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Before Sam could say anything else I was out of the bed getting dressed. I put on my pants, my boots and then walked over to my bag and threw on a light blue sweater. Once I was done I grabbed the keys to my truck and we took off. Sam turned on the radio and "Pour Some Sugar On Me" came on causing both of to laugh even though we were both worried.

"Where are we meeting Dean?" I asked.

"At the bar we were at earlier." Sam told me and I pressed on the gas. Sam went flying into the seat and quickly buckled himself in.

It was normally a fifteen minute drive to the bar but we made it there in five. Dean was standing by the impala waiting for us. I parked the truck and jumped to the ground then ran over towards Dean.

"How did Gordon find out!" I yelled as I got in Dean's face. 

Sam pulled me away then said, "Calm down killer."

"Since Eric was, well is on your Angel Blood he couldn't control his fangs."  Dean began to say before I cut him off.

"But he doesn't have normal fangs, he has extendable k-9's." I replied calmly this time.

"Yeah, well they extended and Gordon noticed."  Dean said with sass.

"Your sass isn't needed right now, Dean." I snapped. "I'm going to go find Gordon."

"How are you going to do that?" Sam asked.

"Angel. Remember?" I said before I disappeared.

There was an old house in front of me, it had stairs leading up to the door. I could hear Gordon's voice inside and Eric's screams. As I walked up to the house there was the scent of a very rare herb call vervain, I saw Eric through the window. He was being tied down by ropes that looked like they were burning his skin. A vial of dead man's blood was on the table next to him. Gordon dipped a knife into a jar of water then cut into Eric again. He screamed louder than before.

I kicked in the door, Gordon looked at me then grabbed a knife on the table and threw it at me. Before I had time to move it went into my shoulder. Gordon came after me as I pulled out the knife and threw it to Eric. Gordon had another knife in his hand and started swinging. I dodged each swing until he cut my side. Gordon pinned me up against the wall with the knife to my neck.

"How did you you know that he was a vampire?" I asked stille pinned up against the wall.

"He's stronger than normal people and quicker. Also his k-9 teeth were abnormally long. Not to mention that I've hunted one of his kind." Gordon said.

"Of course you have." I huffed. "What was the vamp's name?"

"Isabelle." Gordon laughed.

There was a loud snap and Gordon fell to the floor revealing Eric standing behind him. Eric fell to his knees because he was still weak for Gordon's torture. I picked Eric up and went back to the boys.

Dean and Sam were standing at the impala when I reappeared. Since I haven't used my angelic abilities in twenty-six years, using them all at once was starting to wear on me. Eric and I fell to the floor, I passed out.

When I woke I was back at the motel, Dean and Sam were standing outside of the room talking to someone and Eric was sitting on the couch drinking out of a blood bag with a crazy swirly straw.

"Guy! She's wake." Eric yelled out then went back to drinking his bag of blood.

The boys came in the room along with some very familiar who I couldn't believe was with them. They came to the bed and I just stared at the man with disbelief.

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