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Crowley was off doing whatever when I got back. I went into the bedroom and began packing a bag. The only thing that I needed to do is be on my own. It wasn't fair for Dean for me to be here with Crowley and it wasn't fair for Crowley for me to be with Dean.

After I finished packing my bag I started to leave. There was a little yelp behind me and I turned to see Juliet wagging her tail, looking up at me and panting. She jumped up and I caught her in midair. Juliet began licking my face and my tears.

"I'm going to miss you Juliet. Don't change too much while I'm gone." I said as I gave her a kiss and set her back down. While I was walking to the door Juliet let out a little whimper then I was gone.

~Sariel's POV~

Dean came back from behind the cabin alone. He stopped in front of Sam and me and said, "Can we find a case already I'm tired of sitting here."

"We just got Sam back. Give it a moment before you go off on another suicide mission." I said without thinking.

"Just got me back? Suicide mission? What's going on." Sam asked sounding really confused.

"Dammit Sariel. You can tell him!" Dean said getting pissy then stormed off.

After I explained everything Sam was pissed but he decided not to say anything. We just went inside and I found Eric laying on the couch looking sick.

"What's wrong?"

"It's been forever since I've had blood from the vein. If I don't get some soon-" Eric started to say before I cut him off.

"You can control your drinking right?"

"Yeah, why" He asked.

I stuck out my wrist and Eric started to drink. After a minute or so Eric let my wrist go. "Thanks."

"No problem." I said as my wrist began to heal.

"I think I found a case." Sam said looking up from his computer.

"Finally." Dean said coming out of the room. "What's the case?"

"Vampires." Sam said. "In Red Lodge, Montana"

"Fucking Bloodsuckers." Eric said while bouncing up and down on the couch.

"You realize how ironic that is, don't you?" Sam said starring at him. 

Eric didn't reply he just walked around and began packing his stuff. Dean did the same as Sam did more research on the case. I went into the room and began packing both mine and Sam's things. All of Sam's things were nicely folded so it was easy to pack for him. When I turned around Salem was standing in the room. 

"I need your help." Salem stated in a whisper.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she hushed me.

"I can't be here and I can't be with Crowley. Not right now at least. I don't know what to do Sari." Salem whispered as she sat down on the bed. "I need somewhere to go." 

"Okay, I have an apartment that you can use for a little while until everything gets straightened out." 

"Really? Thank you." Salem thanked me.

I turned my back and went into my dresser, after I pulled out a couple of hundred bucks and a cell phone I gave them to Salem. "The boys don't have this number yet. Only I do. My number is already programed in the phone. Here, this will started you off until you get settled in. The apartment is in Atlanta, Georgia, here's the address." I said then wrote down the address for her.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Salem asked.

"Even though it's my nature to hate you, I can see the good in you Salem. You're unlike any demon I've met."

Before Salem could reply there was a knock on the door then Dean came in. He said it was time to go so I grabbed mine and Sam's bags and left the room. Salem was going to be on her own for awhile and I started to worry about her.

On the car ride there Eric sat up front because he complained that there wasn't enough room in the back. Dean was started to get annoyed by him because he wouldn't sit still. Sam sat in the back seat with me. I grabbed his and and moved closer to him so I could rest my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep after about an hour of driving. 

I woke up to Dean talking about the car as we passed the sign that said 300 miles until Red Lodge, Montana. "Doesn't she sound so sweet? Her engine is working better than ever." 

"You know, if you two want to get a room just let me know, Dean." I told him and Sam laughed.

"Don't listen to her baby. She's just jealous that Sam doesn't give her this much attention." Dean said as he rubbed the dashboard.

"You're in a good mood." 

"Why shouldn't I be? I got my car, got a case, things are looking up." Dean replied but I knew he was using the case as a distraction from Salem. 

"You give Dean a couple of severed heads and a pile of dead cows and he's Mr. Sunshine." Sam added in making me laugh.

For the rest of the car ride it was actually smooth. Eric would wig out causing all of us to laugh. We would listen to music, mainly Dean's singing though. The group hasn't been this happy in a long time.

We finally got to the Red Lodge Motel around 10pm so we decided to stay the night and start on the case tomorrow. Dean went to go check in while Eric started to calm down. When Dean came back he threw keys at Sam and told Eric that he was bunking with him. Sam and I both knew what Dean was trying to do.

The room that Dean got for us had one queen size bed. The bed set was a deep red. The room had a bath room at the far end of the room, a table sat next to the window and a tv was in front of the bed.

Sam was working on some research while I getting ready to go to bed when I got a phone call. I looked at my phone and stepped outside.

"Hey, what's up?"

"So I met another hunter when I got here, is it okay if she stays with me for awhile? She's only eighteen, that's too young for a-" Salem began to ask.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine. She's eighteen and a hunter?"

"Yeah, she's had it rough from what she's told me. " Salem stated.

"How did you meet her?"

Salem stated to laugh then said "She tried to stab me before she knew I was a hunter as well."

"She tried stabbing you? What's her name?"

"Orion Brit and yeah but it's whatever. Who hasn't almost stabbed someone before?"

When I heard her name I almost dropped my phone. "That is true I guess. Keep an eye on her though. I have to go."

"Thanks Sariel."

When I went back inside Sam had already laid down so I laid down with him. Sam placed his arm over him and kissed the top of my head then we both went to sleep.

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