Meanwhile In Hell

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When I got home everything was quite. None of the demons would look me in the eye but that was expected of them. Juliet came from around the corner so I picked her up. "Let's go check on mommy, shall we." I said as I pet her head.

We looked throughout the whole house and when I got to the bedroom it was empty as well. The closest was open but Salem's things were missing. "Juliet, where's mommy?" I asked as I held her in front of my face. "Don't know? I guess we will just have to find out."

"Ruby!" I shouted.

"An angry British Boy, shocking." Ruby said as she entered the room.

Ruby had long blonde hair, and light crystal blue eyes. She wore a pair of dark wash jeans, with a low cut grey shirt, a black leather jacket and a pair of black leather healed boots. Ruby also had the hair on her left side tucked behind her ear.

"I need you to go check on the Winchesters for me." I ordered her. "Work your magic on my moose."

"Okay." Ruby said them she was gone.

~Sariel's POV~

Cas appeared in the room with Orion, disappeared and reappeared with and unconscious Dean, then disappeared once more only to reappear with Salem.

I rushed over to Orion who still wasn't healed as Sam and Salem rushed over to Dean. Before Cas could come heal Orion, I had already placed two fingers on her forehead and healed her. Salem threw water onto Dean's face which woke him up.

"I thought it was just a Rugaru case." I said sitting back down because jumping up wasn't the smartest choice with my stitches.

Dean moved right passed Salem and went to check on Orion. Salem gave me a face like what just happened? I shrugged because honestly I didn't know.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked Orion.

"I'm fine Dean, thanks to our angel." Orion said and I couldn't help but smile.

Eric then entered the room holding a cooler in his hand. "Where were you?" I asked him.

"Blood run, what went on here?" Eric asked.

"Long stor-"

"Wait, like human blood?" Orion added cutting me off as she looked past Dean.

"No shit Sherlock, yes human blood." Eric said very sarcastically.

Orion went to go after Eric but Dean quickly grabbed her and pulled her back. Salem stormed out of the room and Sam told me to go after her.

"Salem! Wait." I called out.

"Did you see that! Dean didn't even care that I was there, he went straight to Orion! She's eighteen, fucking eighteen." Salem began to rant.

"He was probably just making sure that she was okay." I told her trying to calm her down.

"You were stabbed with a fucking archangel sword and he didn't react like that. There was more of a chance of you dying because no one could heal you. You healed her in a second. Probably quicker." Salem ranted again as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Guy troubles?" We heard from behind us. I turned to see this ugly face. I haven't seen a face like that in years. Within a second, I had the thing pinned up again the wall.

"Sari! What are you doing!" Salem shouted.

"She's a demon." I told her not taking my eyes of the her.

"I'm here to help break Dean's deal, you know the one that you made." The girl barked.

"Let her go." Salem said so I did, I really needed to think about my stitches more because these sudden movements weren't helping. "Ruby?"

"Hey Salem." The girl answered.

"How are you going to break Dean's deal?" I asked.

"Crowley let me in on a few things." Ruby said as she walked pasted me and bumped my shoulder. I swear if it wouldn't kill me I would have smite her right then.

"Crowley doesn't talk to lower class demons." Salem stated.

"You'd be surprised what he'd do to get you home." Ruby said with a smile.

Salem went to go say something but Sam walked out of the room. He asked who the blonde girl was so Salem and I told him. Sam was more understanding when it came to certain things unlike Dean.

Ruby quickly disappeared before Eric came out of the room next because he said he thinks he found a demon that we'd want to put an end to. Dean was behind him with Orion when he asked, "What demon could it be?"

"Azazel." Eric said as he turned around.

"Azazel?" Sam asked. "Why does that name sound familiar?"

"Because it's Yellow Eyes." I told them. Everyone quickly glance at me, except Salem because she already knew.

"Well let's go kill this son of a bitch." Orion added in.

"How do you know about Yellow Eyes?" Dean asked as he turned to Orion.

"Salem has told me enough." Orion said as she pulled out the demon blade from her boot.

Dean smiled at her then said, "Alright. Let's go. Eric and Salem can ride with you. Sam and Orion will ride with me." 

"Where's Cas?" I asked.

"I don't know. He just left without saying anything." Sam said. "Right after you left the room actually."

"Okay, well let's get packing then." We all went into our rooms and quickly packed our bags. No one said a word until we were back out by the cars.

"So when are we going to do my hair? I was kinda looking forward to going red." Orion asked before we left.

"I still have the dye, so the next time we stop for the night but for niw we have a far drive ahead of us." I told Orion.

"Sounds good to me." Orion said then she hopped into the impale.

"A red head? That's hot." I heard Dean say before he got into the impala. Salem must have heard him tok because he rolled her eyes and climbed into the back seat of the truck.

Eric was the only one who knew where we were going so we lead. We all got in the cars and took off to end Azazel for good.

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