Loss Of Power.

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We arrived at Bobby's around midnight, it was a long day for all of us so we all just went to out bedrooms. Eric ended up sleeping on the couch, Sam in his bedroom, Dean in his, Salem and Orion took the spare bedroom. When I was heading to my bedroom it was strange to see Dean going into his room alone.

When I got into my bedroom I took off my pants and threw on a big shirt. I collapsed on my bed and quickly fell asleep.

Around three in the morning there was a noise in my room that woke me up. There was a man standing at the end of my bed which freaked me out. The man was too tall to be Dean but too short to be Sam. He wasn't rocking the beer gut so it couldn't have been Bobby. I grabbed the knife on my nightstand and threw it at the him, it hit him right in the shoulder.

After I turned on the light I realized that it was Castiel who was at the end of my bed.

"You have gotten good at that." Castiel said as he removed the knige from his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, what are you doing here?" I asked because I haven't seen him since he left when Orion got shot.

"I am here because you let the prophet die." Castiel said sternly.

"I didn't let her die. I don't control demons." I snapped.

"It was your job to protect the prophet. Now she is a vampire and we have to wait until a new one is chosen." Castiel answered back.

"Actually you were the one sent to purgatory to save her not me." I started to yell.

"You are an Angel of the Lord , it is always our job to protect the prophets." Castiel said firmly.

"I'm tired of this Angel of the Lord shit, when have you seen the Lord? I know I haven't." I said then stormed out of the room.

I went outside to go get some fresh air. I sat down on the railing when a familiar face came around the corner.

"Hello Sariel." He said with his british accent. 

"I'm not in the mood Crowley, Salem is in the spare bedroom." I said trying to get him to leave me alone.

"I'm not here for Salem." Crowley said he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket.

"What do you need." I snapped.

"Does this smell like chloroform to you?" Crowley asked as he held the handkerchief to my face, I tried to get away but I was already starting to become unconscious. Before I passed out completely I saw Crowley place a note down on the railing.

When I woke up I was tied to a chair inside a room covered in enochian symbols which left me powerless. There was a metal contraption on my head and I couldn't move. Crowley entered the room soon after I woke up.

"We are going to have some fun" Crowley said smiling.

"What do you mean? I don't find this fun." I snapped.

"Well, I'm going to have some fun. Nobody in the history of torture has seen torture like the torture your about to be tortured with." Crowley laughed.

"I seriously don't know how Salem put up with you."

Crowley glared at me then picked up a metal pin. He began turning the pin inside the metal contraption on my hear, soon it started to enter my skull. I screamed from the pain but Crowley continued.

"See, I told you. I'm having a grand time." Crowley said then started again with another pin.

Suddenly I started screaming in enochian, a language I have not used since I was in heaven. Crowley stopped turning pins and glared at me.

"Seems I have found the factory reset." Crowley said joyfully.

Crowley continued with his torture, next he stuck his hand into my body, between my ribs. When he pulled out his hand was holding a bright blue ball of light.

"My grace!" I shouted.

"I have plans with this." Crowley smiled then put it into a jar.

~Salem's POV~

When I woke up no one was awake so I decided to make breakfast. Bobby had nothing in his refrigerator when I checked so I was going to have to go to the store. I quickly got dress, Sariel wasn't in her room which was odd because I was going to ask her if she wanted to come with.

When I went outside there was a note sitting down on the rail, I grabbed it before going to Sariel's truck. I didn't think she would mind if I used it for five minutes. The truck was already started when I began to read the letter.

To whomever finds this letter,

Sariel is now in my personal custody. If you want to see her again we need to arrange a meeting.

Yours truely,

I turned off the truck and ran inside. "Dean!" I started shouting as I made my way to his room. "Dean!"

"What?" Dean asked with his tired voice. Everyone ran into the bedroom and started asking what was wrong.

"Crowley fucking took Sariel. That bastard!" I shouted.

"He's your husband." Dean said as he sat up.

"Not the time! Crowley took Sariel and who knows what he's doing with her. We need to get her back. Now!"

"How are we going to do that?" Sam asked sounding worried.

"We have to summon Crowley." I told them.

We all got the things that were needed to summon Crowley. Bobby made sure that the devil's trap was in perfect condition.

Sam lit the match and sent what we needed on fire. Crowley appeared in the devil's trap and of course looked up.

"Always with the devil traps." Crowley said calmly.

"Where is Sariel!" I snapped.

"Oh, the new human? She's in my safe keeping." Crowley said smiling.

"The what! What did you do to her." Sam shouted.

"She's fine, she's fine. She's used to being a human anyway. "

"What do you want for her?" I asked sounding completely pissed.

"Two things. You have to come back to hell with me and Dean's contract ends now."

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