I'll Steal Your Heart.

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~Sariel's POV~

Eric was still laying on the ground not moving. I ran over to him pulled the Hell Hound off of her. Eric began to stir then looked at me. "That beats hunting werewolves by far." He laughed.

Sam came running out of the motel room with the terrified girl hanging all over him. He seemed okay with it, I just rolled my eyes and went back to helping Eric up. Eric was covered in black blood from the Hell Hound.

"What's a Hell Hound?" Sam asked.

I turned to look at Sam when my eyes drifted down to his hand. He was holding hands with the girl. I tried to act like I didn't notice and said "They're dogs sent from hell to receive the soul that was sold during a crossroads deal."

Sam's hand moved away from the girl then he asked, "What do they look like?"

"Demonic pit bulls." Eric added in. "Fucking Demonic pit bulls."

Sam nodded at Eric then took the girl back to her room. He was going to explain what just happened.

Eric looked at me but didn't say anything, he just went off to his room. A couple minutes later Sam exited the motel room and came over to me.

I was sitting on the back of my truck with legs crossed, Sam stood in front of me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said looking down at my hands, they were knotted in my lap.

"It didn't seem like you were fine when I came out of the room the first time." Sam stated as he took a step forward.

"I don't know."

"I saw you looking down at my hands. Sylvia grabbed my hand when she got scared." Sam grabbed my chin and made me look in his beautiful hazel  eyes that are mute green than blue. "You're the only person I want to be with."

Sam leaned forward to kiss me and I held my breath. Before our lips touched I pulled away then said. "I'm not sure if we can be together." I looked down at my lap again, my hair fell off of my shoulders and covered the sides of my face.

"Why no-" Sam began to ask but my phone began to ring. It was Salem, she sounded upset and was mumbling every word because of her sobs.

"I have to go." I said standing up. Before I walked away I gave Sam a soft kiss on the cheek then disappeared.


Salem was sitting on the bed that her and Dean shared when we stayed at the cabin. She was hugging a teddy bear that Dean had won her a couple of cases ago.

"What's wrong?"  I asked as I sat down beside her.

"Dean broke up with me." She replied as she dried her eyes. "I need to go. I can't stay here everyday and look at Dean. When I look at him all I am going to think about is that I hurt him."

"You can't just leave. Plus if you were to leave where would you go?" I asked then it hit me. "With Crowley?"

"For now, yeah." Salem got up from the bed and started packing her bag.

"Salem, stay." I said but she ignored me.

Salem continued to pack her bag and once she was done she grabbed a piece of notebook page and began writing a letter. When she was finished she folded the paper and placed it under the teddy bear at the foot of the bed.

She left the room so I followed her. Salem walked outside and we stood in the driveway. She had her bag hanging off her shoulder then called out, "Crowley!"

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