True Love

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~Sariel's POV~

My fists beat into Sam's chest as tears began pouring from my eyes. There were so many mixed fillings running through my mind. I was pissed because he spelt with Madison, upset because I could have lost him and happy because he was still alive. 

Sam took every one of my hits before he pulled me into his arms and just held me there. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tight. I never wanted to lose him again. 

"Come outside with me." Sam whispered as he took my hand leading me outside.

I stood there looking at him out on the porch until he finally said, "I'm sorry."

"That's it? That's your big apology?" I began to say. "The day before I thought that there was something going on here. Between us I mean. Then the next you getting laid by a frickin' werewolf!" I shouted loud than I realized. 

"You clearly said that you weren't sure if we could be together." Sam said trying to defend himself

"I'm a girl. That doesn't mean jack shit. I thought I was the only girl you wanted to be with." I said trailing off and looking down. 

"You are. I know just saying that I am sorry isn't going to fix any. What can I do to fix things?" Sam asked.

I didn't know what to say so I walked to the edge of the porch and sat on the railing. Sam walked over towards me and stood in front of me like he did the other night. He leaned his head down until our foreheads were resting on each other. We sat like this for a couple of minutes before I couldn't take it anymore. I reached up and pulled Sam into a kiss, when our lips met it felt like time itself stood still. 

~Salem's POV~ 

Crowley was waiting for me to tell him about the deal when I got back to Hell. It was going to be one of those bittersweet things for him to hear.

"Who was the sucker at the crossroads this time?" Crowley asked as he took a sip of whine.


Crowley nearly spit out the whine all over Juliet who was asleep on his lap. "What did he sell his soul for and how long did you give him?" 

"Sam's life and a year." 

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Crowley asked as he moved Juliet and walked over to me. "As much as I want you to stay here, if you need to go you can." 

"No, I'm happy here. I'm happy with you. I just need to go talk to him." I told Crowley.

"Then go. I'll be here when you get back. Like always." Crowley said sweetly.

"Like always." I smiled then gave him a kiss on the cheek and I was gone. 

Since demons can go wherever they want I went to Dean's room. He was sitting at the foot of the bed with the letter I had left him in his hands.

He looked up at me then said "How can you be a demon?" I didn't even know that he realized I was there.

"It's a long story."

"Well, I've got nothing but time." Dean said looking me in the eyes.

I moved to the bed and sat down next to him cautiously. "Before I was human I was a demon. The Queen of Hell actually but Azazel tried killing me with a demon blade. Azazel managed to stab me and as I laid on the floor dying Crowley sent my soul up to Earth. Now I have the ability to be both demon and human. The more time I spend in Hell I become a demon. When I am up here I become human again." I explained to Dean.

Dean sat there in silence for a couple of minutes then stood up and grabbed my hand and brought me outside. We passed Sariel and Sam who sitting in the swing. They were holding hands, while Sariel's legs rested on Sam's lap. They were smiling and laughing both looking happy as ever.

We headed towards the back of the cabin when Dean dropped my hand.

"Do you remember this place?" Dean asked.

I looked around and realized where he has brought me. I turned around to see D&S carved into the cabin and I ran my fingers along each letter. This was the place where Dean told me that he loved me for the first time. It was right after a Rugaru hunt.

Dean turned me back around and pulled me into a kiss. When his lips met mine I felt safe again but I had to pull away.

"This was the place where I told you I loved you for the first time. I wanted it to be my last as well. I will always love you Salem." Dean explained.

"I love you too." I told him, I knew I was no good for him now so I left and went back to Hell.

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