Nightmare or Reality?

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We left the Winchester house and began driving out of town. The car was silent, Dean wasn't even playing music. They just sat there and kept to themselves. Around eleven I got tired of being in the car.

"Can we get some rooms for the night?" I whinned.

"Why do we have to get two rooms?" Dean asked.

"I'm tired of the couch." I answered back

"You could always sleep with Sam." Dean joked.

"We all know what you mean by sleep and there's nothing like that going on here. Plus it's not like it's our money anyway." I said crossing my arms.

"Fine." Dean said then made a sharp turn into the motel parking lot.

We all got out of the car and check in. The boys went straight to there room but I walked over to the car to get some new clothes. I felt like I really needed a shower. After getting my clothes I went to my room.

I turned off the shower, grabbed  towel and wrapped up my hair. I grabbed the other towel and wrapped it around me. There was a sound outside of the door so I decided to check it out.

When I opened the door Castiel was standing in the room. "What are you doing here?" I asked sounding like a little girl on Christmas.

"Came to see you." Castiel said as he took a couple of steps close to me.

"Oh yay!" I squealed.

Castiel pulled me towards him and looked down to me. "Well are you going to kiss me or not?" I asked impatiently.

I stood up on my tip toes to kiss Castiel. He pulled me into a kiss,  I started at his tie then took off his jacket. Once his jacket and tie were off I began unbuttoning his shirt. He moved with grace as he brought me to the bed.

Castiel's shirt came off revealing his perfect body. Castiel moved to unwrap my towel then Sam came bursting through the door. I pulled the towel back over me and Castiel jumped to his feet standing there awkwardly.

"Fuck!" I shouted.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Sam began. "It's just I had another dream and we have to go, like now."

"Give me five minutes." I told him.

"Okay." Sam replied as he shut the door behind him.

I got up from the bed and went for my clothes. As I was getting dressed Castiel said "It seems like it was easier to have a secret relationship on Heaven then it is here on Earth."

"I know. It's not fair." I pouted.

"Maybe next time." Castiel said as he kissed me good-bye.

In a few moments I was out the door and Sam was waiting for me. I could tell that he was curious but he didn't ask any questions. We all got in the car and drove to wherever Sam's dream was leading us. Dean complained that his dream meant nothing and he was over thinking it.

When we pulled up to the house that Sam had dreamt about there were cops and a crowd surrounding the house. Dean parked the car and we went to go see what was going on.

"What happened?" I asked the older lady standing next to me.

"It's Jim Miller, they say he committed suicide." She answered not taking her eyes off of the Miller house. "He was in his garage with the car on."

"Oh." I replied because that was all I could say at that point.

Sam walked away from the crowd towards the car and Dean and I followed. We stood away from Sam not saying anything.

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