Complicated Relationships.

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~ Castiel's POV~

Dean was saying hello to everyone when Sam came back into the the room. I waited a few moments but Sariel did not follow.

"Where is Sariel?" I asked Sam.

"She didn't tell me. She just left." Sam answered but did not look at me.

"Hey Cas, can we talk for a sec?" Dean asked.

"Yes, Dean. We are able to talk for a second." I told him.

Dean walked out of the room so I followed him. We stood outside the room when he said, "Sam loves Sari."

"I am aware."

"Sari loves Sam." Dean stated.

"That may be true but she loves me as well."

"Maybe, but do you still love her?" Dean asked.

I could not reply to Dean so he walked back into the room. Of course I still loved Sariel, I will always love Sariel but things have changed. With us and with things in heaven as well.

When I walked out of the motel I bumped into a girl. When I looked at her I saw her demon face, but when I looked again I saw something else. I saw past her demon face and to her true beauty. She had wavy brown hair and brown eyes to match. She wore jeans, boots, a purple top with a tight fitting black leather jacket.

"I am sorry." I told her.

"No problem cutie, the name's Meg." She replied with this voice that almost sounded seductive.

"My name is Castiel."

"Fits you perfectly, with being an angel and all." Meg said then disappeared.

~ Sariel's POV~

I needed alone time to think so I went to my favorite place. There was this random hill I would go to time to time to look out at the ocean and watch the sunset. There was the smell of saltwater in the air.

While I was watching over I noticed a little girl playing catch with her golden retriever near the shore. Her parents were close by following behind her.

There was a gust of wind behind me and when I turned around I saw Castiel standing there behind me.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"I have know you for two hundred and fifty years, I have come to know your get away spots." Castiel said as he sat down next to me.

"That is true."

"We need to talk." Castiel said

I looked at Castiel but didn't say anything. He was quite for a few moments then finally spoke up. "I am aware that you have feelings for Sam."

"That doesn't matter anymore, he makes me weak."

"They may be so but you have lived twenty seven years like that." Castiel pointed out.

"I will not be able to keep him safe if I am weak."

"I will be there with you. We can keep up on Angel training to keep your strength up." Castiel assured me.

I turned to look at Castiel, "Would you really do that?"

"Yes, I would." Castiel answered me. "Thing have obviously changed between us."

I leaned over and kissed Castiel on the cheek. "Thank you." I said before leaving.

It was dark and everyone was asleep when I got to the room. Dean was asleep on the bed, Orion and Eric slept cuddled up next to each other and there was no sign of Sam anywhere.

I walked outside to see if he was out there and still no sign. Ruby walked from behind a corner, when he eyes met me she said, "Oh shit."

Before she had time to get away I grabbed her and hold her up against the wall.

"Where's Sam?" I asked

"I don't know." Ruby answered.

I raised my hand and black smoke came pouring from her mouth. Before I had time to stop it she was gone and I was left with this girl that had no clue what was going on.

The girl fainted in my arms so I picked her up. Sam came out of nowhere and said, "What's going on?"

"Ruby vacated the body." I told him.

Sam took the girl from me and we went inside of the room. I woke up Dean and he got off the bed. Sam placed her down.

"What are we supposed to do with her?" Dean asked sounding grumpy.

"We should wait until she wakes up to figure out what she knows." Orion added in, none of us thought she was awake.

"Alright, we will wait." I said.

Sam sat down at the table, Deab sat down at the edge of the bed and I sat on couch. Dean turned on the tv and we just sat there, waiting.

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