Scared To Death: Part One.

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~Sariel's POV~

Dean sat there holding Salem as she cried herself sober. Orion came over and when she saw Salems he asked what was wrong, Sam filled her in then she sat down next to her rubbing her back.

Sam asked me to go outside with him so I did. "What are we going to do?" he asked.

"Honestly, I don't know."

"Would the baby be considered a cambion?" Sam asked.

I looked at him confused because I was confused he knew what was a cambion was. "No, Salem isn't like other demons. She has a soul."

"That's true." Sam said.

"Let's go back inside, both Dean and Salem need us right now."

When we entered the room Crowley was standing over Salem. "What's going on here?" Crowley asked.

"I'm pregnant." Salem cried.

Crowley dropped to his knees in front of Salem and grabbed her hands. "How far along?"

"Three months." I told him and he turned to me.

"But that would mean." He said not finishing his sentence as he looked at Dean.

"I'm sorry." Salem said as she stood up to face Crowley.

Crowley forced Dean to the wall and Orion pulled out her demon blade. Castiel appeared in the room and placed himself between Crowley and Dean.

"Leave him be." Castiel said as Sam stepped closer to Crowley.

"I wouldn't move moose or squirrel here gets it." Crowley said coldly.

Sam stopped moving amd Castiel put his hand up. "Go Crowley. Leave Dean alone." 

Crowley looked at Salem then he was gone leaving her here with us. I told Orion to take Salem out of the room for a little bit and she did. Dean fell to his feet and fixed his jacket.

"Can we go on this case, I really need to gank something." Dean said.

"Sure, we'll leave first thing in the morning." Sam said then Dean walked out of the room.

"I sense that Salem is pregnant. Am I wrong?." Neither of us said anything."I am going to go talk to him." Castiel said then was gone.

"So what now?" Sam asked.

"First we take this case, then we have seven months to prepare for this child." I told him. Sam and I both changed out of our clothes then went to bed.

Around two I was woken up by the sound of dry heaves coming from the bathroom. Dean was asleep in the other bed so I figured it must have been Salem. When I opened the door she was sitting on the floor, leaning over the toilet. I crouched down next to her as she threw up once more.

Dean appeared in the doorway way. "Go back to bed, Sari. I got this."

As I was walked out of the bathroom Dean sat next to Salem and moved hair out of her face. Even after everything he still loved her.

The next morning when I woke I noticed Dean and Salem laying together in the bed. Dean had his arm around her with his hand directly on her stomach. This was the best I've seen Dean sleep in a long time.

It was still early so I grabbed my things and took a quick shower. When I was finished I put on my black skinny jeans, light blue sweater and my books.

Everyone was awake when I exited the bathroom.

"Don't you ever get hot? You're always wearing sweaters." Dean pointed out.

"I'm an angel, I don't feel heat." I said. "And I like my sweaters thank you very much."

"I'm just saying." Dean said and I saw a small smile across Salem's face.

Eric and Orion walked through the door and sat down on the couch. They were holding hands. Eric smiled at Salem and said, "I'm glad you're back, it's been pretty boring since you left." Orion smacked his shoulder and he looked at her, I could tell that they were having one of their mental conversations.

Sam laughed then said, "Dude, I'm sure you've been anything but bored."

Orion began to blush.

"So, which three of us are going out for the case, at least just to talk to the cops." I stated.

"Yeah, six is a lot of FBI agents. Do you guys still have your badges?" Dean asked Salem and me.

"Didn't really need them in Hell." Salem stated then Dean turned to me.

"Uh, yeah." I told him.

"Alright, well get changed. You, me and Sammy will go." Dean said then turned to Orion and Eric. "Keep Salem company until we get back, then all of us can go check it out."

I went and changed in pencil skirt and pink blouse. I had also put my hair into a professional up do. When I was done the boys were already changed in their cheap suits.

We took the impala even though I begged to take my truck because I haven't driven it in forever plus I didn't know that they brought it with them.

We arrived at the morgue thirty minutes later. The doctor brought us in to look at the body.

"It says here that he died of a heart attack." Sam said sounding professional.

"Yup, of a heart attack." The doctor said.

"It says here that he was fourty four and a marathon runner.

"Everyone drops dead sooner or later, that's why you get job security." The doctor joked but none of us found it funny.

"Don't you think it's strange? Plus two guys around the same age died yesterday of a heart attack as well." Dean added.

"Why does the FBI care anyway?" asked.

"We just take the cases we are given." I told him.

"Show us the autopsy report." Dean ordered.

"What autopsy?" The doctor asked.

"The one you're about to do."

The doctor didn't say anything thing else. He handed us gloves and aprons, then put on some of his own.

The doctor grabbed a pair of rib cutters and began to cut into the body. The scent was sickening if you weren't used to it, it was a good thing that Salem didn't come for this case.

I moved the body's are and noticed some bloody scratch marks near the crease of his elbow. "Hey, do you have any idea where he got these?"

"You know, when you drop dead you literally drop sometimes. He probably got cut up." The doctor said. "Hm. I don't see any block arteries. Looks pretty healthy to me." The doctor said as he pulled the man's heart out. "Hold that for a second." He said then gave the heart to Dean.

Dean made a face but took the heart anyway. While the doctor was working on the body Dean elbowed and said as he held out the heart. "Hey, be my Valentine?"

Sam rolled his eyes as something from the body splashed his face. "Sorry, spleen juice." The doctor apologized.

The doctor finished the autopsy and we left. While we sitting in the impala Sam said. "Let's go back to the motel, I need to shower and change before we go talk to the sheriff."

"What, scared of a little spleen juice?" Dean asked as he started the engine then we drove back to the motel.

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