Not Quite Dead.

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All of ran over to Orion as if it would make a difference. Salem and I were crying our eyes out, while even Sam and Dean fought back tears. Bobby pulled me away from Orion and all I did was hug him and cry more.

Dean eventually pulled Salem away from Orion then said, "We should give her a hunter's funeral."

"No, let's just wait." Eric quickly replied. "Not yet."

"Fine, let's all go back to Bobby's then." Dean answered him.

Bobby agreed so Dean picked up Orion and brought her back to the cars. Dean was going to take Orion to Bobby's and Salem didn't want to leave her so she went with them. Eric drove the truck because I was too shaken up. Sam rode with us to Bobby's. Helen and Bobby just to Bobby's car.

Sam sat in the backseat as Eric drove, I starred out of the passenger window looking at the night sky. There was a pain in my stomach so I turned to Eric and said, "Pull over."

Eric didn't say anything, he just did as I asked. I jumped out of the truck just in time, I bent over and emptied whatever was in my stomach. Sam was by my side holding my hair and making sure that I was okay. When I was done Sam gave me a napkin to wipe my mouth and a piece of gum.

"It's not your fault." Sam stated trying to make me feel better.

"It is though. If I was more of my past self, my angel self I could have saved her but being sent here to watch over you and Dean stopped that."

"You were sent here to watch over us?" Sam questioned.

"Mainly you."

"Why?" Sam questioned some more.

"Every human has a guardian angel, I'm yours." I told Sam.

"What about Dean?" He continued with the questions.

"Castiel is his guardian angel."

"We can talk more about this later, you need some rest." Sam told me.

I didn't say anything else I just went back to the truck. This time I was in the back with Sam. Sam just sat down in his seat from before as I laid out and used his leg as a pillow. Sam was hesitant at first but then he put his hand on my side and I soon fell asleep.
~Salem's POV~

The ride was to quiet for comfort, I know Orion was dead in the back seat but Dean still wouldn't talk to me. I had to be the first person to talk.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened."

"Let by gones be by gones." Dean replied not taking his eyes off the rode.

"Just please stop hating me."

That's when Dean finally looked at me. " I don't hate you. I never could. I'm just tired of being fucked with."

"Dean, I never meant for any of that to happen."

"Nobody ever does but it still happens. I still love you and damn do I love you but for now, friends is all I can be with you." Dean replied.

"I still love you too, can I ask you something?"


"What was going on between you and Orion?"

"Nothing, well nothing started at least."

I didn't say anything back because I didn't know what to say. We sat in silence for about another thirty minutes until there was a sound coming from the back seat. When I turned around Orion was sitting up and fixing her hair. Dean slammed on the breaks causing me to fly forward.

"What the hell was that about?" Orion asked.

Eric, Sariel, Sam, Bobby and Helen all rushed out of their cars and over to us. Nobody could believe what they were seeing, Sariel look sick to her stomach.

"How the fuck is she alive?" I asked Sariel.

"I don't- I don't know."

"I do." Eric spoke up. "She died with my blood in her system, so she is turning into on of me but weaker."

"So she's a vampire?" I asked.

"Not the normal type. She can't go in the sun, we are going to have to make her a sun ring. We'll need a witch for that. Also, she doesn't need as much human blood to survive. She can still live off of a human diet with some blood of course. There's only one thing though." Eric stated.

"What?" Dean asked.

"She needs to drink human blood to complete the transition or she'll die." Eric told us.

"I don't want to die again." Orion whined.

Eric went to the back of the truck and pulled out a blood bag. Nobody disapproved of the idea, we all wanted Orion alive in anyway possible. Orion started drinking the blood and we all just stood there watching. We now had to vampires with us and none of us could believe it.

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