The Welcome and The Unwelcome

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Dean and Sam jump out of the car to greet the man as Salem and I slowly step out of the car. Dean was pulling him into his arms for a hug. Standing there Salem nudged me and I followed her.

Once we were at a safe distance from the boy she asked "So how'd you meet my boy?"

"Your boys?" I laughed.

"Yes." She said bluntly.

"On a case, it's funny cause they never spoke of you. So how could they be your boys?" I asked sounding sassy.

"You lied earlier." she said avoiding my last comment.

"Who are you to walk up to me and call me a liar?" I asked stepping towards Salem.

"Look, I know that you are actually Sariel the archangel of guidance." Salem snapped.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I just do." She said standing her ground.

"The only way you could have found out is by when you touched me in the car and I've only seen one other person have that power before. She was the queen of hell, and her name was....her name was Salem." I said in complete shock. "You little demon."

"I'm not a demon, anymore." Salem told me.

"How could you just not be a demon anymore? I mean you were the Queen of Hell." I questioned her.

"Yes, I was a demon and yes I was married to Crowley but I'm not that person anymore. A demon tried killing me so Crowley sent my soul into this body, a body of a dying child. Now, I'm a hunter and dating Dean." Salem told me briefly.

"Do Dean and Sam know about you?"I asked.

"No, I just found out while I was on my last case. Do they know about you?" She asked.

"Sam does. Dean doesn't." I told her. "How did you find out?"

"While working on the case I met Crowley. He told me everything." Salem stated.

Right as I went to answer her Dean, Sam and the man walked over. Dean had a smile on his face, this was the happiest I've seen him in awhile. Once they reached us the man spoke saying "Salem, I see you get along with my boys just fine." he then winked at her then turned to me and said as he stuck out his hand.l. "I'm John Winchester.

I grabbed his hand a shook it firmly. "Sariel." I said flashing him a smile.

"Sar-iel?" he tested the name. "I'll call you Sari for short, that's if it's okay."

"That's fine." I smiled as I answered him. Castiel used to call me Sari back when we were in heaven.

"So we are hunting probably something you haven't hunted before." John informed us.

"What?" Salem asked eagerly.

"Vampires. Not the sparkly kind either." John informed us and Dean chuckled. "We have no leads right now so let's go back to the cabin and wait for something."

"Wait?" Sam barked.

"Yes boy,wait. We have no leads so going on nothing is going to help us." John stated.

"Fine." Sam said sounding pissed and then walked to the car. I quickly followed after him.

The car ride to the cabin was silent, none of us said anything. When we got there Salem and Dean went to a bedroom and Sam went to his own room leaving me alone with John. He was busy setting up police scanners so I left him alone and went outside.

I sat on the hood of the Impala and looked up at the sky. Heaven was up there and I really missed home. My eyes shut only to open again when I heard a voice.

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