A Lost Loved One.

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~Sariel's POV~

The phone dropped out of my hand and fell to the floor, both Bobby's and Eric's eyes met mine. Instead of saying anything I ran out of the room and began packing a bag. I threw in some soccer shirts, my hoodie, some jeans and everything else that that was needed.

When I got back into the study Bobby stood up from the desk. "What's going on?"

"It is the boys. They got into a crash. It sounded bad. I am heading to the hospital. Can you finish the case?" I asked sounding worried.

"Yeah, yeah. Go. Call me when you get there." Bobby answered my quickly.

I didn't answer Bobby, I just grabbed the keys to my truck and Eric then left. Eric either stayed quiet during the drive or I had blocked him out. The only thing that I was focused on was getting to Sam, Dean and Salem. It was my job to protect them and keep them safe, I let them down.

The drive was normally three hours to the hospital that they were going to be at but I made it there in an hour. I parked the truck and ran into the hospital.

"What room are the Winchesters in?" I practically shouted.

The receptionist gave the room number and I went to find Dean's room. Salem was sitting on the bed next to Dean crying and Sam was in a chair.

"Are you okay?" I asked directing the question to both of them.

"Just a couple bumps and bruises but Salem has a broken arm." Sam informed me

Salem's arm wasn't in a cast yet because the doctors were focused on Dean and John. I walked over to Salem and touched her forehead, her arm was healed.

"How you'd do that?" Salem asked as she stared at her arm.

"I am an angel, remember?" I stated then looked over at Sam, he could tell that I was worried.

Sam stood up and I ran to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and I just hugged tighter.

"Hey, look at me." Sam said pulling me away from him so I looked up at him because he towered over me. "I'm okay. Everyone is going to be okay." Sam said as he pushed a piece of hair out of my face.

Eric walked into the room and Salem jumped to her feet. "Who the fuck is that?"

"His name is Eric. I met him on a case." I answered her question.

"So you're friends with a vamp now?" Salem snapped.

"I am friends with you, am I not?" I answered calmly.

Salem ignored what I had said but Sam did not. "What does Sariel mean?" he asked.

"Nothing." Salem answered then stormed out of the room.

Eric left the room to go back to the truck, he felt like he was intruding. Sam looked at me then asked "What did you mean by I am friends with you, aren't I?"

"It was nothing." I tried brushing him off.

"That wasn't nothing Sariel. Please tell me." Sam asked.

I turned to Sam then said, "Keep an open mind with this."


"Before Salem was human she was a demon." I explained.

"Was? What's that supposed to mean?" Sam asked curiously.

"She was a demon. The Queen of Hell actually but she isn't anymore. She is only human." I lied because something else was going on with her.

"So, she's human?" he continued with questions.


"That's all I care about. Can I have some time alone with my brother?" Sam asked.

"Of course." I said then walked out of the room.

Once I was down the hall I was pulled up to heaven, not my body but my mind. There was an angel standing in front of me, she wore a business pants suit. She glasses and her brown hair was pulled back into a bun. We were in a plain white office. No decorations, nothing just plain white.

"Sariel, you don't know me but I'm Naomi. I have bad news for you." The lady spoke with an official voice.

"What?" I asked.

"Castiel is dead. We do not know what happened. I'm sorry." she informed me.

"How could this happen? The only way to kill an angel is with am archangel sword." I stated.

"I know this. I'm sorry for the lost." she said then she was gone.

Before I had a chance to reply I was sent back to Earth. The hospital hallway surrounded me. I went back to Dean's room but no one was there, except for Dean of course. I leaned up against the wall and began to cry. I fell to the floor, pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face. I just sat there crying.

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