A Watery Death

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After the "Woman in White" case things were going pretty slow. Dean, Sam and I have stayed at different motels but no serious cases came up. While sitting in the room Sam searched his computer for a case and Dean left to go to a bar.

"Hey, I'm going to go get some fresh air." I told Sam.

"Okay." He answered. 

I left the motel room and looked for somewhere private. There was a hill just a mile away and I decided to go there.

"Castiel" I called out.

"Yes?" A husky voice said behind me.

"You're here." I answered turning around. "How are things in Heaven."

"Boring since you left but I tell you that every time we talk." Castiel said.

"Earth isn't so great either. The boys are fine though." I told him.

"I'm sorry Sariel but I can't stay long." Castiel apologized.

"No, it's fine. I understand." I added.

"Until next time." Castiel said then kissed me on the cheek good-bye.

Once he was gone I felt empty. I missed Heaven, 26 years on Earth was too long away from home.

When I got back to the motel Sam was asleep and Dean was watching the news.  A teenage girl named Sophie Carlton drowned the lake in Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. The brother claimed that she was dragged under water but he didn't see anything.

"Do you think that's one of our cases?" I asked.

"It could be. Let's head out there tomorrow morning." Dean suggested.

"Okay but first we are going to get you and Sam some suits. You guys have to look the part." I added.

"Fine...fine. Let's get some sleep." Dean answered.

Dean turned off the light and I quickly drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning I got up before everyone else. As an angel I normally sleep for about three hours a night. Most angels don't sleep at all but since I was on Earth I had to sleep to act human. I grabbed the keys to the Impala and got us all breakfast. When I returned Dean wasn't to happy.

"You took my baby without asking!" he shouted.

"Sorry, I didn't think it was that big of a deal." I said as I threw a bag of food at him then at Sam.

"Just ask next time." Dean said, the food had calmed him down. I took a note of that.

After we finished breakfast I took the boys to go get some suits. Sam thought it was smart to get suits, Dean on the other hand was stand offish. Dean came out of the back room at the Taylor's saying "I look like a frickin' monkey."

"A hot monkey." I added.

"Ha. I know. Thanks." Dean said as he was looking at himself in a mirror.

When we finally got to Lake Manitoc all the news reports were gone from lake. Sophie's brother told us the story about how Sophie was dragged under the water but by nothing.

"Do you think we cou have a word with your father?" I asked.

"He's not in the mood to talk right now." he answered.

"Look kid, this is important. Do you want to know what happened to your sister or not?" Dean asked

"Dean. Stop. We can talk to him when he's ready to talk. Let's go." I told him.

Dean was grumpy one the way to the motel and Sam has been quiet for most of the day. At the motel Sam was busy on the computer and Dean was either checking his phone every 20 minutes or leaving a voice mail to the same person.

Sam broke the silence by saying "We should be looking for Dad, not worrying about a case that might not even be our thing."

"Look I want to find Dad to but we have no leads on where he might be. So why not kick a little supernatural butt while we are at it?" Dean answered.

"We need to find Dad so I can get back to Jessica and back to my life." Sam argued.

"This is your life but fine, after this case I will take you back to Jessica and I'll find Dad with Sariel." Dean shouted.

"Finish the case with her, I'm leaving." Sam said then grabbed his stuff and slammed the door as he walked out.

After the fight I left so Dean can cool off. I decided to walk to the park and see if anyone knew Sophie. There was one girl who knew her, she had a son who didn't talk because his dad had drowned in the lake sometime last year. There was something about the water here because when I left the park I found out that Sophie's brother Will had drowned in the kitchen sink.

The little boy named Lucas gave me a drawing of a church and a house with a red bike. Artist usually have something to say in there photos even if they are young so I decided to check it out. I asked the lady if any children lived there abd she answered me with a story about how her son went missing 35 years ago. There was a picture of the little boy with Sophie and Will's father Billy.

I headed over to talk to Billy about what had happened but it was too late. When I got to Billy's house he was out on the lake. Moments later the boat exploded into the air and Billy was nowhere to be seen.

The Sheriff showed up and said three

that me and my "partner" should leave town because he knew that Dean and I were not FBI agents. I picked Dean up and the motel and drove off.

"We have to go pick up Sam." Dean said breaking the silence.

"At Stanford, why?" I asked.

"Jessica's dead." Dean answered bluntly.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The same yellow eyed prick that killed my mother." Dean answered and I knew he didn't want to talk anymore so I drove off towards Stanford.

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