The Last Seal.

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~Salem's POV~

It's been over a month since we have seen Sariel, Eric and Orion. At night, I could hear Sam praying to Sariel but there was no answer. Every time when Sam wanted to give up on her I would convince him otherwise.

We stayed at Bobby's until a week after they disappeared. Dean convinced us to go hunting again and look for them on the way.

As time went on I began to lose hope of us ever seeing them again. It was like they fell off the face of the earth. Not one phone was received from them and they wouldn't answer our calls.

~Sariel's POV~

"Come on, Eric and Orion. Wake up." I said as I opened the blinds of the motel room.

Eric grabbed a pillow and threw it at me but missed. "Just a few more minutes."

"If you sleep a few more minutes then that gives Ruby more time to free Lucifer. We have to stop these seals from breaking." I said in a rush.

"Sari." Orion said as she sat up. "You don't have to wait until we stop whatever this is to see Sam you know."
"No, I do." I stated. "Hurry up and get dressed." I said then was gone.

Castiel was standing on the hill waiting for me. We talked for a minute about all the failed attempts to stop each seal from breaking but everything we did wouldn't work. At first we thought that it was our fault but then we realized that an angel was going against us to make it happen. We weren't sure as to which angel it as yet but whomever it was, they really wanted the apocolaypse to happen. They wanted to see the fight between two brothers once again, they wanted the two vessels to play their roles. 

I planned on keeping Lucifer in his cage at whatever cost. This was our last try to stop the apocolaypse, we needed to stop Sam, Dean and Salem.

Castiel and I went back to the motel, Eric and Orion were dressed and ready to go. We had to drive to St. Mary's Convent because the other angels would have sensed us transfering anything that wasn't an angel. To keep angel from finding Eric and Orion, I put sigils on their ribs that would keep them hidden from us. They had to call me to let me know where they were. 

Castiel wasn't a fan of cars so he decided that he would go ahead with out us. We all got into my truck and began driving to Ilchester, Maryland. Eric drove because he was the fastest and if he were to get a tickect he could easliy compelle the police officer to forget about it. 

"Sariel, are you okay?" Orion asked. 

"Yeah, I am fine. Why do you ask?"

"I know that you miss Sam, why do you have to until this is finished to see him?" She continued to ask questions. 

"Because Sam is Lucifer's vessel. I have to protect Sam, that is my responsiblity and if Lucifer gets free there will be nothing that I can do. Lucifer is stronger than me and can easily over power me. If Lucifer gets free than it is all up to Sam." I told her. 

"What do you mean that it is up to Sam?" Eric added in.

"As an Angel you need permission to enter a vessel. Even though Lucifer created demons he is still technically an angel therefore he will need Sam's permission to enter his body even though he is his true vessel." I explained. 

"Oh, gotcha." Orion stated then we were quiet for most of the car ride. 

During the car ride I left Eric and Orion to check up on Sam, Dean and Salem. As an angel I was able to be invisible whenever I wanted to. 

I appeared in the impala without actually being in the impala, Dean was driving, Sam was in the passenger seat and Salem still sat in the back. 

"Come on Sammy, cheer up." Dean said to Sam. 

"I'll cheer up once we gank Ruby." Sam lied. 

"There has to be a reason that Sari left. She wouldn't have just left for no reason." Salem added in.

"Yeah well, why could Castiel come around and she couldn't?" Sam stated.

"He's sorta my quardian angel." Dean laughed. 

"Yeah and Sariel is mine but she wasn't there when I needed her." Sam said. 

They were quiet for the rest of the car ride, so I took that as my time to leave. I went to the convent just as Orion and Eric were arriving. It was early and no one was there so there was no one to stop. Eric and Orion checked into a motel, Castiel and I followed them but we never actually went into the bedroom because they busy. 

Once it got dark we went back to the convent, I noticed that the impala was parked out front so I knew that it wasn't good. We all ran inside, Orion was stabbing demons with her demon blade, Eric was stabbing demon wtih an angel sword because that could also kill demon. Castiel and myself would smite any demon that they missed. 

We ended up standing in front of a door that lead into the main room. I heard Sam's voice yelling at Ruby and I knew that we needed to get in. Eric kicked the door open and we rushed inside. Ruby was in Salem's arms trying to get free but she was too weak. Orion went to go stop them but Sam took the demon blade out of her hand and stabbed Ruby in the chest. Her skeleton lit up as she fell to the floor bleeding. 

"Noooo!!!!" I yelled running over to Ruby. Even though I hated her, her death was the last seal. 

Ruby's blood followed a line and it started to shine. The floors began to crack and open up. There was a blinding light coming from the floor and then all I heard was screams before everything went dark. 

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