Devil's Trap.

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The door opened downstairs so I decided to check it out. Salem was creeping in the door after her secret meeting with Crowley. When I got down stairs Salem tried sneaking through the living room/library. She stopped dead in her tracks and wasn't able to move. I glanced up to see that she was standing under the devil's trap.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Uh don't know. I went outside cause I was hot and now I can't move." Salem lied.

"Look up." I told her while I looked up.

Salem glance up at the devil's trap and said "Is that a devil's trap?"

"Yup." I said blankly.

"But I'm not a demon." Salem stated.

"Maybe not but sticking your tongue down the King of Hell's throat might be bringing out the demon in you." I informed her.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Salem snapped.

"Don't play stupid with me." I answered.

Before Salem could reply there was a noise from down the hall, then Dean appeared. He leaned up against the door frame then mumbled "Babe, you coming to bed?"

"Uh-yeah. Give me a moment." Salem answered him.

Dean turned and walked back to the bedroom. Salem gave me the puppy dog face and said "Help me."

Without out saying anything I pulled a pocket knife out of my boot, pulled up a chair and cut the line on the devil's trap. "Thank you." Salem said as she began to walk away.

"Hey." I called out and she turned to face me. "You need to pick one."

"I know. Thank you again." Salem said then went off to bed.

Before I went back to bed I fixed the line. If I had left it that would have been the first thing Bobby would have noticed.


When I woke up that morning Salem had made breakfast for everyone. Dean had a mouth full of pancakes when he mumbled "Good morning." to me. Sam was busy eating and reading old books. Bobby was outside working on a car or something, so I grabbed some coffee and a pancake.

"What time is it?" I asked everyone.

Dean pushed up his sleeve then said "11. You got up late for once, which isn't a bad thing cause you slept maybe 24 since I met you. That was like 3 weeks ago."

"Yeah, I know. Who went shopping? Bobby never has this much food." I started then Salem cut me off.

"I did." Salem interrupted.

The door opened and Bobby entered the room. He flashed a smile to me then said "Good morning angel."

Dean coughed up some pancake that he had just swallowed then asked "You know?"

"Of course I know you idjit. She lived with me for about two years." Bobby told Dean.

The door flew open before Dean could reply. The familiar short girl with short blonde hair stood in the doorway.

"You guys are really sloppy." Meg stated.

Salem, Dean and I stepped towards her. She tried sending all of back but only Dean went flying. Meg walked into the center of the room and stood her ground. Bobby and Sam backed away.

"Now, where's the colt?" Meg asked with a bitch pitch in her voice.

"We burried it." Salem told her.

"Did you guys really think that I wouldn't find you?" Meg asked.

Dean got up from the ground and dusted himself of then said "No, actually we were counting on it." Dean glanced up at the devil's trap.

Meg looked up then yelled "Fuck!"

Sam and I tied Meg up in a chair so we could ask her question about where John was. Meg wouldn't answer any questions, Dean became so enraged that he slapped Meg across the face.

Bobby pulled Dean aside saying that she was a real girl and that she was only being possessed.

"Why not put her through an exorcism? She'll either talk or we are freeing the girl." I suggested.

"Sam, get the book." Dean ordered.

Sam opened the book and began speaking in Latin, he spoke so smoothly which was shocking considering that Latin is pretty much a dead language.

Meg screamed from pain then said "Okay! Okay! John is alive, he's in a warehouse in Lincoln but I don't know where."

"Thank you." Dean said to Meg then told Sam to continue.

Once Sam finished the exorcism a black cloud came pouring from the girl's mouth. The cloud exited to the chimney. Sam and I rushed to the girl and untied her. Salem ran for a pillow and we place it under Meg's head.

"Thank you for freeing me." Meg said weakly.

Sam smiled at her then Dean asked, "Was the demon telling the truth?"

"Yes." Meg answered then cried out from pain.

"Do you know where?" Salem asked.

"No, somewhere by a river and they said something about sunrise." Meg breathed then closed her eyes. We all knew that she was gone.

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