A Fallen Angel

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Everything changed on November 2, of 1983. I was casted out of Heaven

and down to Earth but not on normal terms. On that day I was sent down to Earth to live a normal life until it was time to watch over two boys. They were known as Dean and Samuel Winchester.

I was sent down to Earth and placed inside a dying child of the Lord. This child was to be my vessel for the rest of time. When my time was called upon to watch and guide Dean and Samuel, I would stop aging.

Throughout the years an angel by the name of Castiel would come to visit and inform me about what was going on in Heaven. Castiel was a friend of mine from when I was in Heaven. He would also inform me about the whereabouts of the Winchester boys and what they were up to.

On November 2 of 1983 their whole lives changed as well. It was the day that little Samuel turned six months old and the day that their mother Mary Winchester was murdered. A demon named Azazel was the one who changed destiny itself.

"Sariel wake up." A man in a trench coat said shaking me awake. "It's time."

"Castiel?" I asked.

"Yes, it is I. We have to hurry. Dean has just met back up with Samuel." Castiel said. "But remember you're a hunter, not an angel and I don't exist."

"I know the drill, I've had 20 years of training remember?" I teased.

"Because you were stubborn for the first 6 years of your life." Castiel joked in a low husky voice.

"Yeah yeah. Where are they going?" I asked.

" Jericho, California." Castiel answered then disappeared.

I quickly got and packed up a suit case. Inside of the case were two black pencil skirts with a matching white dress shirt and fancy jacket along with all my fake IDs, my casual clothes and credit cards. These things didn't make me feel like an angel but they were apart of the job.

Once I got to Jericho I checked into a motel to get dressed for the job. It took about 15 minutes and then I headed to the crime scene.

"Hello, I'm agent Blake with the F.B.I." I said as I flashed my badge.

"Agent Blake" The officer nodded.

"So what do we have here?" I questioned.

"A local boy named Troy crashed into a closed bridge." The officer said. "I don't see why the F.B.I is involved."

"I'm just taking the case I was given." I answered formally.

Just then two boys walked up in casual clothes claiming to be on the case. It must be the Winchester boys. Their badges read Agent Smith and Agent Michaels.

"Ah, Agent Smith, Agent Michaels" I nodded. "I'm Agent Sariel Blake."

"Sariel? As in archangel Sariel? The angel of guidance?" Agent Michaels stated. He was taller than the other one.

"As in my parents were hardcore Christians." I said then leaned in and whispered "Hunters?"

The looked at me with a puzzled look then Agent Smith said. "I'm Dean, this is Sam."

"Is that short for anything?" I asked.

"Uh...Samuel but I prefer Sam."

"Okay. Well I was doing some research and this case sounds like a Woman in White sort of thing." I informed them.

"Woman in White huh?" Dean said. "Don't they go after unfaithful guys?"

"Yeah. I was just about to go do some research about deaths around here, care to join?" I asked.

"Umm...sure." Dean answered.

"Well I'm at the motel on the south side of town. You can meet me there." I told them.

"Okay." Sam answered.

They began walking over to a beaut of a car. It was a 1967 Chevy Impala in perfect condition. Then I heard Dean say "Just met her and she's already inviting me back to her room." then he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and went to my 2012 Chevy Camaro. He was my baby and had enough room in the trunk to hide all the things I needed in order to be a hunter.

At the motel Dean and Sam's room was right next to mine because we got them only 30 minutes apart. We researched for about an hour then came across an old case. Some girl named Constance Welch committed suicide right after her two children drowned at their house.

"It says here that Joseph Welch is still alive. I'm going to go talk to him and see if I can't get out any other information from him." Sam said as he grabbed the keys and headed out the door.

"So what got you into hunting?" Dean asked.

"I saw my best friend get murdered by a vampire and not the sparkling faggots in Twilight either." I answered bluntly. "What about you?"

"A demon killed my mother. I was four and Sam was only six months. My dad has been set on finding the demon ever since." Dean answered.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologized.

Dean and I spent the next hour sharing hunting stories and talking about if we should pair up or not. After talking it out we decided that we should work together. Sam then came back letting us know that Joseph Welch did cheat on Constance but he doesn't think that she killed the kids. Also Constance was buried at their old house.

Sam was the only guy that was in a relationship so he was the only one that could get Constance's attention. At night Sam took off with my car because Dean didn't want anything to happen to his baby. I took out all my weapons first then gave Sam my keys.

Dean and I drove over to the old house to find the grave of Constance Welch. To our surprise the grave was empty. That's when Sam came speeding up towards the house and he didn't slow down.

Once the car came to a stop we rushed over to the car and pulled Sam away from Constance. The house began to light up and water came pouring down the steps. Two young kids appeared on the steps calling out "Mommy, you came home to us." Then they walked over to Constance and grabbed a hold of her.

Constance and the kids sank into the Earth and disappeared. My car was wrecked and I was kind of mad at thw sight of my baby. I had to push away my anger because it was all apart of my job.

"So what now?" I asked Dean and Sam.

"Well first we get a nights sleep then off to the next case." Dean answered.

"Sounds good to me." I said then hopped into the back of the Impala. The boys looked at each other and laughed then got into the car as well and we drove off.

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