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~Sariel's POV~

Castiel was standing over me with my grace in the jar still in his hand. He walked over to me and began taking the my grace out of the jar.

"I am sorry for this Sariel." Cas said before he had anything to apologize for.

Castiel began to put my grace back, the pain from it made me scream and cry out. Castiel wanted to stop but if he did it could destroy my grace.

"This is worse than what Crowley put me through!" I shouted.

Castiel hesitated but continued, I wanted it to stop but I know I couldn't. My screams caused Bobby to come in the room, he quickly left when he figured out what was going on.

Once Castiel was finished he looked at me and asked, "How do you feel?"

"I feel fine. Let us go save Dean." I told him.

"But that is impossible." Castiel said.

"Nothing is." I replied as I exited the room. Sam was walking by so we ran into each other.

"Hello Sam."

Sam didn't say anything he just continued to walk. I was determined to figure out what was wrong so I followed him.

"Sari, let me be." Sam snapped.

"There is something wrong, I can tell." I replied.

"Maybe it's because my brother died to save you! What a great Angel you are." Sam began to shout.

"I am sorry for that."

"I don't need you to say sorry. I need you to go." Sam stated.

With that I was gone, I had appeared in a room that haven't seen in a long time. This room was once apart of me, well still was. There was a queen sized bed in the middle of the room, pushed up against the wall. It had light blue sheets and blankets. My desk was on the other side of the room with a list above it. I walked over to the list and read the names:

Queen Victoria.
Marcus Baist.
Jessica Russell.
Leah Boltman.
Jesse Wells.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mother Teresa.
Walt Disney.
Amelia Earhart.
Rosa Parks.

This was a list of some of the people I was sent to watch over. I have been a guardian angel for as long as I could remember, these were just people I would watch over from time to time. Sam was different, I am supposed to always protect him that's why I needed to get him back.

~Salem's POV~

"Salem!" I heard Crowley call out from outside of the room. I quickly put on something other than my pajamas and exited the room.

"What?!" I shouted back to him.

When I got outside of the room Crowley was standing there, "Well aren't you a ball of sunshine?"

"The brightest, now what did you want?"

"I need you to go teach the new guy how to torture." Crowley told me.

I started to walk away and under my breath I said, "Great, haven't even been here three days and I have to start torturing someone."

When I got in the torture room I saw Dean standing there. "Dean, you can't do this."

"Why, I'm tired of being tortured, being broken down to nothing just to restart the next day." Dean stated.

"It's only been like three days."

"That's three months down here!" Dean argued.

"You act like I don't know that."

"Can we just get this over with?" Dean asked.

I began to show Dean how to torture the random guy who was strapped to the table. It was strange to see Dean torture someone, it was even stranger to see him so at ease with it.

After about an hour or so Crowley entered the room and cleared his throat. "You were supposed to show him and come back."

"Come down grandpa." Dean said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's go Salem. It's not the time to have fun with your exs." Crowley said sternly.

"You're old enough to be her father so you're no prize." Dean said.

"Yeah, and she's three hundred years old." Crowley told him.

"That was before I was reborn." I pointed out.

"Even if she was three hundred years old she looks better for her age than you do." Dean told Crowley.

Crowley turned and left the room, I knew that if I didn't want anything to happen to Dean I was going to have to follow him.

"Thanks for calling me old." I said to Dean.

"You're boyfriend said it first." Dean said putting his hands up .

"He's not my." I didn't even finish my sentence and left the room because Dean gave me a face like I was playing dumb.

~Sam's POV~

There were two people I could call to help me to get Dean back, Sariel and Ruby. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Sariel after what happened to Dean so I called for Ruby.

"Hello Sam." I heard from behind me. "We really shouldn't meet at Bobby's so meet me at the motel. Your vamps will be fine to stay here alone." Ruby said then was gone. I grabbed the keys to the impala and left Bobby's, I was willing to do anything to get Dean back.

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