Friend or Foe?

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After the Meg situation happened Bobby called the cops, Dean, Sam and Salem went to I pack their things so they were out of the room. Bobby pulled me aside and told me that I needed to stay with him for a little while. Everyone returned into the study with their bags.

"Why didn't you pack?" Sam asked as he looked at my empty hands.

"I need to stay here for a little bit." I told them.

"I know we don't get along that great but you can't leave alone with the boys." Salem added in, I think I saw Dean's jaw drop a little bit when she said that.

"It's not forever, there's just something I need to take care of." I assured them.

"Okay, well we better be going. Give us a call when you want to meet up again." Dean told me.

As they were leaving Sam turned and gave me a hug then said "Give me a call if you need anything."

"Will do." I told him then gave him another hug. They all got into the impala and drove off then I went inside.

Bobby looking down at Meg's body when I went into the study. He shook his head and walked away. Instead of saying I went to go get ready. After my shower I put on my skinny jeans, boots and my black Real Madrid hoodie.

"Bobby! I'm going to check this thing out, I'll be back later to night." I called out when I got to the door.

I waited for a reply then heard Bobby say, "Don't get yourself killed kid."

"I'm an angel remember." I called out again then left.

Before I left I grabbed the keys to the Ford Raptor I used to drive when I lived with Bobby. The black truck was a 2010 model so she was fairly new. All my weapons we still in the box in the bed of my truck. I grabbed out machete and threw it in the back seat then took off.

Bobby told me that there have been killings going on and it was something that I should take care of. People were being drained of blood and were just left there.

When I got into town I parked the truck and went down the alley that the bodies have been found. The best way to attract a vampire is to act like the victim. I pulled out the knife from my boot and cut my arm, the bloodsuckers would come running at the scent of blood.

There was a sound behind me so I began walking back to the truck. I wasn't going to do much damage with a pocket knife so I needed to go get my machete. I opened the truck and grabbed my machete when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around quickly, I pinned the man up against the wall with the blade at his throat. His teeth weren't out so I had to make sure he was a vampire, he had holes in his gums but yet he didn't try attacking me.

He threw his hands up and said, "Woah woah woah. I'm not who you're looking for."

"You're exactly what I'm looking for." I shouted.

"I said who, not what. Obviously I'm a vampire but I'm not the vampire that you are looking for. I don't drink from humans, well not when their blood is still in their body." The vampire told me.

I stood back to take a look at him. He was a bit taller than me, had short black hair. He wore tight heans for a guy and a grey and black flannel shirt with black converses. The vampire's eyes were a dark brown that almost looked black and his eyelashes were longer than mine. "So you don't drink from humans?" I asked curiously.

"Not regularly, it's more like a special treat every couple of months." He explained to me.

"Then what do you drink from?" I asked.

"Blood bags. Don't taste as good as from the vein but they do the trick." The vampire told me. "I'm Eric." he stuck out his hand.

I shook his hand then turned to the car. "Get it."

"You're going to trust a vampire that you just met? How are you a hunter? I could kill you easily."

"Trust me, it is harder than you think. Now, if you try I will smite you." I said.proudly with a smile on my face.

"Smite? Wait, are you a-?" Eric began to ask before I cut him off.

"An angel? Yes. My name is Sariel." I said proudly once again.

"Well alright then, remind me not to piss you off." Eric said aa he got into the truck.

On the way back to Bobby's, Eric explained to me how he was tracking down the reckless vampire. The vampire had been going from town to town, draining anyone and everyone who got in his way. This vampire was on a mission, but for what exactly?

When we got back to Bobby's he wasn't to happy with the fact that I brought a vampire back to his house but he trust me. After Eric explained everything to Bobby, he was on board.

"So what's the big plan?" Eric asked eagerly as he sat down in a chair.

"I don't know, but I have to call Sam first." I told him, then pulled out my phone.

The phone rang and rang then I got his familiar voice, "Hello?"

"Hey Sam, I have some good news and some bad news." I started off.

"Ha, same here-" Sam said before he was cut off. There was a loud crash and I heard the boys and John cry out then the phone went dead.

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