were still awake for a few days. You were in a decent amount of pain from time to time but you were fine. Then, when Sam had run some of the tests he had found something that caused you to freak out, bad. That's what caused you to pass out and then it somehow lead to a coma." I looked at Sam wide eyed.

"What did he tell me that made me loose it like that?" I asked my voice shaking slightly.

"I-I don't know if I can tell you. I'm afraid you'll pass out again and then I'll loose b- you." He was gonna day something else but he had changed it at the last minute. That made me a little scared.

"Sam......." he was biting his nails at the point and he looked extremely nervous. He was looking everywhere but me and he was trying to avoid the subject. "Sam..please" he took a deep breath and finally looked at me with soft eyes. He was happy I could tell but he also seemed scared.

"Colby....when he ran a blood test he found out that.....your pregnant." I looked at him and blinked for a second. Then I looked out at the wall trying really hard not to smile. This was incredible but I think I'm gonna mess with Sam just for a little bit.

"W-What?" I stuttered out.

"Your p-pregnant Colby. The last time we did it we must have forgotten to use protection." He seemed to shrink against the couch a little bit and it made me feel a little bad. The more I thought about it the harder it was to not smile, so I just gave up. I started laughing and I smiled wide as I wrapped my arms around Sam and hugged him tight.

"That's amazing Sammy. We get to be parents" Sam relaxed and wrapped his arms around me as he nodded. I get why I would have freaked out at the time. I felt pain so my brain was telling me that it was dead that I had lost something so precious that I never even got to see. But now I know that it's alive and safe, and that Sam and I are gonna be parents.

Sams POV

I was so relieved that Colby was happy about this. After the way he reacted the first time I thought he would never wanna have a kid. I was hugging him and smiling wide, then I remembered something.

"The others don't know yet. Neither of us had the heart to tell them when we didn't know if you were gonna wake up." I said pulling away just enough to look at them.

"Well then we should probably tell them" he said simply with a smile. I had the perfect idea for it too.

*a few hours later*

"Ok you guys. So each of these boxes have something inside of them. These will be clues to help you figure out where the hidden box is, which will be holding what the surprise is. Are you guys ready?" They all nodded "3...2...1...Go" they all started practically ripping the boxes apart trying to figure out what was inside.

Elton's POV

I was the first one to get my box open and it had a picture of one of the signed posters that we had sold. I looked at them confused, then I looked over at Corey who was glaring at Sam and Colby.

"I'm not pulling that out bro." Sam laughed and walked over pulling a Ouija board out of the box and I laughed lightly. I think I knew where this was going as I looked over at Aaron who pulled out Sams camera.

"It's your room isn't it?" I said with a smirk.

"Hold on look at what Devyn has" Colby said trying not to laugh. I walked over to Devyn and she had a picture of Aaron bent over holding his chest. Corey and Aaron walked over and stared laughing hard.

"What the-" I started but Corey cut me off looking st Colby

"Is that exactly where you hid the box?"

"Yea" He responded laughing. I watched Corey and Aaron take off and we quickly ran after them. Corey was in the garage and by one of the shelves as he was digging through the stuff he cheered triumphantly and pulled out a box labeled surprise. He set it in the middle of the room and looked at Sam and Colby, Colby was nodding telling us to open it. Devyn walked over to the box and quickly opened it and looked inside then squealed. She ran over to them and stood in between the two of them smiling.

"It'll take them a bit to figure it out though." She giggled. I looked back at the box and pulled out three pictures. It was a picture of Sam hitting on Colleen, a picture of just Colleen and a picture of the baby from their uh oh vine.

"What the hell is this supposed to mean and Devyn how did you figure that out so fast?"I asked looking at them super confused.

"I told you it would be easy for her." Colby laughed as he hugged Devyn who was still extremely happy. I looked back at the box and saw Corey smirking, he walked over to them and laughed before hugging Colby and then Sam. I groaned wanting to figure this out, as I looked back at the box. Then I realized something else, they all had the same date on them. I looked at the pictures again and then it clicked. I looked at Aaron who still seemed hopelessly lost and then I turned and walked over to Colby and hugged him whispering softly.

"Congratulations" with the worlds biggest smile before I hugged Sam tightly. We all watched Aaron try to figure it out and after a few more minutes of looking at the pictures we all watched his face light up.

"Yo-your having a baby?" He asked with a hopeful grin. We looked over at Colby who put his hand over his stomach with a smile.

"Yea...sam and I are having a baby" he grinned and we all cheered and hugged him gently. What we didn't know, was that while we were cheering and praising them, brennen was standing just outside of the garage listening with pure sadness and pain in his eyes.

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