Bobby's Place.

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Dean moved around the motel room grabbed different things and began throwing them into a bag. Salem watched him just like Sam and I did.

Dean looked back at us but continued to pack.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked.

"The demon knows that we are here. We have to go." Dean answered as he continued to pack.

"Where are we going to go?" Salem asked.

"A family friend, now go pack." Dean ordered.

Once we finished packing we got into the Impala, Sam gave the front seat to Salem because they didn't want us to get in a fight. Dean and Salem were having a pointless conversation so I rested my head on Sam's shoulder and fell asleep. Right before I pasted out I felt Sam shift closer to me so I wasn't uncomfortable.

When I woke up were we pulling into an old auto salvage yard. "Why are we at Bobby's?" I asked, both Dean and Sam looked back at me.

"You know Bobby?" Sam asked as he looked down at me.

"Uh- yeah. I met him on a case awhile back." I answered him.

Dean and Sam didn't say anything else, once they parked the car I was the first own out and up the stairs. I knocked and waited a few moments, an older man answered the door, he was rockin plaid shirt, an old blue and white baseball cap. He had a small beard going on but it was kept clean, surprisingly. Bobby had a little bit of a gut but it wasn't fat, more like a baby beer belly.

"Bobby!" I called out as I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

He hugged me back then said, "Sari, what are you doing here?"

I stepped back and moved out of Bobby's way so he could see the boys. "Who's that?" he asked.

"The Queen of Hell." I told him being serious.

"She can't be all that bad." he joked as the boys and Salem walked up the steps.

The boys introduced Salem to Bobby and then we went inside. The placed look exactly how it did the last I left, papers and older books about anything and everything supernatural. This house felt like home to me, other than what Castiel and the others had taught me about hunting Bobby taught me everything I know about hunting. Bobby was the hunter on the case when the vampire killed my best friend.

"Bobby, this book...I've never seen anything like it. Like, these protection circles, they actually work?" Sam said as he was sitting at a desk flipping through an old book.

Salem went to say something but I cut her off. "Yes, they trap demons inside and leave them powerless." Salem flashed me a bitchface and I just smiled at her.

"They're like Satanic roach motels." Bobby added and we all laughed.

The boys and Bobby spent most of the day catching up and talking about what was going on. Bobby and Salem talked a few times to get to know each other, she was growing on him so it seems like I was the only one who didn't like her.

Once it started getting dark I asked, "Hey Bobby, is my room still set up?"

"Yeah, of course." Bobby answered me then to the others he said, "There are two other spare bedrooms in the back."

"Thanks Bobby." Dean said as he grabbed Salem's hand and brought her to the bedroom.

Sam grabbed a couple of books then went off to his bedroom. Bobby pulled out a latter and began drawing a devil's trap on the ceiling. I figured I shouldn't bother him so I went to my bedroom. It was left exactly how I kept it. I had a white bed frame with a matching dresser. There was a plaid comforter with purple, grey, black and green colors, it had matching purple pillows. My clothers were still in my dresser, when we leave I was going to bring more clothes.

It was about ten o'clock so I decided to go to sleep. When I woke up the clock next to me read three am, there were voices outside my window. I opened my curtain a little bit so I could see what was going on, it was Crowley and Salem outside.

"We can't keep meeting in secret." Salem told Crowley.

"How else are we going to see each other?" Crowley asked.

"I'm not the same girl Crowley." Salem answered him.

"Maybe not but you're still my girl." Crowley stated.

"We aren't in Hell anymore." Salem answered him trying to sweetly.

Crowley moved towards Salem, then moved a piece of hair out of her face and said. " That may be true but that doesn't change anything. I love you and I know that you still love me." Crowley then kissed Salem.

I backed away from the window, I couldn't believe what I just saw. Crowley and Salem kissing.

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