Crossroad Commitments.

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The door opened so I looked up from my lap, the tears had stopped but you could see the lines on face from my makeup. Sam stood in the doorway with a bag of stuff. He put the stuff down on the table next to Dean and sat in front of me. "Sariel, what's wrong?" Sam asked.

"Everything. It was my job to protect you guys and look at what happened. The only person I have ever cared about until I met you guys is dead. Dean is going to die if I don't find away to save him." I began crying again.

Sam pulled me into his lap and I just sat there crying as I hugged him then he said "Look, like I said earlier everything is going to be okay." He pulled me away from him so I could look at him then he said jokingly "I thought angels were supposed to be stronger than this."

"I have lived a human like for the past 26 years of my life so cut me some slack." I said pushing him away then we both laughed.

Sam stood up then pulled me to my feet. He walked back over to the bag and pulled out a Ouija board. Sam set it down when Salem and John entered the room.

"Did you get the stuff I asked for?" John asked all assertive and what not.

"Uh, yes. What are they for?" Sam asked his father.

"Just something that I need to do. Salem let's go." John ordered as he grabbed the bag.

I looked at Sam but decided not to ask. We both set out the Ouija board and began asking questions. I asked if Dean was in the room with us and it moved to yes.

~Salem's POV~

John and I got into a cab, after he told the driver where to go we sat in silence. We drove to the edge of town right by an old abandoned apartment complex then got out. John told the cab to wait here the turned to me and said, "We have to take a walk."

"Where are we going?" I asked nervously. I haven't been alone with John since the motel room when Crowley showed up.

John let out a sigh then said, "I'm saving Dean."


He didn't reply. John kept walking until we came upon a crossroads, he pulled out the thing from the bag which happen to be things to summon a crossroads demon.

"John, no. No no no, you weren't planning to summon yellow eyes were you? You're selling your soul for Dean's life!"

"Bingo." He replied.

"Why do I have to be here for this?"

"I brought you here to make things right with you." he started off. "The way things ended the other night wasn't the best part. You're a good person and I know that. I'm happy Dean fell for you."

I sat down beside him, "Thank you Mr. Winchester. There has to be another way though. I can find one."

"There isn't."

"But-" I began to argue.

"Listen to me. I've done my fair share of hunting. Dean deserves a longer life than this. He deserves to be happy with someone. You're that someone, okay? I know it." John assured me.

"How do you know that? Why do you keeo saying that?"

"It's a long story. I just know that no matter what, you guys will end up together." John told me.

Before I could reply a girl in a tight black dress appeared. She had long curly blonde hair and bright red lipstick on. "You called?"

John stood up and dusted himself off as I did the same. "I need your help."

"A Winchester needs a demon's help. How ironic." The demon laughed. "Who's your girlfriend? Wait, is that Salem? This should be interesting."

"She's my dying son's girlfriend." John responded.

"Oh that's what this is about. Well, what do you have to offer me for your son?" The demon wondered.

"My soul. Just give me an hour after the deal is made." John told her.

"John, you can get longer. Don't do this." I pleaded.

"Nope, an hour sounds good to me." The demon interrupted. "You ready?"

"Just do it."

The demon walked over to John, placed her hand on his neck and pulled him into a kiss. She pulled away then said "Dean's awake. The clock is ticking." Then she was gone.

John's phone rang, he looked down at it then said "Once I finish this conversation we are leaving." John answered his phone then walked off into the distance.

"Hello Darling." I heard in a familiar voice behind me.

I turned to Crowley standing there. "Crowley." I smiled.

"I heard you were at the crossroads so I had to come. Do you remember this crossroad?" Crowley asked with a smile on his face.

"No, I'm sorry." I answered truthfully.

"It's okay love. I didn't really expect you to. This is the first place that we met. Even before you went to hell. You called a crossroads demon to save your sister Amelia at the time and I was the one that came. When I laid eyes on you I knew I couldn't let any harm come to you. It was love at first site. So when you're contract ended I came for you instead of the Hell Hounds." Crowley explained.

"That sounds like something you'd do." I replied because I was still in shock.

"Only for you." Crowley walked over to me and grabbed my hands. "John's coming, can we talk later?"

"Of course." I answered him then Crowley kissed me on my cheek and was gone. I loved Dean but I couldn't help but love Crowley as well.

John walked up and said it was time to go. Neither one of us spoke on the way back to the hospital. When we got there John pain the driver and we went inside.

Dean was sitting up on the bed so I ran over to him and pulled him into my arms. Dean grunted so I tried to move away, "No, it's a good pain."

John walked over to Sariel and Sam and gave them a hug, he walked over to me and gave me a hug, lastly he hugged Dean and that hug lasted the longest.

"What was that all about?" Sam asked.

"And where were you guys?" Sariel added in.

"After something like this you start to realize that life is short." John said.

"We weren't really on the best terms so he took me out for lunch. We talked and fixed our problems." I said answering Sariel's question.

She gave me a face of disbelief the joked, "You better watch out Dean, looks like you got some competition."

We all couldn't help but laugh until John moaned from pain. He had his hand over his heart and fell to the floor. Sam ran for help, Sariel ran to John to try her angel healing thing but it didn't work. Dean tried to get up but I held him down while tears began to escape from my eyes.

After the doctors tried everything they could to bring John back the announced him dead at 3:47pm. They said he died from a heart attack but I knew otherwise.

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