Demon Blood Vs. Angel Blood.

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After the ghost sickness we all went to Bobby's to stay there for a little while. Salem decided that she wanted to cook because she was picky on what she wanted to eat.

Sam was busy reading some of the books that Bobby had, so I went outside for a little while. Dean came out and sat next to me on the stairs.

We were quite for a moment then he broke the silence. "I'm not ready to be a dad."

I looked at him then said, "No one is ever ready Dean."

"Yeah, well our circumstances is different. I'm a hunter for fucks sake." Dean stated.

"I know, just think you have a couple of angels over your shoulder to keep this baby safe." I told him to lighten his mood.

"That's true. What's going on with you and Sam anyways? Are you a couple or not?" he asked.

"That is a question to ask your brother." I answered him.

We sat on the porch talking about everything and anything we could think of. Salem came back with the food and went straight to the kitchen to start cooking. Dean went inside shortly after to help Salem cook.

Eric and Orion drove up in some random car that Bobby let them borrow. I really needed to pay attention more because I didn't realize that they had left.

I was listening to the angel radio when Sam came out and touched my shoulder. The Angels were talking in code about some demon plan that needed to be stopped and how the true vessels were going to be protected.

"Food's ready, babe." Sam said, it was the first time her called me babe so I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay." I said as I stood up. Sam began to go inside but I grabbed his hand. He turned to me and I asked, "What are we?"

"What do you mean?" He asked sounding confused.

"Like are we a couple?"

Sam smiled and sort of laughed but didn't say anything. He stepped towards me and placed his hand at the base of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. When our lips touched I felt secure again. Sam pulled away then said, "Does that answer your question?"

I didn't answer, I just stood there smiling like a teenage girl who just saw Justin Timberlake. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house.

We all sat around the table for dinner. We sat in pairs, Salem and Dean, Orion and Eric, Sam and myself, while Bobby say at the end of the table.

"So, Sari. You never actually told us what Salem meant about the true vessels." Dean stated then you heard a grunt, probably from Salem elbowing him under the table.

I stopped eating and looked at Dean, "That is because there is nothing to talk about."

"Not if Ruby gets her way." Salem said and I glared at her. She threw her hands back in defence.

"I will make sure that she does not." I said sternly as I stood up from the table and walked away. The conversation made me lose my appetite. It was hard enough to eat as an angel because I could taste everything that it was made of but I needed to eat to keep my strength up if I wanted to be with Sam.

I went to my room to get away from everyone for a while. While I was sitting there I smelt something that smell horrible. I followed all the way to Sam's room, he was sitting on his bed with a flask in his hand. With out thinking grabbed the flask from his hand and smelt it. Demon blood.

"Are you insane!" I shouted.

"It's not what it looks like." Sam stammered. "Ruby said-"

"Did you not listen to a word that was said at dinner! Ruby has a plan to set Lucifer free from his cage and you are apart of it!" I shouted at him.

"Why would I be apart of it?" Sam asked as he stood up from the bed.

"You are the damn vessel! Lucifer's vessel!" I shouted without thinking.

Everyone came into the room because they heard my shouting. I threw the flask down to the ground and vanished from the room, leaving a gust of wind behind.

Castiel was standing in the room that I appeared in. "Sariel, what is wrong?" He asked walking over towards to me.

"Ruby is still feeding Sam demon blood to make him strong enough to be Lucifer's vessel. I need to cleanse him." I stated.

"You need to put an end to this." Castiel stated then after a moment if thinking he said, "Angel blood will cleanse him."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, let us go fix this." Castiel said then we left heaven once again.

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