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~John's POV~

"Salem, we to talk." I shouted as I exited the motel room, Dean and Sam looked at each puzzled. I turned to my boys and said "Sari is laying down. She needs her rest, apparently it was an archangel sword that cut her. You guys need to go to the hospital and check out birth certificates. Yellow Eyes needs to be stopped, tonight."

Dean and Sam stepped away from Salem and went into the motel room leaving me with Salem. I didn't say anything, I just got into the truck and Salem followed. We drove for ten minutes before either of us spoke.

"Why did you need to talk to me?" Salem asked with caution in her voice.

"When were you going to let me know?" I asked her.

"Tell you what exactly?" She asked but I knew she already had the answer.

"You used to be a demon! One of the things that killed my wife!" I shouted, realizing that I was blaming her for Mary's death.

"That little bitch." I heard Salem say under her breath. "Look, Mr. Winchester, I was already human when Azazel killed Mary. I had no part of that and I'm not a demon anymore nor do I want to be." Salem explained herself.

"Do my boys know?" I asked her after I calmed down again.

"No." She swallowed.

"Good, let's keep it like that." I said as I turned around to go back to the motel room. We drove in silence for the rest of the way there.

When we arrived back at the motel Sari was still asleep, Sam was busy on the computer and Dean was watching the news. Dean stood as we entered, he informed me that a demon named Meg had called asking for the colt.

"Dean, go buy a gun that resembles the colt for me." I ordered Dean.

"Yes sir." Dean answered then picked up his jacket and keys. "Sammy, want to join?"

"Uh...sure." Sam replied as he shut his laptop.

Sari was still asleep and Salem had moved to Dean's bed. An angel and an ex-demon in the same room, who would have thought? Sari sat up on the bed and looked at Salem and I. She did say anything, she got out of the bed and walled into the bathroom.

Once Sari came out of the bathroom Salem yelled "You fucking bitch!"

and walked over to her.

"I'm not in the mood to deal with you." Sari answered keeping calm.

"I'm never in the mood to deal with you I have to! Why did you rat on me?" Salem questioned still sounding pissed.

"I told John the truth." Sari told her.

Before Salem had time to answer a man appeared in the room. He wore a suit but the tie was loose and the first couple of buttons were undone, he was also wearing a trench coat. The man stood about the same height as Dean and had black hair. He had a deep voice when he spoke and the first thing he said was "Get away from Sariel."

"Who the fuck are you?" Salem snapped as she turned around.

"Castiel, what are you doing here?" Sari asked as she walked over to him.

"You are hurt, I had to see if you are okay. Then I come to see this demon threatening you." Castiel explained.

"I'm not a fucking demon for one and two I wasn't threatening her." Salem barked.

"Salem, once a demon always a demon in my eyes." Cas stated.

"Cas, what about forgiveness? We do not hold grudges." Sari interrupted.

Just then another person appear in the room, he was shorter than the first guy. He wore a plain black suit and his face was scruffy. Unlike Castiel his face was chubby.

"Hello Castiel." The man said.

"Crowley, what are you doing here?" Salem asked.

"Things were getting intense. I figured why not stop in and end things." The man replied.

Crowley? Crowley was the name of the king of hell. I turned and grabbed the flask of water behind me and threw it on him. He screamed from the pain and threw me backwards. Salem ran over towards me and Sari went after Crowley. I got up and Salem pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket, she cut herself and began drawing something on the wall with her blood. Crowley threw Sari off of him and she went flying. Cas then went after Crowley, Salem finished drawing the symbol, there was a bright flash in the room then Sari and Cas were gone.

"Get out of here! Both of you!" I shouted.

"John, wait." Salem pleaded.

"Just go." I shouted as I turned my back to her.

Crowley walked towards Salem and then they were gone. I went to the bath and cleaned up my cuts when Sam and Dean arrived.

"Woah, what happened here?" Sam asked.

"And where's Sari and Salem?" Dean added in.

"A demon, more like the king of hell." I answered them.

"Okay but that doesn't answer my question. Where is Salem and Sari?" Dean asked once again.

"Salem expelled Sari, or that's what I think she did and I don't know about Salem." I explained to the boys.

"Expelled Sari? I thought they were getting along and did the demon take her?" Dean asked sounding worried.

"No, she went for a walk. She will be back later. Did you get the gun?" I asked.

"Yeah, here." Sam said as he handed over the gun.

"Okay, you guys go deal with Sam's vision about the family. I'll take care of Meg." I saidthen grabbed my keys and left the room.

At the warehouse there was a water tank so I went up to the roof. Just in case I blessed the water, Meg is a demon so it should amount for something. After the water was blessed I went inside the warehouse, Meg was standing there with backup I suppose.

"Hello John." Meg said. "Where's the colt?"

I threw a bag at her and the other guy caught it. "Here." I told her.

The guy pulled out the gun and examined it. "How do we know it is real?" he asked.

"That's the colt." I answered him.

He raised the gun and shot Meg. That was my cue, I turned and ran. Meg and the other guy were behind me. I cut through the pipes, I turned on the water and holy water came pouring out. Meg was stuck couldn't follow me.

When I got out side my tires were slashed so ran down the nearest alleyway. I pulled out my phone to call Dean but I was sent flying up against the wall. Meg and her backup were standing up front of me, Meg just up the phone from the ground and called someone.

~Sariel's POV~

I walked into the motel room with Sam, Dean and Salem standing looking at the door.

"Oh, it's only you." Dean said then turned away.

Only me? Ouch. "What's going on?" I asked only looking at Sam.

"Dean and I got back to the room and you and Salem were gone. Dad left to go meet up with Meg while Dean and I took care of Monica. Salem just got back. Are you okay?" Sam explained to me.

"Just peachy." I answered him then flashed a bitchface at Salem.

The phone rang and Dean quickly answered it. He put the phone on speaker and said "Dad?"

Only it wasn't John on the phone, we heard Meg say "You’re never going to see your father again…" then she hung up the phone.

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