The Truth Is Revealed.

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We headed back to the cabin and John began tell the boys about Azazel, how he left a trail and they should start following it soon. I got up and went to the door, sam asked "Hey, where are you going?"

"To get some fresh air, I'll be back soon." I told him then shut the door behind me.

On the porch I heard Salem ask, "What's up with her?"

Dean answered her saying "She likes to be alone I guess."

As I walked I began thinking about when times were easier, back when I wasn't a hunter and didn't have to keep up this facade. Being an angel was easier than a hunters life. I continued to walk until I heard a noise behind me. There was a girl with short blonde hair and black eyes standing there.

"Demons just keep getting uglier and uglier don't they." I stated.

A sword dropped into her hands as she said "I'd watch what you say."

"How'd you get your hands on an archangel's sword?" I asked.

"I have my ways, now where is John Winchester?" She snapped as she took a step forward.

"How should I know?" I asked.

"Listen Sariel, I know you've been with the Winchester boys. Let's just say Sam is a friend of mine." her voice was low as she spoke.

"Sam wouldn't be friends with a demon!" I shouted.

"Oh, well you see. He doesn't know that I'm a demon." she said as took another step towards me.

"Who are you anyway?" I asked

"The name's Meg. Now where is John Winchester?" she demanded.

"You're going to have to kill me before I tell you." I snapped.

"You asked for it." she said bluntly.

Meg lunged towards me as she swung the sword. I hopped backwards trying to avoid the sword but she continued to come after me. The sword cut into my side and I screamed. I grabbed her wrist, forcing her to drop the sword and threw her backwards. Meg stood up, dusted herself off and came at me again, I disappeared before she could get to me.

When I woke up I was laying down in a motel room. My side was still bleeding and Sam, Dean, Salem and John were all in the room. "How'd I get here?" I mumbled.

"We brought you here, how else?" Salem answered sarcastically.

"Shut up Salem." Sam snapped.

"Fuck off Sam!" Salem yelled.

"You randomly appeared in the cabin, all cut up and bloody." Dean said sounding annoyed. "Like popped into the room. We did all of the routine tests. What are you?"

I looked at Sam and then at Salem, they said nothing. "I am an angel of the lord."

"Angels don't exist." Dean answered.

"You believe in demons, vampires, ghosts and everything else we hunt but an angel crosses the line?" I questioned started to get irritated.

"I've seen them before. I've never seen an angel!" Dean shouted.

"Dean! Let her explain." John barked and Dean was quite.

"You've been looking at an angel for the past three weeks. I was sent here to watch over you and Sam." I explained to them. "I'm here to protect you." I added in as I looked at Salem. John was the only one that noticed my glance because he asked everyone to leave the room.

Once they all were gone her turned to me and asked "Why did you look at Salem when you said you were here to protect my boys?"

I sat up on the bed and winced from the pain then answered "Salem used to be a demon."

"That's bullshit." John snapped.

"No, it is not. Salem used to be the Queen of Hell but she lost most of her powers when Azazel stabbed her with the Demon knife." I explained.

"Azazel? Lost most of her powers? Demon Knife?" John repeated the things he did not understand.

"Azazel is a demon, actually he is yellow eyes. Salem can she what you feel, think or have been through by touch and the demon knife was made by and angel to kill off demons." I told John.

"So is Salem human?" John asked sternly.

"As of right now yes. Salem is a different person than who she was before. She is not a demon, if that's what you are truly wondering." I answered John's question.

"I have to talk to her." John said leaving the room.

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