Finally Free.

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~ Sariel's POV~

It's been about a month since I had spoken to Sam. Even though I hadn't talked to him I still watched over to him, Ruby had not been around. Sam went back to Bobby's and picked up Eric and Orion, they continued to hunt.

Castiel and I have both been busy trying to save Dean, every attempt had been a failure. I was starting to worry, there were 66 seals that needed to be broken in order to set Lucifer free from his cage and I knew a demon was going to try to break them. It is written, that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man sheds blood in Hell.

I walked towards the window when I heard Sam's voice. "Sariel, I don't know if you are listening or not but I need your help. Things aren't as easy as they were when Dean was here. It'd also be nice to see you." As much as I wanted to run and help him I knew that I couldn't. Sam made me weak.

Castiel appeared in my room, "I have found a way."

"For?" I asked.

"To save Dean." Castiel told me and I couldn't help but smile. I ran over tk Castiel and hugged him.

"How?" I asked as I pulled away from him.

"We have to go to Hell." Castiel told me.

Going to Hell wasn't going to be easy, we had to find the door first. Doors to Hell could be found anywhere, so we went to the nearest to Sam, Orion and Eric in Pontiac, Illinois.

When we got there demons were guarding the door. It was easy to smite them, so we continued into the depths of Hell. Demons were everywhere but we couldn't smite them because it would have drawn to much attention.

I turned the corner and someone place their hand over my mouth. "Shh." Without thinking I turned around and held the person up against the wall. When I recognized the face I lowered her down, Salem pulled me into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Salem whispered.

"I am here to save Dean." I told her.

"When did you get a halo?" Salem asked.

"I have always had one. You are gaining your powers back, that is the only way you could have known."

"What? No contractions?" Salem joked.

"I do not understand what she wants." Castiel added. "We are here to save Dean."

"May you distract Crowley for us?" I asked.

"Of course, of course." Salem assured me. "Dean is down this hall. Will I see you soon?"

I looked down and she realized that I was only here for Dean.

"Don't worry about me, get him out before anything else bad happens." Salem said.

"What do you mean?" Castiel asked with a puzzled look on his face.

There was a noise from around the corner and Salem told us to go. It was now or never. When I opened the door, my worst nightmare came to life. Dean standing over a soul and he had been torturing it.

"Dean!" I shouted and he turned to me.

His face fell, there was pain in his eyes. I grabbed him and we got out of there. Castiel would smite any demon that got in our way.

When we reached Earth, I pushed Dean. "What were you thinking!"

"Do you know the pain I went through?" Dean stated.

"I was tortured. I had my grace ripped out of me and shoved back in. You will never begin to understand pain."

Dean looked at me but did not say anything. I grabbed his arm and we were in front of a motel room. I knocked on the door and we waited.

After a few moments Sam opened the door, his eyes went straight to Dean.

"Hey there Sammy." Dean said.

Sam didn't say anything, he just grabbed Dean and pulled him into his arms. They hugged for a couple of minutes then Dean said, "Enough with the chick flick moment."

Sam let go of Dean then looked over at me. I couldn't look at him so I turned away. I tried to walk away but Sam grabbed my hand. "Can we talk?"

I looked at Castiel and he told me to go, so I followed Sam outside. We stood there for a couple of minutes before either of said anything.

"Where have you been?" Sam asked.

"In Heaven, righting my wrongs."

"Why haven't you talked to me?" he asked.

"You chose the demon. Things ended between us so I had to take a professional look on the situation."

"That's not what I wanted." Sam said looking hurt.

"You started drinking demon blood, Sam. I can already see the change in you."

"It was to save Dean." Sam stated.

"Then why is it still in your system? It's been I month since we have seen each other." I pointed out.

Being near Sam was already starting to change me. If I have a connection stronger than accepted with the one I am supposed to watch over it makes me weak. It wouldn't make me human but I wouldn't be as strong.

"Sariel." Sam said quietly.

I looked at him and knew that I needed to get away, a tear rolled down my face. "I'm sorry Sam." I kissed him on the cheek and then left.

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