Soul Selling

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~Salem's POV~

"Juliet!" I called out. "Come here baby."

A tiny black pit bull came running around the corner, Crowley had given her to me as a gift when I got back to Hell. Everything was going smoothly, it had only been a month but I had gotten my throne back and I was completely happy.

Crowley told me about all the things we used to do back during my first time in Hell. We had a swing set that we would just sit on and talk for hours, we had a date night and he would always wear purple just for me. After about a week or so it was like I never left.

Juliet yelped at me to gain my attention. I picked her up and brought her to the bedroom. Crowley carefully buttoned each button on his coat. I set Juliet down and she bolted towards him. In a split second Crowley was holding Juliet in the air and enjoying her kiss.

"Juliet, stop. Daddy has to get to work." He said and I couldn't help but smile. Crowley placed Juliet down and she ran out of the room.

"Do you really have to work?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Depends on what else you have in mind love. " Crowley said smiling.

I grabbed on his coat and pulled him as I backed up to the desk. I sat down and pulled him into a kiss. His hand moved up my thigh to my hip as I began unbuttoning his coat. Crowley lifted me up and moved us to them bed that was just made from the night before. He quickly removed my shirt as I did his. I planted a kiss on his neck then we really started to move.

About an hour later there was a knock on the door. We were both dressed so I yelled for them to come in.

"There's a deal in process at the crossroads near the Winsters River. Someone needs to attend to it." said that demon who entered the room.

"I'll get it." I told him.

"Okay." he said then exited.

I quickly changed into my black dress and heals used only for making deals. When I walked out of the room I stood in gravel. There was a man standing with his back toward me. He wore pants, a white shirt and a brown leather jacket. His hair was short and a dust brownish color.

"You cal-" I started to say until he turned around and revealed who he really was.

"You're a demon!" Dean yelled.

"Let me explain."

"I don't want you to explain. Just let me make my deal so I can get away from you." Dean said.

"Fine. What do you want?"

"My soul for Sam's life." He said bluntly.

"Wait, Sam's dead!"

"Are you going make the deal or not?" Dean asked impatiently.

"All I can give is a year."

"That's fine. Let's get this over with." Dean said.

I walked over to Dean and pulled him into a kiss. When our lips touched every memory that I had with him hit me at once. Dean pulled away from me then walked back to the impala leaving me there breathless and broken.

~Dean's POV~

After starting the car I sat for a moment thinking about what just happened. Salem's a demon, I just sold my soul. Also I only have a year to live. I ignored the rest of my thoughts and went back to the cabin.

When I got back to the cabin Sariel was asleep on the couch. Eric was reading a book at the table. I made my way to the room where Sam was in. He was still laying down on the bed but his cuts, gashes and rips were beginning to heal. About ten minutes later Sam sat up and asked me what happened. I told him that he fell down the stairs when Madison was coming after him after she had turned.

Sariel came running into the room the stopped in her tracks when she saw that Sam was alive. "What are you doing in here?" I asked because she was just asleep.

"I heard his voice. How is this possible?" She wondered. "He was de-"

"Sariel, can I talk to you for a second?" I cut her off then pulled her out of the room.

"What?!" she yelled.

I looked down and didn't say anything. A few moments later Sariel pushed me and I stumbled back a few feet. She was becoming stronger.

"What is it with the Winchesters and selling their fucking souls to save each other!" Sariel yelled and I knew she was pissed because she never cussed.

"I did it to save my little brother's life."

"How long?" she asked.

"A year."

"A year! That's all the demon bitch gave you!" She yelled again and I couldn't help but laugh. "What?"

"The demon bitch was Salem."

Sariel's face fell but before she could say anything Sam came out of the room. They needed to talk so I left them and went to my bedroom. I sat down on the bed and pulled out the note Salem had left me and finally decided it was time to read it.


I'm sorry for everything. If you hate me after everything I completely understand. I just want you to know that these past couple of months were the best and I will never forget them. You were, are, and will always be the love of my life. There are somethings that you don't know about me and if you ever find them out please don't let that change your opinion on me. I was always myself with you.

Love forever and always,

A Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now